Skyrim Anniversary Edition: How to Make a Legendary Two-Handed Tank!

Skyrim Anniversary Edition: How to Make a Legendary Two-Handed Tank!

Mike - The Gaming Dad

1 год назад

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Ernestas R.
Ernestas R. - 21.09.2023 11:48

That nigga was badass !

Bodhan - 23.08.2023 05:39

This is a great tutorial, I’ll be using it for my next game thank you.
The alchemy recipes I like for money is * Salmon + Histcarp + garlic or grapes. It makes a really valuable water breathing potion.

AmiZ - 18.08.2023 00:25

Little tip, the giant camp next to mist watch has a river close by, when getting the blocking up go into the river and the giants will go away, if you go to the other side of the river you can wait an hour for your health then do it again

AmiZ - 14.08.2023 05:37

Best part of these is definitely the names, i stole harry houdini because it was so good and i’m definitely stealing tiny

Onur KARAKAYA - 17.07.2023 21:14

Can we also duplicate plant stuff as well with the follower trick

RUGER5264 - 11.07.2023 04:35

Summon up some deadra to follow you and you become literally unstoppable.

Savagized_Beatz - 08.07.2023 06:33

Just as you get to Whiterun, go into the guards barracks and grab the journal that's the there... Not the Book. You don't have to steal it. This starts the Smith 'N' Slash quest. Go back to Embershard Mine and take out the 5 orc bandits there and the blacksmith that the quest is about. Boom! Special Orc Armor set. Enjoy.

damion morningstar
damion morningstar - 28.06.2023 00:22

i made a tank build using the elbony blade and i tak zero damage cuz i do heavy armor and smithing

Skywayke - 30.05.2023 19:50

Love seeing Nazeem get yeeted off into the town square. Such a jerk, that guy.

WeirdAlpaca25 - 27.05.2023 20:31

So you are literaly superman here😂 ive never seen an armor rating so high

Dakota Knowles
Dakota Knowles - 28.04.2023 13:36

So I have question if anyone can answer. Everything online I’m reading says the orchish greatsword does 20ish damage. Why does mine show 39 damage??? I’m so confused on this game. I’m a high elf level 15 and that’s the only weapon I’ve really used. I don’t even use magic. Why is my sword say so much more damage than what I’m reading????

Joel Eriksson
Joel Eriksson - 22.03.2023 08:34

Does unoffical patch so something to legendary difficulty??? No bloody way you one hit that bear in the beginning

Unholyspirit - 09.03.2023 03:27

Light armour is better, always, due to the stamina regen perk heavy makes no sense

Roger Johnson
Roger Johnson - 18.02.2023 20:45

Tiny the Tank !!!! What ? !!!!!!!!!!!!! How old are you and have you ever played Tiny Tank. One of the best P.S. 1 or 2's games....................

Roger Johnson
Roger Johnson - 18.02.2023 20:42

You are the FIRST person of all the videos I've watched about Skyrim that actually use Unweilding Wind. That's awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just an F.Y.I. I went with reptile build because they can breath underwater and stamina refills quicker.

Harald Schuster
Harald Schuster - 23.01.2023 11:02

Yeah, unrelenting force is fun. On some builds I get the staff of Hasedoki which provides the same effect without cooldown. Some Falmer dungeons become a sports arena with it - it's also lots of fun in the Forgotten Vale.

Harald Schuster
Harald Schuster - 23.01.2023 10:55

The guy in the Solitude sewers is, indeed, a handful. With alchemy this high, though, I usually use a few paralyze potions. Makes the fight a breeze.

Harald Schuster
Harald Schuster - 23.01.2023 10:40

To complete Carlotta's quest you don't have to have another of those annoying brawl sessions. If you give the beggar girl her 1 gold to receive the blessing, your speech level is high enough to pass the persuasion check. Faster, less annoying.

Thomas Rosendahl
Thomas Rosendahl - 27.12.2022 19:05

Great guide, always level up sneak or one handed/two handed on Ralof or Hadvar at the cave early on. I personally always play on master settings, otherwise Skyrim gets too easy.
