Peter Jackson's Original King Kong Stop-Motion Armature

Peter Jackson's Original King Kong Stop-Motion Armature

Adam Savage’s Tested

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Michelle Te Whata
Michelle Te Whata - 16.08.2023 03:38


CanonOnaLose - 03.08.2023 20:22

I would love to see more of his Stuffs

allan broadfield
allan broadfield - 02.08.2023 10:24

I would love to know what happened to the big head used for close up shots in the 1933 Kong.
I heard an odd rumour that it was at one point stood outside a restaurant!

Fagner Silveira
Fagner Silveira - 29.05.2023 18:18

Peter SHOULD do this War Eagles movie... we can see tha passion on his eyes talking about it...

auge auge
auge auge - 14.05.2023 22:19

Wir verstehen nichts, bitte für immer auf deutsche Sprache.

MORCOPOLO0817 - 11.04.2023 02:55

Willis O'brian did not design the animation models of Kong. HIs p;rops guy did.

Phil Y
Phil Y - 07.04.2023 21:03

If nobody knew where it came from, how was it authenticated?

Conlan Holohan
Conlan Holohan - 07.04.2023 16:45

Marcel Delgado should probably get most of the credit for the creation of the metal skeleton technique

Gary Phisher
Gary Phisher - 06.04.2023 15:48

One of my very earliest memories is of watching King Kong. Roughly 1973. I must've been four. I remember it terrified me so much I ran and hid behind our sofa.

Subsequently every time it came on TV, my family would ask if they should pull the sofa out so I could hide behind it.

KRG30001 - 06.04.2023 01:06

Has peter jackson released any stop motion films? Id love to see it

Sins Galore
Sins Galore - 05.04.2023 14:45

I could watch a whole network of just this, some of the best minds in the industry getting excited talking about something they love

MegaPintofWine - 04.04.2023 23:04

i love peter, he seems like a big child that never grown up <3 he loves his props!

Peter Gruhn
Peter Gruhn - 03.04.2023 22:49

Tyrannosaurs in F-14s!

Jase Mac
Jase Mac - 03.04.2023 15:43

Peter Jackson what a top bloke 👍🏻🇦🇺

John - 01.04.2023 16:20

Nerd alert!😂

Shane - 31.03.2023 07:38

So it turns out king Kong is actually a terminator from the 1930's!!

Doc Hollandaise
Doc Hollandaise - 29.03.2023 05:16

The original Lego Bionicle.

Jack Ripper
Jack Ripper - 29.03.2023 03:18

How wonderful that something of historical motion picture significance is being squirreled away in some podgy kiwi's basement gathering dust, rather than in a museum where everybody can enjoy it.
It's like buying the Mona Lisa and tossing it up in the attic.
How did this bloated slug get hold of something this valuable only to have it hidden in a private collection.

Fox Mulder
Fox Mulder - 28.03.2023 22:59

I'm so disapointed that Peter did King Kong as a gigant gorilla but King Kong was actually a gigant humanoid ape

charleigh195 - 27.03.2023 21:48

What a fantastic film Adam

Jimmy King
Jimmy King - 23.03.2023 02:28

There are no words.

The Rubber Studios
The Rubber Studios - 20.03.2023 13:46

I would love to hang out in this shop

Fatty Fat-Fat
Fatty Fat-Fat - 20.03.2023 02:12

Right about 60 years ago, a picture was taken of me in Fury Ackerman's old house holding the Kong armature when he had it. That picture was posted in Famous Monsterof Filmland mag. Several years later, i met and interviewed Marcel DelGado at his small, Hollyweird apt. He had the horses and cowboy miniatures from MJY, and the miniatures from It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World. Great, humble man.
Soon after that, i met and interviewed Willis O'Brien's widow who allowed me to take his photo album and have it copied. Lots of Kong pics.......but no Spider Pit😢. Those pic, btw, went to the editor of Fantastic Monsters Of The Films who somehow infuriated Mrs. O'Brien and the pics were never published. Then Vietnam came around and i lost touch with everyone, and everything. Then i saw this utooby!
Now, i'm curious, was the armature in Fury's house back then round face, or long face? Thanks for the vid.

Matthew Meatballs
Matthew Meatballs - 14.03.2023 06:05

Endoskeleton irl.

jedgreen - 13.03.2023 16:20

Looking at King Kong's skeleton is like archaeology of cinema.

MsgFrmDaActionMan - 13.03.2023 01:40

How much did that cost? That's the part I want to know.

Alan Sheppard
Alan Sheppard - 12.03.2023 22:09

Those machines are so smart.

Eric Schulze
Eric Schulze - 12.03.2023 11:00

If this doesn't prove that you do NOT need to wear gloves handling old stuff I don't know what does, so sick of seeing gloves for no reason

M. Zeki
M. Zeki - 01.03.2023 16:32

I remember I saw an armature of Kong in the Museum of Moving Image (MOMI) in London, UK during the 1980’s…that had parts of the skin still attached; was that one of the ones you mentioned?

Mark Lipson
Mark Lipson - 13.01.2023 04:00

Fantastic. I saw King Kong when I was about 8 and have remained completely and utterly thrilled by it ever since. The imagination and skill that went into bringing that wild fantasy to life.

Megacamz - 11.01.2023 06:09

Guys? Why is this not 8 hours long? I can't find anything else on this? I see everything in the background and why the fuck am I not able to see everything? This collection is fucking insane.

Christian Thomas
Christian Thomas - 12.11.2022 14:15

The Kong armature was at the Car of Stars and planes of fame museum in California through at least the mid 70's I saw it many times.

Gabriel G. Cunha
Gabriel G. Cunha - 25.10.2022 10:22

You can feel Adam's inner chill super exited looking at the prop and wanting to touch it at the beginning of the video

Omarc Ittarov
Omarc Ittarov - 17.09.2022 21:51

how many peepz actually know his first movies meet the feebles for instance, bad taste or brain dead ? How ever Mr. J. guy knows how to create a virtual feast - awesome

Paul Harris
Paul Harris - 16.09.2022 11:55

I love Peter Jackson, this is lovely.

zach moyer
zach moyer - 14.08.2022 16:23

he paid 200000 in 2009 for the kong armature

wonderwend1 - 01.08.2022 10:18

I just love watching Adam nerd out.

Spooky artist
Spooky artist - 24.07.2022 07:28

i would be scared to touch that

CanBest76 - 22.06.2022 17:56

Don’t forget Marcel Delgado

BLAHBLAHPOCALYSPE? - 18.06.2022 17:23

"One thing you'd save during a fire"
To be faaaaair.... it would probably survive a fire.

exm - 02.09.2021 01:19

just amazing

AN Productions
AN Productions - 16.07.2021 16:42

In the making of King Kong 05 documentary, he said, "People always assume my life long ambition was LOTR, but it wan't. It was this movie (King Kong)>" and you can see it here. I've seen so many recent interviews with Jackson talking LOTR and he looks exhausted and bored. But here, talking monsters and Kong and stop motion, he seems alive and like a kid in a candy store! Love it. Mad respect for him.

Scott Moore
Scott Moore - 25.06.2021 20:23

The Holy Grail of stop motion animation!

soldiersam - 01.06.2021 05:54

He had the opportunity of a lifetime remaking Kong and its unwatchable 😫😫😫

Rick Hoppe
Rick Hoppe - 27.04.2021 12:34

The items on those shelves aren’t movie props, they’re holy relics! AND I noticed on the shelf above he has the Ymir from Ray Harryhausen’s “20 Million Miles to Earth”! Harryhausen is the other giant of fantastic film special effects. It warms my heart that they are treasured possessions of Peter Jackson.

440Niki - 15.04.2021 05:34

ray harryhausen's first film work was on mighty joe young . i noticed Ray's Ymir maquette on the shelve about the kong armature .

Do you Comply?
Do you Comply? - 08.04.2021 13:33

What was joe youngs head made out of? It looks like wood 😕

Star Commander
Star Commander - 07.04.2021 01:35

I never knew that this Kong existed. Years ago I got my picture taken with Bob Burns and he let me hold his King Kong armature, which was also the armature for the son of Kong. I also saw movie "King Kong" in a vintage theater along with Ray Harryhausen and Bob Burns. Bob brought both Kong and as a tribute to Harryhausen his armature of Mighty Joe Young . It was such a thrilling time, I will never forget it.

SnortStuff - 14.03.2021 07:22

Peter Jackson sounds like he's gonna cry.
