The Witcher: Season 3 | Official Trailer #2 | Netflix

The Witcher: Season 3 | Official Trailer #2 | Netflix


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Tony Risbo
Tony Risbo - 10.09.2023 14:03

dont make a season 3

look at your country.... assholes

George - 10.09.2023 12:26

Go woke go broke cucks lol

NygmaNL - 02.09.2023 01:29

Can’t believe the show ended with only 3 seasons.. guess i will be back playing the games and read the books👍🏽 Thank you Henry for keeping the show alive❤️

Tony Pearson
Tony Pearson - 30.08.2023 17:56

They said that becoming a witch is supposed to make the women sterile and beautiful. I have been looking at season three and some of the witches are below average in the looks department. The only ones that are above average is the head witch, yennifer, and maybe two others.

Pauline Kiarie
Pauline Kiarie - 30.08.2023 08:26

I love this guy very cool

акела - 25.08.2023 10:37

why do Asians, blacks and even LGBT people appear in the series, but there is not a single actor of Slavic origin. the book was written by a Polish writer. the tolerance of the west is selective?

braininsink - 24.08.2023 00:22

Third season was great. I loved the pace, the acting, every twist in the story, landscapes and fights were superb and the soundtrack just perfect. I look forward to next season, keep it up with this quality (I don’t care about the actor leaving honestly) ❤

Samael the Grim
Samael the Grim - 23.08.2023 15:16

You’ve mistaken the stars reflected on the surface of the lake at night for the heavens.

Kathrine Cañales
Kathrine Cañales - 23.08.2023 09:43

Where should I watch this I can't find it on Netflix 😢

bimsara nadishan matugama
bimsara nadishan matugama - 22.08.2023 11:39

This TV Sirius is amazingly beautiful. Please Give the other episodes of this TV series.❤

N O C K - 20.08.2023 16:11

No hanry Cavill No Witcher 😔😔 please come back hanry

C0BEX - 18.08.2023 09:50

The show is just bad and not even one decent season can save it, I never ever wanted a show to be cancelled as bad as this one. But the soundtrack by Woodkid in this trailer is just nothing short of amazing.

Orangutan Sevgisi
Orangutan Sevgisi - 18.08.2023 07:26

bro i hate Netflix... they ruin everything.

S - 17.08.2023 12:45

Dogshit just terrible 🤮

Beely Salas Blair
Beely Salas Blair - 16.08.2023 21:13

le fandango
le fandango - 16.08.2023 19:25

holy shit ,我的評論呢?我給這破劇折磨這麼久,我可以評論了

what the fxxk is that ??感覺就像是莎士比亞大叔他本人和瓊瑤阿姨合力寫了這麼個劇本。YOU KNOW: 就像是《馬克白》那種不知道他說什麼的冗長對白,然後瓊瑤阿姨用好像很高深的感情詞彙給他潤色,接著就是《戰爭與和平》的那位鬼才懶得用拼音打你名字的斯基負責給人物起名~~………………!!?

SO ~~!!!!!WHAT THE FXXK I AM LOOKING AT????!!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!簡直比看TDK那些不知道他在說什麼的論壇還要……不知道說什麼……





love it ,and drink more beer~~!!!

Ariel PH C
Ariel PH C - 14.08.2023 01:26

The show makes absolutely no sense.

Հայ Եմ Ես
Հայ Եմ Ես - 13.08.2023 22:10

Trash from netflix

Faroo A shaikh shaikh
Faroo A shaikh shaikh - 13.08.2023 16:04

In season 4yen will be powerful witches she need all death blood sister will give blood in bowl to yennifer she hide from alfh artuza is in cloud no buddy knows where its gone witcher shock from book his own brother is dark lord beco

mark smith
mark smith - 13.08.2023 03:55

No Cavill... not watching.. there is only 1 Geralt

Girija Joshi
Girija Joshi - 11.08.2023 19:13

Please ping the song name in this series.. lyrics are: this song I heard in trailor but can't find the original song.

sing a song of magic so sing a song of light they will put you through the maze through the wind and rain you will never fight alone

Th vd Wiel
Th vd Wiel - 11.08.2023 18:52

Too little Gerald time in Ep. 3. Too much woke in the serie. The last few years it does not matter anymore what the origins are like. It all has to be woke. And they ruin it all.

FrickenWicked - 11.08.2023 18:47

Fire the writers. Bring Henry back. I will not be watching season 4

Patrick Jean
Patrick Jean - 11.08.2023 08:34

Wasted opportunty. Great cast, great source material, but crappy production and writing. Or how to turn gold into sh*t

nuRLE - 10.08.2023 01:10

My god you guys butchered this show. Absolute bafoons

RLParadox - 09.08.2023 21:51

Thank you for everything, but I am not going to continue watching The Witcher, what they have done with this series seems to me to be totally disrespectful. What hurts me the most is that they have been unfaithful to the books, just for inclusion, putting characters, changing some ethnic groups for others, A GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT, I am very grateful to have seen Henry Cavill as Gerald de Rivia, but up to here we have arrived, we should all put the series aside, now I understand what progress means in this society, ruining the experience for players and lovers of video games and series and movies in general. I repeat, thank you very much but until forever.

Thanks Henry Cavill,

Goodbye The Witcher without Henry.

junis 1998
junis 1998 - 09.08.2023 21:37

He does not have yellow eyes, but eyes like eyes, but by no means yellow. Yellow color is there but not in the eyes. What do you think makes Geralt Geralt. Think more original in the books, he generally has dark eyes and vertical pupils and that's it. Sapkowski does not touch the rainbow. The yellow-green color is only mentioned in Kion because he is sick. How do you read a book in general? How old are you ? This is someone else's work. Fill hare. It even says word for word what, when, why, why it was so bright in the eyes. Well, there is no butcher whom you want to blind under the word yellow, and even more so a groomed and unpleasant type.

Tad Sonic
Tad Sonic - 09.08.2023 19:41

this show is pure torture as a witcher fan who read the books and played the games.
the only thing that's great is cavill.
absolute garbage fest

Fabio Buchignani
Fabio Buchignani - 09.08.2023 06:18

Geralt's screen time, Season 3 Part 1: Of 4 h 35 min he appears in 1 h 13 min (28% of the total). Season 3 Part 2: Of 2 h 30 min he appears in 25 min (16% of the total)
The BIGGEST MISTAKE the producers made with The Witcher is not giving us the witcher in The Witcher series. And then they will complain that no one watches their show anymore... That happens for selling a pig in a poke. It's like making a 2-hour Indiana Jones movie and Harrison Ford only having 25 minutes of screen time. I don't know what part of the world they live in... but in my neighborhood we call that a SCAM

JANEE - 08.08.2023 18:13

We need henry cavill as the witcher

quazzie1 - 08.08.2023 17:19

Please.... PLEASE, for the love of all that is good, sell the rights to this I.P. to someone who will do it justice.
As the show stands, it's a GIANT disappointment, a HUGE wasted opportunity, and just plain not good.

Shame on Hissrich for lying about a faithful adaptation, and shame on Netflix for letting her sink what could've been (and should've been) a massive ocean liner of a show.

Did you learn nothing from the downfall of Game of Thrones' final 2 seasons?!?!

CMDR Mawortz
CMDR Mawortz - 08.08.2023 04:45

Poland must sue Netflix for what they did to Andrzej Sapkowski's work

RB 3
RB 3 - 08.08.2023 01:11

These writers and producers should be shunned and sent to exile island

Birju B
Birju B - 08.08.2023 00:27

From great books to garbage tv show! Even having a great actor playing Geralt did not hlep them create something good!

Isur Cantu
Isur Cantu - 07.08.2023 23:28

Netflix you made a big mistake in letting Cavil go, not just because he was the lead but because he wanted to keep the story pure to its origin, this kind of errors is what is killing your company. If you stopped listening to woke writers with agendas and you started listening to the fans, your shows would be great. Let me put it this way, if the show had been closer to the books and the games (as Henry told you it should be) I would have not only watched every single season you would have thrown at me but also I would have gotten anything around it. I would have bought it in blu-ray just to have a Witcher marathon with some extras, damn I was so hopeful about this show, and it was so easy, you didn't have to change anything, everything was already written you only had to make an adaptation, I am not saying anybody can do it, but why, why why did you have to change so much, if you want to write your own story, create your own world, but don't come to F-Up the ones that writers have taken so much to write.

TAJ - 07.08.2023 21:49

We want Henry cavil as geralt of rivia

TAJ - 07.08.2023 21:48

The Witcher season without Henry cavil is like the eyes without visions

Roland Burt
Roland Burt - 07.08.2023 21:34

So lame. Glad Henry bailed with his self-respect.

spadw - 07.08.2023 20:13

why Netflix? you had everything, a great story, finished books, a good lead actor, fans of The Witcher books, fans of The Witcher game and they put woke activists in charge instead of filmmakers, casting directors casting bad actors for the sake of it diversity, bad writers who haven't even read the books or don't like the books but think they are more talented than the author of the books, who can't create anything new, see The Witcher: Blood Origin ratings...very disappointed

Edamameme - 07.08.2023 17:23

Good cast, hopefully they come back in a few years to wrap up the series with someone else running the show / writing the show. The writing hasnt been bad, the writers are capable of doing a good job (on other shows), but it just veered off into no-mans-land and was quickly going nowhere. The Witcher doesn't need re-interpretations of it core material.

Iram Atif
Iram Atif - 07.08.2023 08:52

The Witcher season 3 volume 2 is not on Netflix why plzz reply?

Eon Nevil
Eon Nevil - 07.08.2023 00:55

Did they even read the books?

The Thinker
The Thinker - 06.08.2023 23:38

According to (((Netflix))) medieval Europe had more nibbers than any random multicultural suburb.

EzioWolfy - 06.08.2023 14:57

For the love of God, cancel this monstrosity. This show IS a monstrosity. It's absurd. Just cancel it, because this garbage can only sink deeper.

Drew Gaming
Drew Gaming - 05.08.2023 20:19

I normally don't comment anything... but honestly is the worst twist of plot I've ever seen in my life... call it "the story of Ciri of Cintra" or the "most powerful witches in history" but exploiting (because at this point is only that) the name of "the witcher" for this series it is unprecedented... there are even almost no monsters anymore and when there is Ciri disposes of them bare handed, while Geralt is almost dead fighting a human (mage but still a human)... never going to watch it again under this name, if you change the title maybe, the story it is still pretty intresting, but it is not the witcher

Big-Baz Clips
Big-Baz Clips - 04.08.2023 12:48

writers try not to ruin a title by massively diverging from source material for no reason challenge (impossible)

Ahmad Zaki
Ahmad Zaki - 04.08.2023 12:03

get woke go broke netflix

trafalgar laww
trafalgar laww - 04.08.2023 01:29

Henry is the witcher.

Martini - 03.08.2023 20:56

Wow. I’d be willing to watch this if Caville still had the role.

Also the producer is a total dolt.

Alexander - 03.08.2023 02:38

God sub-saharans especially ruin any sense of immersion and makes it look like a school play right of the bat. Hopefully one day sub-saharan worhship will cease. Doesn't make it any better that the show is basically (non-)fan fiction
