Jordan Peterson - Committing To Your Purpose Is Terrifying

Jordan Peterson - Committing To Your Purpose Is Terrifying

Chris Williamson

2 года назад

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@wdmfan - 10.12.2023 20:29

Meh, fake man.
Peter Jordanson is waiting for his 3rd and final calling aka rooster crowing.

Until then, he is fake and g..

@andrewjones2898 - 30.11.2023 01:37

It chose me , 13 years old and i fell in love with playing the drums , im 55 now , i sacrificed a hell of a lot to be the best i could be , i practiced everyday and still play today in a band, im not the best in the world , however there are not many better than me . if your going to do something , do it to the best of your ability if you can .

@thesoundpurist - 06.10.2023 19:40

so refreshing, having done my own journey through shadow working, I understood, we often live lies coming from people with good intention (our own relatives) that prevented me to overcome my own delusions, at the same time, some of these, I created in the first place .
When you wake up from this you see the damage, losses and the result of your own demise.
Welcome to the partial collapse of identity that leaves you with amputated parts for a long while until you replace what's dead. No picnic at all. It's f*cking hurt. People faking toughness trying to impress look like adult children compare to this.
When you get it, it is for sure that there's way worst than death cause at least death is temporary. What I fear more in case I don't find full redemption is eternal existence. For the moment, I'm still convinced I made n excellent choice of not having any children. Even though, I follow Jordan Peterson in the major part of his teaching.

@adamstewart8712 - 20.08.2023 06:10

@missmolly5129 - 29.06.2023 18:12

Beautiful ! <3 Haha! I'd like to be in his box. =))

@junevandermark952 - 20.02.2023 02:04

“I act as if God exists, and I’m terrified he might.” ~ Jordan Peterson

@technicyan - 18.10.2022 12:04

What is more terrifying is when you don't commit to it and regret your life when you're 70 and the things you haven't done in your 20-30ies. A high proportion of men that are 40+ commit suicide because they feel they messed up their life

@abraham8565 - 14.10.2022 09:37

So how I can find my life purpose

@jcrisp90 - 18.09.2022 21:16

cool studio

@jeremycull8876 - 27.08.2022 12:47

You are the box... (Check? 🤔)

@dvsdvsdvs329 - 25.07.2022 09:58


@shawnstephens6795 - 05.07.2022 12:23

The hand thing is weird...stop doing it.

@TabooRevolution13 - 24.06.2022 09:41

As 1st King of the continent I've gotten rid of state and national boarders. We share the land now.

@goodbyejojo6255 - 06.06.2022 10:52

Nothing is more terrifying than living without a purpose or should I say trying to find or making one but end up nothing in the end.

@Bdoggydog - 16.05.2022 22:13

Commitment to positive growth & being what we can be while loving ourselves is what matters. We can find purpose in work&life alike. With good discipline we can make impacts in society & on others, that most importantly, we ourselves should appreciate.

@kellysooth602 - 11.05.2022 16:13

The man is a modern fucking prophet

@mcitheaterclass537 - 07.05.2022 16:00

Just realized the other day that I am poor and unaccomplished because I never specialized. Specializing brings financial success, which grows your options and enlarges your box. You must voluntarily enter a small box before you can occupy a big box. It's true.

@MrMarch90 - 05.05.2022 10:26

Thank you Chris Forearms Williams for such knowledge packed interview.

@HenryBenedictUSA - 18.04.2022 10:52

Can anyone offer some advice? I had an opportunity to stay in a city greatly affected by the pandemic. I was even offered a “stable” job at the end of 2020. However, I was scared of committing myself to the job for fear of being isolated for an entire year, so I ended up moving to a different city to be closer to family and got a remote job instead. The problem is that I feel like I’ve missed my golden opportunity to make a difference in the previous city since the pandemic is waning down. However, the damage that was done to said city was so substantial that I feel personally responsible for letting the city down and I’m unsure of what use I’d be now. Should I go back? Should I stay where I am? How do I know it won’t be a waste of time?

@eeeee323 - 16.04.2022 06:35

This is so true! Thanks!

@hobbytoby8887 - 14.04.2022 10:49

yeah, i guess so

@MarcialG - 13.04.2022 18:34

Minimun Effort
Maximin Reward
& it must b fun.

@Tootruetootrue - 13.04.2022 07:43

Me today,right now

@Conrail2020 - 12.04.2022 22:10

It’s terrifying; but it’s even more terrifying when you chose meaninglessness and nothingness. The effects are slow but eternally ruining.

@alil6547 - 12.04.2022 11:07

Jesus is Lord. Let’s see who loves truth and who hates it.

@dd032894 - 11.04.2022 19:09

90% of the world holds regular plumber assembler mason teacher jobs. Irrelevant stuff, most people have no purpose but to go to work to be able to live and have a roof over there heads.

@robertwinckowski6686 - 11.04.2022 16:16

god protect this man.

@alanschaub147 - 11.04.2022 07:11

“I want a box without walls. No you don’t, it’s nothing but snakes!” ❤️

~ Jordan Peterson

@nickfranco7977 - 09.04.2022 20:36

As a highly creative person, a box with walls sounds so unrealistic and a recipe to kill my curiosity

@theoneeyerx2568 - 09.04.2022 19:32

Jordan peterson is becoming a religion

@victorianavaroli1707 - 09.04.2022 14:12

This message can also apply to choosing the right partner! I want to commit to a good man that would make a good husband. I’ll use these tips to make marriage work.

@gorilladatalabs5785 - 09.04.2022 04:54

Loved this piece. Good content. Thanks.

@ET_LWO - 08.04.2022 23:38

We're certainly more than our nationalities as well

@raewise6345 - 08.04.2022 19:56

I listen to you almost every day. Old classroom lectures, new interviews. You're still a badass. Always have been, I believe always will be. A man of your word. Not afraid to learn and change. Thank you.

@nomimino3414 - 08.04.2022 18:41

"It's nothing but snakes" ...

@Focalisesoftware - 08.04.2022 00:02

Nothing but snakes

@AyoShy - 07.04.2022 23:44

Pick your box then figure out how to make your way into the garden. “I WANNA BOX WITHOUT WALLS.” No you don’t it’s nothing but snakes. 🐍 💯

@joystylela - 07.04.2022 00:36

“Teach yourself discipline not to be a slave but to be a master” 🙏🏼🙏🏼

@marshall3205 - 06.04.2022 01:36

The existence of choice is not an issue of moral relativism. More of Peterson's bafflegarbing. The professor needs to tighten his rhetoric if he wants to get his C game into a B game. C+

@ImprovementGang - 05.04.2022 02:03

Choosing to try and fulfill a purpose also means there is a risk you will not fulfill it. I have only recently started to understand what I need to do with my life, but I am always striving and updating on the path. I hope everyone gets to fulfill their meaning in some way.

@putito1667 - 04.04.2022 15:33

Good life is hard work that all dream come and you up !

@ROBJECTS - 02.04.2022 17:57

Not anymore! Haha jk

@casenallmon7209 - 01.04.2022 17:32

What about jacks of all trades?

@TeamMostRequested - 01.04.2022 14:52


@kevinmulligan2006 - 30.03.2022 19:41

The best way to recognize our progress in life is to listen to other people's interactions. Think of it like this, if you really think about not only what someone said to you.. But how they physically expressed themselves, the patterns of their facial idiosyncrasies.

This information will tell you how YOU are being seen, through perception. Who that person is will also introduce a distinct mental bias that you must consider, very little of what we say is perfectly understood. So the bias comes into play when we recall exactly what was said, and by our own means of interpretation we encounter a sort of road block, it might be an error to assume someone was being viscious or deceitful. If you're on the wrong train of thought, well it's hard to turn a train around.

I've been researching consciousness in my spare time, and how it relates to human ability. It's a very misunderstood topic, for example.. Synesthesia is a condition where people can see the color of sound!The world is a complex arrangement of systems and principles which operate autonomously, that is to say creatures and life functions via survival instincts, "drive". Inorganic matter on earth, minerals and chemicals, operates on a set of principles which are more chaotic at a glance, driven by flow and consequence of interactions with the environment. Finally, humans don't get an instruction manual for life on how to be, and what to expect. Everything must be learned, taught, and experienced. This is why I decided to research consciousness, writing was always my hobby. And now I've learned to focus on critical thinking, and write about my observations and opinions.

I think it's super interesting how our brain creates reality in our mind, so we can make sense of it. The world you see and the world of another person are completely different, your instruction manual would only work for you, but what even is a COMPLETE human? I think the process of creating the manual through experience is the fabric of this world we live in.

Cheers, this was fun to think about. Have a nice day, Jordan Peterson is a wise man, very sage like.

@ritouddin9915 - 30.03.2022 18:46

why was there a close up on his hands ? X)
