Personality Disorders & Relationship Strategies

Personality Disorders & Relationship Strategies


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Things ToSeeAndDo
Things ToSeeAndDo - 11.09.2023 15:41

And what about the lives of their children that they ruin? This video and Medcircle make me so mad, because they are functioning as enablers of abuse.

Maybe the next cheery video from Medcircle will ge, "How to get along with the Psychopath in your life."

Diane Beatty
Diane Beatty - 06.09.2023 00:01

Being in a relationship with someone with BPD has been exhausting. I really started digging into this when I left on a cruise with my best friend, who is also a female for our birthdays, we've done this every year for 20 years. My BPD fiance flipped out the night before I left, broke my window, took my car keys and was a raging lunatic. Then says anything over 24 hrs is abandonment.

Dioxy Gène
Dioxy Gène - 05.09.2023 21:25

Mr Zr qui en appelle àMegele je savais que comme historien ilétait nul,mais c' est grave...

Bobbie Lacy
Bobbie Lacy - 04.09.2023 08:04

I live with BPD anxiety depression and PTSD. And am leaving a 11 relationship with a narcissist. It's been really rough. Looking for suggestions....

richie mizell
richie mizell - 28.06.2023 22:16

I was diagnosed with BPD/ PTSD about 35- 40 yrs.ago,it has been an extremely lonely and painful road, I literally just had a brush with a true narcissistic female, I could not get away from this person fast enough because I realized early on how it invoked my own narc side of me and honestly found myself trying to put narc this person,highly toxic to myself and others...phew-wee

Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa - 23.06.2023 09:00

I would like to know the difference between borderline personality disorder, and narcissism

Trev Sedgwick
Trev Sedgwick - 19.06.2023 10:34

The best strategy for having a relationship with a borderline, is not to have one.

Christie Zleisy
Christie Zleisy - 17.06.2023 04:28

I am so curious now about this topic, because I think I really need to seek out help for myself, but I am holding back from getting it done. I can relate to so much of what some traits are for someone with BPD. To hear you speak of how dangerous it could turnout to be if not treated, because I have reached the point of where it could be close to becoming deathly in my life. That was what has brought me to the decision of definitely seeking out help right away from therapy. I really DO NOT LIKE FEELING SO LOW ABOUT MYSELF, AND THE UNWORTHINESS THAT CAN BE OVERWHELMING WAY TOO OFTEN , AS OF LATE. THANK YOU FOR OPENING MYSELF INTO THIS NEW TOPIC THAT I NEVER EVER THOUGHT I MIGHT FIND TO BE SO HELPFUL FOR ME. I AM SO WILLING TO FIND MY WAY TO HEALING MYSELF!!❤❤❤❤

haha oml
haha oml - 13.06.2023 21:33


Izabela Zielak
Izabela Zielak - 09.06.2023 14:19

Bothering Personality Disorder 👿

Izabela Zielak
Izabela Zielak - 09.06.2023 13:50

Apropos live—dad Event …wowhowis the Labrador doing?😁

Mark - 07.06.2023 21:49

Its weird that a feminist wants to talk personality disorders, feminism is one of the worst personality disorders there are.

Peggy Immink
Peggy Immink - 03.06.2023 20:59

How do you help someone who keeps saying when they are upset “you are no supporting me” when you are trying hard to support them?

norse🇳🇱code - 22.05.2023 08:47

I hate myself because I have BPD and all I want is to love and be loved in a relationship with someone who can see when I'm spiraling and can point it out nicely, hug me and listen without getting angry with me. My mother is an overt, malignant, cruel, Machiavellian narcissist who literally laughs at my pain when I tell her she's hurting me. Or she'll roll her eyes and sigh loudly because she's so annoyed I don't just take her abuse. She's a horrible, mean person with zero friends. She hasn't had friends in more than a decade. Talk about parental devaluation, my god this woman does that.

Avonia Allor
Avonia Allor - 20.05.2023 20:26

I have a niece who has been in an active Meth addiction for yrs and seems to be all of these except for the last one. She is very violent and paranoid and psychotic!

Dolores Casbeer
Dolores Casbeer - 20.05.2023 01:59

So I was just told I have a personality disorder that was just going to be further testing

What the heck is that
I tried to be extremely positive
Came from a very dramatic home

J S - 17.05.2023 05:19

Where can I find info on how to reassure a quiet bpd without triggering engulfment and devaluation?

emad khairy
emad khairy - 26.04.2023 03:03

Is there is any recent data regarding relation of calcification of pineal body in childhood and BPE or mood instability in general ?

Jason Smith
Jason Smith - 20.04.2023 21:01

I love both of your channels and the way Dr. Ramani explains everything. I didn't get diagnosed with BPD until I was 42 and the last 4 years since have been very painful but very eye opening for me. I can look back at my whole life and see how this has affected my life.

Belliot End
Belliot End - 12.04.2023 23:51

Relationships with someone with "BPD"?
Just don't.
They'll become like a gangrenous leg. You can hope all you want for it to get better, but honestly just cut the fucker off and be done with it.

Tiffany Garcia
Tiffany Garcia - 03.04.2023 21:06

My husband has bpd, it has been a rollercoaster to say the least. I try to not take it personal and it does seem like when I'm ready to let go he reels me back and causing confusion within. I'm starting to feel like I'm crazy.

BW x SNOW - 29.03.2023 21:40

I sent this to her i hope she watches it 🙃

Tammy Mann
Tammy Mann - 28.03.2023 09:59

Hi I'm Tammy

Sara Glade
Sara Glade - 27.03.2023 23:28

Pretty sure my partner has BPD. (I'm not trying to throw around diagnosis, he was diagnosed as emotionally disturbed, I just think it's more specific then that) I have had people ask how, I, who is like a stone, can deal with it. But he and other BPDs I've known are truly beautiful souls, damaged but beautiful. I loved what Dr said about being overly empathetic. My partner is so incredibly empathetic he's often accused of being psychic. He has picked up on feelings I thought I had buried long ago, he has repaired relationships in my family that I left festering for decades, he's helped me repair relationships with people that have been dead for years. He is hilarious and treats me like the most beautiful smartest woman in the world. He's an amazing musician, his songs often bring people tears. The hardest thing for me to learn in our relationship was to stop taking his paranoia personally and to learn that his lashing out is usually from a very deep pain and primal fear. I've heard living with BPD is like living on quick stand and that has got to be terrifying, to have no foundation for anything.

rational thinker
rational thinker - 20.03.2023 20:09

How do I get Dr . Ramani to see my kin ? Does she take United health care ? Desperately need your expertise 🙏🏽🙏🏽

Julie Braden
Julie Braden - 14.03.2023 03:46

the volume on this video sucked. My volume was turned fully up. I couldn't hear especially wen Dr. Ramani spoke if I tried to do anything else while listening

Raquel Valdez
Raquel Valdez - 03.03.2023 09:11

hi my name is eaquel

TheCleverWitch - 02.03.2023 07:29

I'm pretty sure I grew up around narcissistic people... Traits or the disorder remains to be seen since I'm not a medical professional. What I can tell you is that I married one... And I have BPD.

Like big ooph.

TheCleverWitch - 02.03.2023 07:22

I literally just started crying when she said about people with BPD being in pain. That fucking hit so deep. ❤️

Werle Mountain Art
Werle Mountain Art - 02.03.2023 05:21

Beautiful and Intelligent and a Light Reflector to many. Thanks again to our Dr Ramani for helping us deal with or break free from our Narc in our life. Educating us and opening our eyes, so we can see what to do. I thank God for bringing Dr Ramani into my life....via internet. Love you dr. Ramani! God bless you!

Tabitha Flanagan
Tabitha Flanagan - 27.02.2023 22:02

I grew up with narcissistic parents and i might be a narcissist myself my ex broke up with me and is acting like they dont care anymore and i dont know what to do

Arilena - 26.02.2023 21:27

I am so grateful that I discovered MedCircle and especially Dr Ramani. I have learnt so much. Thank you so much for your compassionate and kind outlook on and explanation of BPD ❤️

baby princess playground
baby princess playground - 22.02.2023 17:47

Got dissociative identity disorder ddlg abdl age regression little space my channel

Teresa Ann
Teresa Ann - 17.02.2023 22:24

Thank you for this. I've been told I have Borderline Personality Disorder since my teens. From 13yrs to 18yrs I was in group care. I'm 53yrs now and in therapy for the last 3yrs. Dr. Ramani explained BPD very well. The phenomenon of pain is bad or weird is so true. I've been publicly telling about my pain and abuse. It helps get it out and hopefully it helps to destygmatize sharing our own pain. This channel is so educational and helpful. Thanks guys!

Tamtam - 16.02.2023 18:31

Saddest is my brother is locked up and it’s just sad they have no where to put the mentally disabled crazy in prison now they filling them up with mentally I’ll 🙏🏽💯🙏🏽💯🙌🙌

Tamtam - 16.02.2023 18:25

Mental health has failed the United States so so so sad 🙏🏽🙌💯💥

Tamtam - 16.02.2023 18:20

Spread this intelligence 🙏🏽🙌💯💣

Akili Akili
Akili Akili - 16.02.2023 03:29

I dont have every symptom and I also have other symptoms but I read once that we shouldn't have relationships or friendships and were the worse in the world. I never knew ppl felt like that but it did show. Everyone hates me but they watch someone abuse me attack me and hate me for my reaction. I never understood. But i stopped dating and everything 12 yrs ago when I was 38. I have no regular friends. Nobody socialized with me regardless or did social things with me. Which i have no issue doing. I just been isolated instead them saying they dont like me. So i know. Nobody acknowledges the abuse or the abuser. Why is that? They get invite and were excluded.

Danny Gleeson
Danny Gleeson - 12.02.2023 14:36

One thing that is always almost brushed over are the sexual symptoms or habits of someone with borderline personality disorder? Is their an explanation or understanding of BPD patients use of sex as a coping mechanism?

Katherine Rice
Katherine Rice - 31.01.2023 02:28

Dr. Ramani's cat in the background is adorable. It helped me relax while watching.

Andrew - 29.01.2023 16:18

Oh cool. I'm literally afraid to be in a relationship of any kind because of how I can act sometimes. Nice to see a talk about it.

Ashley Walters
Ashley Walters - 28.01.2023 18:46

My issue with Therapy, and affording therapy is, I put money aside and set plans aside, then to have people pull the rug out from under my feet & or switching the baseline or not having control over the baseline. There have been so many examples of times I had money set aside because of the community I am it seems to always go to every other place rather than what I had planned to spend.. mostly because of silent harassment. It really seems like other people don't really want me to better myself.

pisces not only
pisces not only - 28.01.2023 01:29

I have bpd and I feel like trash right now.

Where's Laska?
Where's Laska? - 27.01.2023 23:37


charmie andutan
charmie andutan - 24.01.2023 20:59

I need help!!! 😩😞😢

El Sh
El Sh - 21.01.2023 10:58

I was diagnosed with borderline in my 20s.
I am almost entirely ok now. There is hope.

Now I'm engaged to a man who presents with borderline traits (everything you listed) and I'm watching this because he is having his first hospital visit during our relationship.

I want to be to him the person I needed when I was at my worst.

Thank you for your content.

Kayla Malina Fish
Kayla Malina Fish - 20.01.2023 06:31

I believe that I struggle with BPD. I would like to know what kind of medicine I would need. I need medical help.
