Brian Greene - The Mind-bending Physics Of Eternity | Modern Wisdom Podcast 308

Brian Greene - The Mind-bending Physics Of Eternity | Modern Wisdom Podcast 308

Chris Williamson

3 года назад

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@ChrisWillx - 15.04.2021 18:04

Press Subscribe for more brain-meltingness.

@the_one_eyed_man_is_cursed - 27.01.2024 20:51

Greene suggests that, statistically, I likely didn't write this and you didn't read it. The second part is almost certainly true.

Black Holes have a maximum size, a kind of Chandrasekhar Limit, at which point they Bang ...and Time begins again for swallowed matter.

@garikseverson3214 - 22.12.2023 02:21

Space is time in reality, but it has no volume . It's 2 dimensional.

@kevincasson9848 - 18.12.2023 19:14

We are in game the universe is playing with us! There is no reason to life. Death and extinction is just around the corner!...

@goldfishi5776 - 09.12.2023 23:08

-34 bro why did you say 33

@markschuette3770 - 07.12.2023 19:52

if you want a future for mankind we better get going on this Climate Change Issue and the 6th Great Extinction issue! and the wars that are threatened and spreading around the globe!!

@gooddaysahead1 - 03.12.2023 09:09

Can you imagine how stone age these ideas will sound 40k years from now. Brian
Green. The "smartest" knuckle-dragger of the 21st century.

I guess we need to relax. We're going to look/sound really stupid to people many years from now.

@gooddaysahead1 - 03.12.2023 08:33

What is curious about the dance between entropy and evolution is randomness. Paradoxically, without randomness, order can not develop. That's evolution! Randomness, which intuitively seems disorderly, is the very thing necessary for reorganization creating enhanced adaptation. Voila! Randomness is not a process. Why? Because if it were a process it wouldn't be random. Random mutations are absolutely unpredictable hence the word random.
This even applies to non biological matter. How do galaxies form? Random gases combine in completely unpredictable ways to form everything a galaxy is. Byproduct? Heat. From disorderly randomness, to order, to disorder again. Always and forever.

Cultures develop and fade in the same way. Languages come about and die off. Religions randomly develop from small groups then organize and then fade into history. Is this the key to understanding how everything works? If so then nothing ends. We are currently cycling into a random stage and at some point order will occur again. Yes, I am saying brian green is wrong.

@gooddaysahead1 - 03.12.2023 08:19

Hey, Chris...
Get someone like SIDDHARTHA MUKERJEE to talk about the future of human genome manipulation, and what we could be looking at soon.

@gooddaysahead1 - 03.12.2023 08:02

Wait. What? We carry predilections and memory of our ancient ancestors in our dna?

Carl Jung? Collective unconscious? Brian! Aren't you getting a little out of your element?

@stevemarks1511 - 08.11.2023 12:13

Some very interesting questions that maybe theres no answer like,;
The universe is expanding like reverse gravity, what would happen if the universe stopped expandinf or if the universe would contract? Would that effect gravity?
Still unanswered is the creation of the first particle evolved or mutated from what? If a caterpillar mutates into a fling living object then s happens. That may be the only answer that sciense can not answer.
If there is a creator who or how was he or she made?
And where did the particles come from?
Mutation and evolution started somewhere; but how and when are the questions

@Allen-eq5uf - 07.11.2023 03:42

“Mankind is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness that he has emerged from as the vastness that he is engulfed in. “

@bobadingo3092 - 31.10.2023 01:19

What seems so real !
is just but a dream.. .

@mixedupbigtime - 23.10.2023 05:30

Wow what conversation clap clap

@kx4532 - 22.10.2023 07:11

Would a Blackhole evaporate before the materials reach the center as observed from outside? Would the universe contract to zero size for an observer that falls in due to length contraction?

@hifibrony - 18.10.2023 21:48

It is impossible to listen to Brian Greene and not walk away smarter.

@tonyreno3168 - 12.10.2023 17:15

I was pleasantly surprised to watch this. Somehow, before now, all I'd seen of Brian Greene had given me a negative sense of who he is and what he's about which had kept me from checking him out in depth. Kudos to Brian for reversing that opinion and doing so despite having to battle the sun in his eyes throughout the interview. I do wish that when Chris was interviewing people outside his normal sphere, or perhaps anyone, that he'd have at lest some round of questions which are so open ended as to let the interviewee describe what he/she considers most important to convey to Chris's audience. That nitpick aside, I greatly respect that Chris takes the time to read the books of the person he's interviewing. Excellent stuff.

@iamhudsdent2759 - 11.10.2023 00:25

The universe, all we behold, is an activity of consciousness. Without consciousness, it is not. With consciousness it arises as the localization in the human mind of infinite timeless spaceless awareness. This is the basis for quantum entanglement.

@rfjohns1 - 07.10.2023 20:05

Sometimes it's better to just admit that you have no idea.

@jaymiller8387 - 01.10.2023 22:00

The topic that got me in the feels is the of emotion being, Guilty! I am constantly being told I am too intense or "don't laugh that hard" " it ain't worth all that" etc because most people post covid are miserable. and havent smiled like I do in a very long time and that sucks so much. I want my kind of happiness for everyone.

@wopajohn2855 - 30.09.2023 18:22

Talk about a distopian view. Should we believe the physicist or the spiritialist that believe the universe has a purpose.

@Grim-Crusader - 30.09.2023 15:18

" The universe is 14 billion years old, every single particle in your body has been selected over all that time to come together and create you, you are as old as all of time...don't screw it up now. " Some random ironworker in Texas

@jammesvqk857 - 28.09.2023 17:12

What amount of rubbish.

@BOBBOBBOBBOBBOBBOB69 - 27.09.2023 16:59

Couldn't the universe spontaneously revert back to the state after the big bang?

@Matsyendranath792 - 26.09.2023 12:06

If only the physicists really knew what they were talking about. They are nowhere near being able to say definitively how the universe began or will end, indeed, it may never be possible, there's just no humility.

@darrenfernando3519 - 19.09.2023 20:12

🇬🇧 tv 📺 on Tuesday 19th September at 9pm 🕘 on Channel 5
Secrets of our Universe with Tim Peake
Over three episodes, astronaut 🧑‍🚀 Tim will investigate three stellar subjects: The Planets, Stars ✨ & Black Holes, and Space Missions. Each episode tackles some of the BIG questions: What are stars ✨ made from? What is a black hole? How far have humans gone in space? And ultimately could there be life beyond our earth? 🌎 Tim will also explore why some planets have rings, how soon it will be before we’re living on Mars and how you go to the toilet 🚻 when there’s zero gravity.

@TT-yn9lt - 18.09.2023 16:30

You say human existence, life purpose, meaning and values were somehow produced by configuration of particles?

None sense.

God created the universe.
Human life has purpose, meaning, and value in God.

@bryandraughn9830 - 17.09.2023 21:55

This interview is above the competition.
Im so relieved to see someone who doesn't use hype in order to gain viewers.
Excellent work!

@brandonscott3012 - 15.09.2023 17:41

Am I the only one who can't figure out why we care about what happens 10 to the 50 years from now? Don't we have more important things to work on.. in like.. this century for example.

@waynebynoe99 - 11.09.2023 22:31


@eddiesimone3568 - 11.09.2023 10:56

"rare fluctuations" basically you say that you dont know?

@bartgrossman9361 - 07.09.2023 13:21

In an infinite Universe we are no more unlikely than anything else.

@Soetman - 30.08.2023 05:50


@Soetman - 30.08.2023 04:18

If the universe does repeat due to a finite configuration of particles then that repetition is essentially the limit. That means the universe isn’t finite because once you cross over, on the exact opposite side your clone did the same thing. So basically you went off one side and entered back in on the other side

@kenadams5504 - 04.08.2023 15:15

There may be an infinite number of infinitely big universes .

@sweeney5296 - 30.07.2023 08:54

It's such a cruel evolutionary fate to contemplate time and mortality.

@eric144144 - 30.07.2023 01:59

Greene is a pessimistic miserabilist, a cosmic wet blanket.

@eric144144 - 30.07.2023 01:55

Expecting someone who believes in evolution by random chance to display insight is highly unlikely.

@robertheuer7670 - 23.07.2023 18:58

so at the bang and things happened this way and could have happened another way...why did it happen this way?

@robertheuer7670 - 22.07.2023 04:44

people are the weird particles that showed up

@Myrslokstok - 22.07.2023 01:46

An infinite of infinite universes, as not the galaxy is big enough if you realy understand how big it is.

@williamstearns4581 - 20.07.2023 22:26

I get it people like what you say. But I'm thinking your a bit of a moron your so wrong about half of what your spouting off .

@Aluminata - 07.07.2023 11:45

Very strange thing for Greene to say. Heat death refers to the death of heat. Hence, the big freeze.

@liberatemi9642 - 24.06.2023 18:20

“Unlikely” is a human concept; so “thinking” about how “unlikely” we are seems like a rather circular, pointless exercise.

@treycaldwell4118 - 23.06.2023 00:27

Just silly. I can't believe that they get together and do this groupthink yielding such Preposterous conclusions

@epicbehavior - 16.06.2023 19:00

Science isn’t in the position to tell us what things are. It can only tell us what things do.

@yifuxero5408 - 15.06.2023 03:16

There is no physics of Eternity, since Eternity is the Now. This Now is pure Silence, and is the Substance of the entire Universe. It's Pure Consciousness. Access "Mahamritunjaya mantra - Sacred Sounds Choir" and listen to it for 5 min per day for at least two weeks. In due time you will transcend the realm of space-time and merge with the eternal Now.

@rickelpers1820 - 10.06.2023 11:48

Perhaps the least interesting thing for every day survival is recognizing infinity. But the quest for the missing part that is impossible to fulfill through every day life. To obtain an inkling of the elusive infinite helps fulfill that elusive mystery is very humbling and peaceful. More so than anything else we do.

@rickelpers1820 - 10.06.2023 11:31

To ponder eternal distance and time,as as difficult it is to do, becomes the realization that our lives being spent on the trivial matters and pursuing nothing except busyness of modern human existence are a waste of whatever intellect one may or may not possess a total waste of time. Eternity is forever in both directions. And not acknowledging that we exist in such a place to be aware of it makes life meaningless. Dangling trinkets that are shiny and attention grabbing uses a natural function of the brain to help decide whether something is dangerous or not saddens the psyche and dulls the mind. So ostensibly living zombies inhabit the world and they don’t even care to know it. We’re everyone to become aware of such things, there would be no time for the nonsense looked at as important. Especially those rapping the society and planet for nothing. Napoleon’s syndrome/narcissistic obsession. And the struggle for survival of those who don’t care about a viable solution to their problem. It’s unfortunate that stupidity from the haves and have nots , that one side or the other can’t step up and see the light.
