The BEST Text Editor on Linux? - Micro Text Editor

The BEST Text Editor on Linux? - Micro Text Editor

Planet Linux

1 год назад

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@MESYETI - 11.12.2023 00:06

nano actually does have mouse support but it's an optional setting that's off by default
enabling it also makes the scroll behaviour change, the scrolling moving the cursor is just an effect of terminals sending up/down keys when the mouse mode isn't enabled

@Bekon241 - 30.11.2023 02:45

If you write book not coding Nano is much better then vim stop talk shit, PICO old dos editor is Nano now this apps is awesome not that lovely like Wordstar 4.0 on dos but still awesome! Micro suck!

@heinrichschiller4673 - 28.11.2023 18:17

Visual Studio Code ist the best Editor🎉

@patrickprucha5522 - 21.11.2023 22:15

micro! cheers

@brunosouza2918 - 07.11.2023 06:03

》vi(m) is actually better for programmers' hard work that's related to huge coding, "micro", on the other hand, is outstanding for quick editing and reading! 🥞

@brunosouza2918 - 07.11.2023 06:00


@kuresentosaiba - 06.11.2023 16:10

My favorite code editor, simple and easy to use. ❤❤❤

@noodle69 - 28.10.2023 07:16

i have tried micro for a while, but i still prefer using my personal configured nano with some source code modifications. (edit: there isn't much configuring to do other than syntax highlighting and some other functionalities which are super helpful, so for some things i wanted to be able to do with alternative buffer executions, i had to modify the source since there aren't plugins for nano. it was still very easy, being all in c, and prefer it to the other editors i have spent years with such as nvim, helix, emacs, and micro)

@taxaction1 - 24.10.2023 22:58

Informative vid. Thanks 👍.

@CaribouDataScience - 20.10.2023 22:57

Hey, what about JOE or JED?

@MichaelSharpTechniSmart - 17.10.2023 23:05

Never thought I would move from Tilix, but the key bindings gives me all I need.
Also, I chuckled with your description of nano's dysfunctionality.
I subscribed.

@dotnerds - 15.10.2023 01:47

Thank you

@BenitoF2009 - 11.10.2023 00:34

Micro is awesome. I use it for 3 years now. Never got used to (n)vim or emacs. The "out of the box" keybindings are great and also the plugins. And with ~ 12 MB it isn't as big as some other editors.
So thank you for promoting it! ;-)

@EmaryTegan - 09.10.2023 23:10

Does micro allow for the use of vim commands?

@janlochman1985 - 03.10.2023 22:28

No, it isn't, as a copypaste doesn't work. Do you have something else?

@Tala2n - 21.09.2023 23:17

I use graphical editors, except i'm in a pure tty, when I installed Alpine the first package I installed was Micro, so I continued installation in a slightly less hostile environment.

@tjn6278 - 03.09.2023 14:52

Why use vi, nano or micro? i just use gedit. There's supposed to be some reason not to use gedit, but ive never had issues.

@theroguetomato5362 - 30.08.2023 23:20

What a great video for me. I love a simple editor, but also love to customize my editor. Looks like this is ideal for me. Thanks.

@pyepye-io4vu - 24.08.2023 20:09

You should make a video "Cat sucks! Use Bat instead!"

@t0menlegam890 - 24.08.2023 06:25

used what u like..dont condem others..

@vandorlokronika9581 - 20.08.2023 21:34

Just use a GUI based text, code editor such as VS code, Geany, Notepadqq etc. on desktop. Terminal editors only need it on servers or when you install linux and need to edit very basic things.

@Heroselohim - 14.08.2023 20:33

Thanks man for micro suggestion! Amazing 🙌

If you have the time, can you show me how do you switch the file to be edited in the terminal (link?) ?

You enter "micro " and then you start switching the file to be edited without typing. Looks like it

@LupinxJigen - 13.08.2023 12:34

that's great but nothing beats the "Simplicity" of ed baby. KISS dude. This does look nice though, thanks for the video!

@VioletRM - 12.08.2023 08:25

btw you use :wq to quit vim

@Believaboat - 06.08.2023 03:21

nano is something i would just use for a quick patch and easy one liner, everything else i would just use a code editor lol

@corycaserta748 - 06.08.2023 02:43

Hello, all;

I had tried Micro in Android Termux a few months ago, installed Oh-My-ZSH for a change in shells, and now Micro hard-freezes on open - with any file or just a blank buffer - I tried CHSH back to default Bash, but it still freezes. I don't know how many files/apps I've insatlled since then, so I'm adverse to restarting Termux from scratch just to get Micro running again. Is there a settings file I could put in Micro .config to set up a 'safe mode' to get Micro running again?

Thanks for reading this;


@benezen - 27.07.2023 03:24

no nano is better.
micro devs never fix bug about korean font in search menu.
so i dont like micro and never use

@davidwayne9982 - 26.07.2023 15:10

THANK YOU so much-- iv'e had some text stuff recently I needed to make minor changes in and as you said- MANY of us do NOT code... and I damn sure don't. THIS makes it possible-- with Nano - I had things so screwed up I had to reload my whole system.. :)

@stefandriesner5026 - 25.07.2023 20:23

It is possible to highlight 'micro' as a more fully featured alternative without crapping on 'nano'. Did you do any research as to why nano has it's unique key bindings or has so few features? Every tool is designed to meet a particular need, and until you write your own fully featured text editor, I would approach these videos with a bit more humility.

@stevejohnson1321 - 22.07.2023 18:09

I'm not in the terminal so much, so it's usually mousepad or leafpad for me.

@BrettSurenne - 17.07.2023 16:13

vi is the only editor I've found in every Unix version I've had to use. I had to learn it for configuration files etc. I thought pico was a godsend though. 😂

@muchamadyja - 16.07.2023 18:11

how to use the snippets plugin, i just struggle to using this plug.

@TheChadWork2001 - 16.07.2023 16:46

While I thank you for your video, I disagree with you. Nano is popular because it's simple, and includes the command bar at the bottom. All you need to know to start using it is ^ = CTRL. I start Micro and I have no idea how to use it. All that text at the bottom is meaningless, except CTRL-g. If I type that, how do i get rid of the screen that pops up? ESC doesn't work, CTRL-q doesn't work. It's not intuitive. I would say micro is harder than Nano but easier than VI. Therefore I don't see it replacing Nano for these reasons. Micro is better for Nerds but not newbs.

@educhibs3994 - 15.07.2023 21:35


@Skelterbane69 - 15.07.2023 16:04

Me, who only ever uses text editors for config files:

But why?

@undergroundnews_dk - 01.07.2023 09:39

i use joe

@bramfran4326 - 25.06.2023 15:52

The features you showed are enough for me to never use nano again and use micro instead.

@shimmysham8725 - 25.06.2023 02:23

228 hours of battery life remaining? Are you Nikola Tesla himself?

@captainwasabi - 23.06.2023 00:46

I have been using vi* for 30+ years. It's always terrible, but it's always there. I've been using micro a couple weeks now since it popped up on my feed and I really like it. I had to make an alias because my hands automatically type vi when I need to edit something from the cli. my only other "complaint" isn't a complaint, esc ZZ and :q! don't work. They were always nonsense but 30 years of muscle memory will take a bit to overcome. It's 100% my goto for cli text editing for sure now.

@sandeepnaik6437 - 22.06.2023 08:53

Fall in love with 'Micro'

@VallThyo - 21.06.2023 22:18

I never got used to vim, so I always used nano and it's limitations were really hard to circunvent... until today, I will definitely give micro a try and see it works better for me than Nano. Nice and informative as always, thanks for the video!
