Snow Runner Gameplay - Food Delivery Contest - Michigan

Snow Runner Gameplay - Food Delivery Contest - Michigan


4 года назад

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Mr J B
Mr J B - 25.11.2020 00:12

The one thing I hate about this game is they did not add garages in every map it is really frustrating if your vehicle flips over and you have to go back to the garage or go to another vehicle that is not nearby

barry_s3 - 06.05.2020 10:56

Hi stevietee, who is The offroad gearbox upgrade for The paystar?

Mad Tatrfart
Mad Tatrfart - 04.05.2020 10:11

If you want some good vehicles I personally enjoy the AE and tayga Russian vehicles they work very well in most environments

Mase34 - 04.05.2020 06:27

Yesss! This is the type of videos I want to see for progress in the game! :D Hope to see more in the future! I'd like to see some "How to get stuff pulled out of locations" videos too.. if you're willing. I waste so much time trying to get stuff out of being stuck.. only to get stuck and have to recover to the garage. Lol I know I can't be the only one.

Simon Bagg
Simon Bagg - 03.05.2020 20:45

I don't have this contest on my map at the farm, do I have to accept it somewhere else?
