How sparrowhawks catch garden birds - Life in the Air: Episode 2 Preview - BBC One

How sparrowhawks catch garden birds - Life in the Air: Episode 2 Preview - BBC One


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Bartleby - 15.09.2023 05:57

What a magnificent creature

RavenGTR79 - 07.09.2023 16:23

Between the sparrowhawk and the harpy eagle they were both doing Top Gun Maverick shit before Top Gun was ever a thing.

pablo taylor
pablo taylor - 26.07.2023 00:19

Seems to be quite a few predators involved with the BBC

Markus Rennelius
Markus Rennelius - 25.07.2023 08:24

excellent film footage

Fafnir Icingdeath
Fafnir Icingdeath - 21.07.2023 08:02

absolutely gutless to not show the entire thing.

Youneverknow - 18.07.2023 00:29

All birds are amazing.

Indecipherable Signals
Indecipherable Signals - 03.07.2023 02:25

opps was lackin

Justin Manser
Justin Manser - 22.06.2023 01:12

<--- Years of feeding wild sparrows and taming them, I have been very close to these hawks a few times. Once in particular I was in a very closed off area with large buildings all around and one swooped right past my head and slid under a parked car where my buddies were eating....luckily they all got away, but it was traumatic.
Understanding the food chain I have to just accept that part of the world, I do however worry about some of the more long-term friendships with certain individual sparrows. The one in my photo is very close to me, so watching this was a bit more scary than most might find it to be.

Roger Swyer
Roger Swyer - 11.06.2023 21:51

Cannot make my mind up how much of this is genuine, part through two vertical trees looks like goshawk footage seen many times.

RealClear - 01.06.2023 17:40

Your cameraman can run really fast.

stay happy
stay happy - 21.05.2023 21:47

I'm here because this just happened to me in my garden in my new home. Traumatised but nature infront of my eyes is just amazing.

random guy
random guy - 08.05.2023 14:06

My dude knew he was filmed, that was a straight up flex

Rich Davey
Rich Davey - 29.04.2023 23:37

Many garden bird spotters hate the sparrow hawk but this bird is up there as one of my favourite. Very rare do we get to see them for much longer than a few seconds. There stealthily flight skills are quite mesmerising. Superbly captured film. Must have took some setting up to capture. Top marks all involved 👍

جزار علي
جزار علي - 16.04.2023 01:21

الفيديو كامل من فضلكم

theWZZA - 13.04.2023 22:47

The approach of this hawk is like the final mission in Top Gun: Maverick. Hug the terrain, then pop up in the last second for a lighting strike.

johnrss5 - 17.03.2023 14:37

How on earth can they make such a good video, the camera is moving alongside the bird.
I'd love to see another video, about the making of this. Totally amazing.

IamliMinal188 - 11.03.2023 11:38

I thought you we're gonna say that he has explosive Diarrhoea.

Pearmain Studios
Pearmain Studios - 01.03.2023 03:57

it looks like a lot of the shots are CGI.

Bokaj01 - 27.02.2023 00:40

And should they he or she get bullied by he larger crows and such there's always the possibility to bring along 'big cousin' Goshawk along for the hunt.

you r enough 💜
you r enough 💜 - 21.12.2022 03:57

I have sparrowhawks in my yard all the time because I feed birds ( and squirrels ) sparrowhawks are fast and they eat their prey in my backyard and after the sparrowhawk is done their are tons of feathers and he or she stays for about 45 mins after they eat , if I go outside the sparrowhawk stays and doesn't fly away , their beautiful!!

Aric Gill
Aric Gill - 11.12.2022 02:31

Oh yeah, back in 2019, I had a sparrowhawk in my back garden. It was standing on the patio eating a pigeon that it had apparently chased slap bang into my parent's bedroom window, making it all the more easier for it to catch and kill. My parents were out at the time as Dad was getting his ears checked, so my sister and I took pictures of the bird as it just stood there disembowelling the dead pigeon, leaving a couple entrails on the patio as it did so.
By the time my parents got home, the sparrowhawk had gone, taking the dead pigeon with it.
At first, my dad got all excited thinking it was a Peregrine Falcon, until he researched the bird in the picture and found it was a sparrowhawk instead.

Tom Cribb
Tom Cribb - 06.12.2022 21:30

The BBC can’t even avoid the use of cgi (distorting truth) on nature programs!

micknificent - 01.12.2022 09:30

Whom captured this video and how they captured it is something I would love to see. Awesome work who you all are .

Sally's Vlog
Sally's Vlog - 24.10.2022 20:33

Woah how fast 😅

alison ancell
alison ancell - 08.10.2022 11:18

The footage is in deed impressive. I have my bird feeding station set up beside a tall mixed hedge which is quite dense, and attracts an abundance of garden birds. This of course also attracts sparrow hawks. I have seen both male and female around my garden. The garden birds are constantly on full alert when feeding and dive into the hedge at the merest hint of the hawks being close by. The female has a distinct way of hunting which I am not sure is usual or not? There is an opening, around 12'' wide in the hedge near the feeding station where a wood pigeon enters to get to her nest. The sparrow hawk will dive into this opening at an incredible speed, stays there until she flushes some birds out and then is in hot pursuit and catches one. What amazes me is this opening does not go through to the other side and is only aprox 2 feet deep, in fact this particular area is a large dense holly bush and mature ivy. How does she not get injured when flying at such great speed to basically hit a a dead end. Another thing that I wonder is why, as far as I know the pigeon's chicks have never been taken. Nature is brutal and amazing I know, but I do mourn for my garden birds.

Hazrat Khan
Hazrat Khan - 28.09.2022 05:44

Good, falcon

Suzanne Lacy
Suzanne Lacy - 19.09.2022 00:51

I get a lot of sparrowhawk's in my garden and they sometimes give me a fright because they're so quick . Nature is amazing but I wish someone would come up with a way to stop stinking cats just torturing our precious wildlife and it's not because they're hungry .

Aizuka gofood
Aizuka gofood - 17.09.2022 11:32

Sparrow falcon.

UnsolicitedBirds - 23.08.2022 18:54

Accipiters are just incredible birds. They can have a meal at my bird feeder anyday.

yeti dodger
yeti dodger - 18.08.2022 22:13

They always look furious.

mea - 07.08.2022 22:56

We had one go past us today down the allotment. It was like superman

Roger Porath
Roger Porath - 22.07.2022 17:10

Excellent photography and the narrator nailed it.

Nils Boll
Nils Boll - 14.07.2022 02:12


nnn - 13.07.2022 08:27

this is basically top gun: maverick

Dragonzord_Reptar - 12.07.2022 21:19

the Sparrowhawk is my Wizarding world Patronus, so here I am learning about it and I gotta say... I'm pretty happy with it lol

LIVERPOOL SCOTTISH - 02.07.2022 02:55

There is a Sparrow Hawk which regularly visits my rear garden. It generally takes out Wood Pigeons. On at least two occasions, I've had a loud thud against either my kitchen window, or patio door. It's MO is to grab a pigeon in flight and smash it into the glass to stun it. The hawk then finishes it off and eats it on the patio. Usually, I just find a pile of feathers. One morning last summer, I was leaving for work at 0730 hrs, as I opened my front door, I saw a bird flash past up the side drive of my house. When I stepped out on to the drive and looked up towards the garage, the hawk was sitting on the top of my next door neighbours garden gate. We eyeballed each other for 30 seconds before the hawk shot off again. Quite magnificent.

Олег Чайка
Олег Чайка - 20.05.2022 20:33


DJ - 10.05.2022 06:38

this was absolutely amazing wow

Zach - 06.05.2022 12:18

Sparrow-hawks are gangster AF

Francesco Tomasinelli
Francesco Tomasinelli - 20.04.2022 21:33

Outstanding footage. Great work!

Some Buddy
Some Buddy - 11.04.2022 07:48

Beautifully done

Jin K Slate
Jin K Slate - 09.04.2022 07:19

🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾holdyourpeeweetourbikechryslerdavidbirdwillgetyouhawks fly poatometer,

Sorrel Dryden
Sorrel Dryden - 29.03.2022 20:52

What incredible footage. This must have taken forever to capture and quite how they managed to track the entire route is quite staggering. Bravo.

Sarah Young
Sarah Young - 26.03.2022 16:13

I’ve just seen one in Action for the first time in my life, in my front garden and I saw it in such great detail because I have a massive window and what a sight it was, I don’t know whether he got the sparrow or not because it happened so quickly but all I can say is it was an amazing thing to witness and I had to have a look on here and see if I could find anything and I thoroughly enjoyed watching this. Beautiful videography

NRM - 24.03.2022 17:09

Amazing detail!

Rachell - 21.03.2022 21:42

I filmed one of these in my garden today! It had caught a pigeon and was feasting. I wish I could share the footage with you all, the markings and strength of this birds legs were amazing.

The Ferret
The Ferret - 20.03.2022 00:53

There's something wrong with people who say this is enjoyable to watch.

Prince White
Prince White - 08.03.2022 18:30

The last thing the bird might see, is this..😂

So$pecial - 28.02.2022 08:19

How does he know that his targer will be at the exact place from miles away?
