I Took 10 DNA Tests and Compared Them | Which One Should You Take?

I Took 10 DNA Tests and Compared Them | Which One Should You Take?


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U U - 07.10.2023 06:11


Vionne Latta
Vionne Latta - 28.09.2023 05:50

What about American Indian descendants ?!?

Judith Carlone Levi
Judith Carlone Levi - 28.09.2023 02:01

What is wrong with your voice?

Abdallah Al hamidi
Abdallah Al hamidi - 27.09.2023 02:11


Abdallah Al hamidi
Abdallah Al hamidi - 27.09.2023 02:11


Amanda Lee
Amanda Lee - 21.09.2023 20:17

Ancestry DNA helped me find my brother that I never even knew I had or existed. I’m so thankful for them ❤

Shae Lawson
Shae Lawson - 20.09.2023 05:03

Man. The fact that you get money if specific ones are sold with your link. This RUINS the scientific process.

Savta Kate
Savta Kate - 19.09.2023 22:04

I took the 23&Me test because of muscle rigidity trouble when I took serotonin elevating medication or supplements. It showed a specific gene with mutation that partly explains the problem. I read good things about The DNA Company, so just did that one. There is not a search tool. It reported a serotonin pathway dysregulation. I wrote to the company, asking which gene or genes. They never replied. I won't do further business with that one.

Kelly Lyn Brunelle
Kelly Lyn Brunelle - 19.09.2023 21:17

Need Help!!!! Looking for the best way to confirm results...I used CRI Genetics, learned a lot but it did not match my Parents (MT-DNA)test from 23andme. Mom has passed, Want more info. before I confront my Dad-What should I do???? What would be the best test to confirm and find relatives?

Ilham Budi Abdillah
Ilham Budi Abdillah - 17.09.2023 11:21

I took 24Genetics (based in Spain) instead of them. 😂😂😂

The B
The B - 12.09.2023 10:23

My Ancestry and Myheritage results are wildly different, I'm trying Livingdna to get a third opinion so see how that goes.

Javad Hashtroudian
Javad Hashtroudian - 05.09.2023 00:59

I don't care about my ancestry only about longevity. Thus I just ordered from Nebula genomics. Looking forward to getting the test soon.

J Alrighty
J Alrighty - 04.09.2023 14:05

I'm not so paranoid about the privacy aspect, but I 100% understand those who are. But I found it strange that you would suggest that you would suggest that governments would rather send agents out swabbing coffee cups instead of just having instant access to millions of processed (at your cost) results, with personal data attached to them, and in digital format already. Very silly.

photosmartkidking - 04.09.2023 03:05


Lesley Miller
Lesley Miller - 03.09.2023 11:29

Thank you so much for an amazing and easy to understand break down. I still have a question that is embarrassing. As a female, I've been told it's not possible to to determine my paternal genetic line. Is that true? I just simply mean for ancestry and possible health factors. Is there a company that can trace my paternal origins ? Sorry again if my question is ignorant. Thank you so very much

Richard Mobbs
Richard Mobbs - 03.09.2023 01:47

I'm curious to know if you took the test under a specific ethnic last name.

ANDREA - 02.09.2023 02:38

So for Italians, Spanish etc... Crigenetics would be the best ?

94AJ94 - 31.08.2023 15:57

Nebula is WoW!!! Is just a wow

Luke virtualgamerUK
Luke virtualgamerUK - 30.08.2023 17:48

I've done two as ancestory got lost crap. I can't wait for the result I think I know where I'm from but who knows.

Johnny Meringues
Johnny Meringues - 27.08.2023 19:11

The only one not currently owned by jews TellmeGen

Norm Sanders
Norm Sanders - 20.08.2023 03:20

Never came across, nor previously heard of this channel/individual ... nor would I think I'd find it interesting in the least, but WOW have I been surprised. VERY IMPRESSED by what comes across as a convincing non-bias (as much as anyone is capable of), transparency, and great details/breakdown. Instant subscriber, and looking forward to checking out more of their (or your, if you read these) work!

Lon Link
Lon Link - 19.08.2023 00:03

If you clicked this to see result comparisons, I'll save you some time, this is essentially an ad for each company

TrajanaFortis - 16.08.2023 13:52

Has anyone used tellmeGen? Since they are based in Spain would they know more specifically about Spain and Africa? Most of my ancestry is from Iberia with a lot Moroccan-North African influence.

Bombatta - 14.08.2023 01:00

You seem to be a very nice person and I love your videos. However, can you please stop slowing down the audio in your videos? Furthermore, can you please drop the habit of pausing in the middle of your sentences? To watch any of your content without going insane, I have to speed up your videos to 2X. Thank you.

S Powell
S Powell - 11.08.2023 00:59

I'm glad you covered privacy, but I'm still bothered that none of them treat your info under HIPAA... I don't care about anonymized research, but I don't trust them to delete and destroy if I request it. and if they are bought I can see EvilMoneyCorp selling the info without any notice... so yeah... thank you for doing the tests, great info.....

Ctirad Perunovič
Ctirad Perunovič - 09.08.2023 20:33

I'm sure that most of you guys know it but I just want to clarify them for those who may not know. The main results are actually quite accurate because English DNA is overwhelmingly Anglo-Saxon and as we know, the Angles and Saxons were Germanic tribes that previously lived with other Germanic tribes in central, northern and western Europe, so in this case it will to deal with the same Germanic origin and basically it doesn't matter if it was a Germanic ancestor in the territory of continental Europe or already on the islands. FamilyTreeDNA results looks for me the most accurate, even it's interesting that they also found a partially Slavic origin, which may be due to the larger database, which includes also many Slavic people. Many Western Slavs (Polabian Slavs mainly) were assimilated as part of strict christianization by the Frankish Empire in the Early Medieval times so maybe there is a reason for this Slavic part of origin.

Carol Suniga
Carol Suniga - 08.08.2023 05:16

Thank you for this video, I tried Family Tree and My Heritage but didn't show any Jewish dna until I tested with Ancestry. But My Heritage did show that I had a connection with North Rhine Germany, and shiwed me marches that I have with Jewish ancestry too. But only in Ancestry I found a cousin that actually has 16% Jewish dna, and I only have 1%😔. But each Co. I tested with gave me different results when it came to European dna. I mean rhey were kind of close but different. My Heritage said I was 12% Scandinavia for my European side plus 2.9 Balkan, but Family Tree said I was Iberian, with Magyar and Slavic. I wish I knew who was correct🤔

JewishKeto - 05.08.2023 22:39

I had a co worker tell me about the concerns of arrest and I said “…if someone committed a crime… I WANT them to get arrested!”

nOiSiCaL - 01.08.2023 18:25

I'm from & live in North Wales..glad to hear you have some ancestors from here :)

Karata Tussu
Karata Tussu - 31.07.2023 19:44

Have 3 different people send your sample to same company

Bentutsi Bensamale
Bentutsi Bensamale - 27.07.2023 20:04

No way can 23 and me gives u what tellmegen gives!beyond compare!
Tellmegen is the number 1

Bentutsi Bensamale
Bentutsi Bensamale - 27.07.2023 19:00

Cri is pricey and good for European, heritage is close to fake ,ancestry dna has improved
Only livingdna is good for subsahara trying to get their ancestors path!and mixing
Tellmegen is the best for health

Mac Angus
Mac Angus - 27.07.2023 14:05

I'm so interested in doing one of these. But i've done a lot of work to find my family history and ancestory on my own and I've gone through every branch of my family up to the 6th generation and know for a fact that all of my ancestory comes from Britian, not even ireland, not even a bit of french, just all from Britian on ALL branches of my family. Which is pretty unusual since I was born and raised in New Zealand and my family has been here pretty much since the first settlements and yet ALL of the ancestors i've found are from England, Scotland, and Wales. I think this makes me very vanilla but then also very cool at the same time because I don't think there's many people in the world that could say this (except most brits I guess) :/

Karen Closkey
Karen Closkey - 27.07.2023 10:05

There is no privacy anymore lol. I was willing to make the tradeoff. I am sending 23andMe and Ancestry flowers because they helped unite me with my sperm donor conceived siblings and track down my sperm donor father (who is deceased but has relatives on the site).

opensourcecurrency - 27.07.2023 06:55

If you are in the 99th percentile of something that does NOT mean that 1% of the cohort is above you. There is no 100th percentile. If you have greater risk than every other person you would still be in the 99th, because you can't have greater risk than yourself. One could break it down to 99.99%, e.g., but there is no 100.

donofon101 - 24.07.2023 06:28

I am going to guess that Japanese citizens will not be curious about ethnic heritage. They frown on other ancestries and would be humbled by a Korean Chinese or Malayo Polynesian component. I can imagine way more interest in health tendencies. Longevity is a goal.

Maria - 23.07.2023 19:55

Another reason Nebula sucks is that they gave me a bunch of MALE conditions (99% protaste cancer chance, etc) and I'm a female. I got a genetic test when I was pregnant and I'm healthy and full female. I emailed Nebula and they said their test doesn't differentiate between males and females. WHAT???? THIS is clearly a scam. CircleDNA was a clear test and gave me my traits and lots of other things that were true. Oh, and Nebula said I was 100% left-handed. Which I'm not.

Maria - 23.07.2023 19:53

I got Nebula and paid the most expensive and they didn’t even notice I have a mutation on HFE gene. Which CircleDNA caught and gave me the location, the name, etc etc. A lot of detail. Nothing from Nebula. I'm still waiting on their Deep Ancestry feature to be compiled for me, I did what they asked for months ago. Is there a way I can DL my DNA data from Nebula and put it somewhere else for free and see what traits I have?

Maria - 23.07.2023 19:45


'NICO-SKETCH-TV" - 21.07.2023 02:21

Can anyone answer this Question. I recently did AncestryDNA. My Native American DNA didn’t show up. But I did My heritage my indigenous showed 3% of Native of America

Bryce - 16.07.2023 00:47

Is there a way to get the raw DNA anonymously and do health analysis with it?

Apeman Commeth
Apeman Commeth - 14.07.2023 01:02

I’m uncle Bob and I’m offended you’d accuse me of murder! 😮 how dare you 😂😂😂

Psychedelic Yeti
Psychedelic Yeti - 13.07.2023 04:35

I haven't done DNA tests because I'm not sure which one has a database that will be able to read me. A lot of Asians are extremely disappointed with their results, so I'm not sure if that side of my family will appear in my results. Add that I'm super mixed as well, from Latin America. And the data pools for both these areas tend to not be great from what I've seen in other people's results. I would rather have a reading of 1.8% than nothing at all, just to see where my ancestors are from. Perhaps I should look into those that offer the mT readings. This was super interesting!

Abdulrhman Aljuhani
Abdulrhman Aljuhani - 12.07.2023 15:10

I like your intro, it kinda reminds me of game of thrones intro

creativesolution3 - 11.07.2023 16:03

I'm amazed by people's mind. In one hand they will pay a lot of money to protect their computerized date. in the other hand they will pay a lot of money to expose their most personal data. Always remember that "Curiosity killed the cat".

Lesley - 10.07.2023 20:47

❤ I have taken only three, and downloaded/uploaded those to a few other sites. Maybe I should step it up. 😂

Gumvue: Make Money from Your Art!!
Gumvue: Make Money from Your Art!! - 10.07.2023 04:03

this means, all this is bullshit, people dumbed once again . they cant give you any info, this is not good and not even close to the reality

Bob C
Bob C - 05.07.2023 19:16

DNA testing has been around for less than 50 years so unless you dug someone up, you wouldn't no squat. Given that, you can find out more from family history & word of mouth. At this point the ancestry trend is just a tiny step up from astrology. Time hasn't allowed us enough DNA banks. You can be tested for almost anything if your concerned with what you medically maybe be prone to. If your looking for predictions that's up to you, not your ancestors or their DNA. If your gonna do it for fun, what the heck.

YeoYolo - 05.07.2023 01:44

I am researching this because I have no clue where my family comes from. Don't know anything about my ancestors at all really. My grandpa was a gold miner, that's as much as I know. I'd really like to know any old occupations and also where my family comes from in general. This is more confusing than I thought, as the charts stating where your heritage come from seel all over the place... so I'm still stumped on which one to look into. 100$ is a lot to me right now, but I feel I need to know where my people came from.
