Harvard's Secretive Admissions Process Unveiled in Court Documents

Harvard's Secretive Admissions Process Unveiled in Court Documents

The Wall Street Journal

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Luis Aguilar
Luis Aguilar - 06.11.2023 05:30

You can only stand out in so many ways, dude. Unless someone invents some new creative and charitable hobby that cannot be refined down to a granular level indistinguishable from other hobbies; there's going to be a point where you've seen it all.

Billy Ma
Billy Ma - 17.10.2023 16:31

Reap what you sow admissions officers

BBSara01 - 22.08.2023 03:39

is it basically just grievence olympics? who is smartest but also has the most misfortune lol? the kids from that book by lemony snicket shoud apply. they would 100% get in

Elizabeth Henry
Elizabeth Henry - 27.07.2023 21:18

It has been clear for ages that the higher ups at Harvard possess a "good old boys" mindset. This will not change. Apply elsewhere. Wealthy background and white-favoring Ivy league institutions are not the only ones capable of preparing students for the job market.

GM4ThePeople - 15.07.2023 04:19

J__s Emulating White Students

kapu - 12.07.2023 09:45

Discrimination is a tacky term, no? I think harvard selects people they like, what's the problem in that? They have no legal nor moral requirement to accept the best most hardworking students, otherwise the demographic would probably be half chinese half upper to middle class american. The only thing they can be accused of is maybe lying when they state they only accept the best students and are not biased. Discrimination is tacky because harvard just doesn't give the opportunity to some maybe Asian students, but again they don't have the responsibility to be the objective criteria of value. For example, I can have an European partner, no one would accuse me of discrimination against Asians.

mirahsan2 - 05.07.2023 04:09

I'll put it plainly, which family would have more money now? a white man where 5 generations ago his ancestor was free and working a job and building wealth which accumulated over the last 100 years? Or a black family now where 5 generations back their ancestor was picking cotton. Yes individual choice matters but the foundation in my example is stronger for the white family so they always have a leg up the entire time. If we really wanna be about equality the only thing that should matter is test scores...but don't forget...certain zip codes which are gerrymandered get limited funding to begin with and have crummy schools...............which tend to be non white/asian/latino/native/pacific islander

Linda Ajide
Linda Ajide - 04.07.2023 13:59

It’s not just about race, American society values dynamic interesting individuals rather than academically high achievements. It’s probably why Harvard has that view on “not so interesting and quiet”

Tom - 03.07.2023 04:57

I like how they focused on one group to push the "asian hate" agenda and left out the fact that EVERY other race has a harder chance of getting in now. Unless you're black, you now have a way higher chance of getting in over any other race who is completely qualified. If that's not racist idk what is.

George Lopez
George Lopez - 30.06.2023 13:13

Glad the supreme court called out harvard

Logic Board
Logic Board - 25.06.2023 05:33

Heinous discriminatory practices by Harvard 😢

travelingmoreno84 - 15.06.2023 02:18

IQ and EQ you got to be high in both. my question is when do Asians go after legacy admissions? I think there are more seats taken up by those under legacy admissions than those of under-represented and often or black students were first-time college students being admitted into Harvard. Affirm of Action protects black people from discrimination and Asians never had to worry about discrimination because whites are not racist towards them. 13 to 15% of Harvard students are Asian. 4 to 6% are Black. Asians almost double the percentage of their national population at Harvard.

American 🇺🇸
American 🇺🇸 - 08.05.2023 21:30

I think Asians are putting themselves in those categories. They think of themselves that way.

bugboy - 08.04.2023 10:18

Bruh this is pretty stupid. Colleges should evaluate admissions purely based off of merit, with no race in play whatsoever.

CHOWA - 07.04.2023 21:07

There is another VERY sad part of this;
The WHOLE Asian community either has zero idea or just refuses to believe the BLM movement and the black community is not at all on its side. The black community gives all the lip
service the Asian community wants to hear, BUT when reality sets in, its a totally different story!
The number of white and other ethnicities has NOT CHANGED at Ivy league schools, but the black ethnicities has grown AND at the total expense of the Asian community!
The Asian community REFUSES to look at the REAL numbers and percentages of African Americans that have grown at the Ivy league schools, so MANY without even CLOSE the qualifications of the Asian students! This IS where the vague and many nefarious elements that are being pointed out in this video are being used against the Asian community!
The Asian group that is suing Harvard AND Asian groups who are researching this issue-- NEED to get honest with themselves and go find the REAL data, as to who is taking THEIR DESERVED, hard earned spot, at so many Ivy league schools! This GAME of looking DIVERSE is NOT at all a white issue, it is TOTALLY an African American issue!

James Deane
James Deane - 06.04.2023 00:51

When they hired disgraced people like fired CNN reporter Brian Stelter or former NYC mayor Bill DeBlasio who was labeled the worst mayor in 100 years. A school that considers itself the best of the best would never hire substandard people as professors. They are selling their integrity to show they are progressive.

pep - 31.03.2023 01:32

The lowering the bar of admitting black and Hispanic applicants actually hurts those groups in the end as the standard to be admitted is a freebee, but the classes are just as hard and result in a large number of dropout students with large loans to pay back. Way to go Harvard!

pep - 31.03.2023 01:30

Asian and European Americans are both discriminated against in the admittance process, but it seems to be illegal to mention that. So Asians at least feel good that you get top and only billing in the world of discrimination.

Shedrick Shedrick
Shedrick Shedrick - 12.03.2023 15:53

People could just not be boring and get a personality.

James Bedu Graham
James Bedu Graham - 26.02.2023 00:55

No education syatem is perfect but the the Ivy League is a diverse College System.
Columbia Northwestern are also members of the Ivy League.
It doesnt hurt for people to apply to such schools knowing the demands and requirements
