Nodemailer - Send Emails From Your Node.js App

Nodemailer - Send Emails From Your Node.js App

Traversy Media

6 лет назад

366,085 Просмотров

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Vath Sackvongchan
Vath Sackvongchan - 09.05.2023 21:58

Hi, awesome video thanks for sharing such a great totorial by the way on sender email didn't display email that have sent

Alfredo Olmedo
Alfredo Olmedo - 25.04.2023 22:00

My Sugestion to save and use passwords and all this type of information, use an DOTENV file and hide it

Coffee is the path to victory
Coffee is the path to victory - 14.02.2023 07:05

This is 5 years old but still good, thanks

heythem ba
heythem ba - 05.11.2022 01:59

thank you very much is very helpful😁

Peter Varga
Peter Varga - 03.11.2022 16:26

Hi friends, any idea how to scroll to the form after it was sent? I have the form lower on a longer page, so after it is send I need to scroll to the form so I can see it was really sent. Thanks!!!

Monir Hossain Rabby
Monir Hossain Rabby - 01.11.2022 20:34

Thanks for sharing. I learned something new from this video

Thai Son Nguyen
Thai Son Nguyen - 12.10.2022 08:44

const { engine } = require("express-handlebars");

// View engine setup
app.engine("handlebars", engine());

Levontriz - 09.10.2022 00:25

for people watching in 2022 express-handlebars has been updated so instead of exphbs() you do exphbs.egine()

sixtus ushahemba
sixtus ushahemba - 13.09.2022 16:53

Thanks alot for such tutorial please, I was following up with this tutorial but then, I got into an error which I have been trying to resolve but hasn't find a solution yet.The was that exphbs() is not a function. Below is the error
app.engine('handlebars', exphbs())

TypeError: exphbs is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\SIXTUS\OneDrive\Desktop\NODEMAILER\App.js:10:26)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1126:14)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1180:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1004:32)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:839:12)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12)
at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...

EveretteCar - 10.09.2022 18:59

Just started my journey in to backend and wanting to put a contact form on my portfolio. This is awesome, thank you for this. I realize this is about 5 years old at this point but I’m subscribing and looking forward to you new stuff.

Maniac - 27.08.2022 19:59

Thank You . it is really usefull and easy tutorial,

J S - 10.08.2022 14:31

Thank you, Brad! Considering the frequency by which Node, NPM etc are updated, could you please indicate which versions you are using? Thank you so much!

Szparowanie PL
Szparowanie PL - 09.08.2022 12:45

2022 update
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory in express-handlebars

app.engine('handlebars', exphbs.engine({
defaultLayout: false,

aymane abssi
aymane abssi - 13.07.2022 17:48

did he just say he has 6 monitors ? XD
i have 3 and i get lost lol

Michael Harris
Michael Harris - 08.05.2022 14:33

Thank you for a great video. Appreciate you!

Michael Harris
Michael Harris - 08.05.2022 12:10

TypeError: exphbs is not a function

This error is killing me. Was working fine until I added the res.render('contact');

Nicholas Dittmer
Nicholas Dittmer - 25.04.2022 07:22

Excellent tutorial as always. It was that tls thing that had me stumped. Do we need to remove that for production?

ndahayo kevin
ndahayo kevin - 10.04.2022 21:55

Father of Many developers Because of his content

Apuliba Atawine
Apuliba Atawine - 28.02.2022 18:56

Hello, I want to rack email open or not with nodejs and nodemailer. how do I do that?

환이 - 24.02.2022 06:30

I started studying after watching a lecture on Udemy. You are always helpful. thank you.
