Well i am a new player but i have seen my sister play genshin alot so i know almost everything cause at this point shes maxed out and have noting to do in game and she talks alot about game so i almost everything. Ill not be wasting my primos on any special banner. Ill use them on standard banner and choose from those character whos most appealing to me and then ill make that characters team. Atleast i wont have to wait for a whole year or 2 for special banner hero to come so i can have my first constellation after pulling from that special character banner. I can have have more constellation in 1 year from standard banner compared to special. So all these new mechanic , design and powerful characters coming in special banner are worthless for me and i dont even have that temptation of hype either that ( Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh this new character is dope ). Ill be happy with standard banner and improve those characters. But thanku for the news , i started watching u recently and ur channel is great, far better then most i have seen. Subbed. Good day!
ОтветитьRemember to get citlali cause she'll wont rerun for 100000000 years
ОтветитьPls can I get welkin moon I'll send in my uid
ОтветитьF k that, still going for Capitano, abyss is easy af anyway.
ОтветитьIm still saving for Arlecchino, praying she is in phase 2 so i can get enough. Currently exactly 30 wishes saved with a 50/50
ОтветитьMavuika = jiggly butt
Citlali = cranky granny
Hard pass, the gameplay is not for me.
ОтветитьTo those who spend intertwined and primogems to get Nuevillette I suggest to get citlali support it's good combo for nuevillette though don't set party that each one is dps no support and element reaction.
Ответитьi was saving pity and i accidently rolleed neuvi 😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьIf I get Mavuika I’m pairing her with my C1 Neuvillette for Vaporize and a backup DPS
ОтветитьI’m just grateful I’m guaranteed and have already saved a lot after losing my 50/50 on xilonen c1, lost my last couple of 50/50s so hopefully I can get my capturing radiance on my next one
ОтветитьWhen Hoyo is going to powercreep Bennett and Xiangling 😭
ОтветитьSo if i dont have xilonen, do i stick with arlecchino or pull for mavuika?
ОтветитьShould i pull for maviuka if i don't have any other natlan character?
ОтветитьThat’s it I will pull Mavuika then Citatli and I will spend all on Mavuika 😁
ОтветитьAs a f2p ive just bagged neuvieltte and got his sig, im broke rn and i dont see a reason for another DPS, honestly i just think Mavuikas for the whales because of the amount of other 5 star characters you need to build her properly
ОтветитьI have 70 intertwined fates and if worst comes to worst I shall use money to make sure i get my pyro Queen!
Ответитьcitlali is perfect for mavuika so now i want both
ОтветитьMy only Natlan character is Kachina but I'm definitively going for mavuika since I was saving for her since the start of natlan I have around 300 wishes now and I don't have a 50/50 but I'm not sure if I should go first for her c1 or r1
ОтветитьSo mavuika, xilonen, citali, bennet the team??
Ответитьthe jiggle physics is so unnecessary bruh why does she has so much fanservice😭😭
ОтветитьI am a f2p player and going for Mauvika and her weapon wish me luck 🤞 i really needs your blessings 🥺.
ОтветитьI love how they always say „when you get that character to C-X“…. Like bruh, as a f2p player I am happy if I can rake up enough wishes to even pull her wym get her to C-X?? 😫 best not bother at all then.
As much as I like the gatcha thrill… sometimes I wish they would offer a direct way to get the character even if it would cost xx primogems more. 🙄
Thanks for your reviewing!
As a player who main Ayaya and Nahida:
Before waiting: I kept too many primos, maybe it's time for archon and Citlali. Of Course they're OP for sweeping theater and travelling, right?
After watching: Citlali is cute tho and can levitate, kinda useful but I might need 3rd team since she can't replace Diona 🥲. Then about Mavuika, .. *YEET* 😂
Skipping Mavuika. I don't care how strong she is, I'm not pulling a DPS for meta. Four years and they still won't power creep Xiangling or Bennett, but they'll power creep Arlecchino in less than a year. We need to make an example.
I will however be going for both Citlali and Lan Yan.
Citlali cuz she’s cryo and you guys know how much hoyo LOVES their cryo characters 🌚
ОтветитьThe spiral abyss hate to her her coming
ОтветитьI feel like the jiggle physics alone is enough for me not to want her lmao
Ответитьshould i go for c0 r1 or c1 mavuika? i dont have any 5* claymores😭😭
Ответитьi skipped xilonen for mavuika smh
ОтветитьOhhh i have saved 47000 primos as f2p for her knowing full well she is not worth it. Will use her in other teams for fun since genshit has got boring lately with region locks.
ОтветитьThis video sucks. Yaps about the same thing again and again. No specific details. Basically no use info
Ответитьlan yan is about how cute she is. End of story.
ОтветитьI am on 35 pity guranteed pulling for nuevilette C2,I might stop pulling fornhis C2
ОтветитьMoral of the story. My 10k hard farmed primos won’t be enough
ОтветитьMavuika's main problem is she NEEDS Natlan characters to be good. Her literal burst is based around Nightsoul consumption- it's going to be painful for F2Ps who skipped Natlan pulling just for her.
ОтветитьArlecchino or mavuika?
ОтветитьJiggle physics on her bottom parts ????? Bruh......i was not feeling the motorcycle to keep it a hundred with yall, but now, now i must pull for her and i will !!!!
ОтветитьWhat about Mavuika off-field damage?? I dont care abt the main dps part, she is the 8th pyro dps onfield
ОтветитьIn summary, if you need these two 5✨ character you should also get their constellations
ОтветитьI need captain
ОтветитьMavuika being dependent and needing region locked characters is something I'm not looking foward to in the future. I don't want to be forced to pull for Xilolen or any other Natlan character. Sadly she is not flexible. Arle is better.
ОтветитьI’ve blown like 239 pulls on Natlan characters so far and have gotten 2 (Mualani at C0R0, Kinich at C2R1). No lost 5050s yet (hopefully I don’t lose Mavuika or Arle either). I’ve got about 221 (130 pity built across weapon and character banners, 91 pulls saved) and I plan to go for Mavuika C0 and Arlecchino C1R1 (if possible). I might get Citlali in place of Arlecchino’s R1 though.
ОтветитьI'm saving up to pull for Arlecchhino but Mavuika's vroom vroom tickles my primogems 😅
ОтветитьMavuika design is a slap in the face to games integrity. Not only did they have audacity to make her ride motorcycle when lore has nothing to do with it, they didnt even bother to naker her attacks physically cohesive. Shes just jumping around her motorcycle as if its mario running on top of mushrooms