Timur Lenk: Epitome of the Turco-Mongol Synthesis Episode 1

Timur Lenk: Epitome of the Turco-Mongol Synthesis Episode 1

Khan's Den

1 год назад

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好奇讀者 - 12.09.2023 11:41

Turkologists confirm that the Turkic peoples were able to unite three times in history.
The first time in the era of the Xiongnu Empire.
The second time was in the era of the Gokturk Empire.
The third time was in the era of the Chinggisid Empire.
Turkic history before Genghis Khan is not the same as Turkic history after Genghis Khan.
During the era of the Chinggisid Empire, major transformations occurred in Turkic history.
Therefore, I hope that you will make a special clip about the history of Genghis Khan and his achievements, as he was able to establish the largest empire in history, and the Genghis Empire also represents the pinnacle of steppe history.
I hope that you will ignore some of the opinions that raise unacceptable fallacies in the scientific method about pure origin and pure race, which ideological fanatics are trying to raise when dealing with this important stage in general Turkic history.
He also rejected the lie that some tried to spread, which is that features of the Mongoloid race appeared among the Turkic peoples due to the expansions of the Chingizid Empire, and this lie has no basis in truth.
There is agreement that the Turkic peoples, since the Xiongnu era, have mixed with different races and ethnicities.

Noone Noodle
Noone Noodle - 31.08.2023 13:27

Wow that Mongolians so great.

好奇讀者 - 28.08.2023 20:11

I hope you will make a special section on the great Sultan Mahmud Al-Ghaznawi.
Sultan Mahmud Al-Ghaznawi is one of the greatest military leaders and the most successful conquerors of his time. He was victorious in all his military campaigns and turned the Ghaznavid state into a vast empire.
Also, Sultan Mahmoud Al-Ghaznawi was an educated person, a poet, and the author of books. He was interested in science, supporting scholars, building libraries, and others.
Ancient and contemporary historians consider Mahmoud Al-Ghaznawi to be the founder of the Islamic Hindustan era.
The Ghaznavid state lasted for a long period of about 200 years.
The founder of the Ghaznavid state, Sabuktigin, mentioned in his will to his children that he descended from the Turkic Barskhan tribe.

鬼影丑鬼 - 27.08.2023 02:30

If the countries in the Eastern Hemisphere want to form a national alliance, then Mongolia will be respected by people, and if they want to be separated independently, then Mongolia will be abandoned. Mongolia represents growth and elimination of conflicts, because of the fragmentation of Europe, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the Mongolian model of course. It was suppressed. Once various countries want to peacefully form an alliance, Mongolia will come alive again. Doesn’t Russia want Mongolia? Of course he wants to. As part of the Golden Horde, he calls on more countries to form a bigger block. Turkey doesn’t want to He also wants to, Persia, India and Arabia all want to, so Mongolia will rise again

Temor - 26.08.2023 16:15

Most of Turkic brothers deny Timur’s Mongolian origin

History_Repeats - 19.08.2023 17:59

Turks and Mongols both created empires but left nothing else behind. does anyone know of Turkish or Mongol universities, libraries, big cities built by them? NOTHING!!! Just efficient killing machines

_Bekshimov_1 - 18.08.2023 13:33

Amir Temur turk sulolasi ga mansub oʻzbek edi Temuriylar imperiyasi 🇺🇿☝️ Òzbekiston Respublikasi ☝️🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿 Olloh Akbar ☝️😊

Ersen defence and genetics
Ersen defence and genetics - 15.08.2023 15:48

Temur means iron in Turkish, his Y DNA haplogroup belongs to J2.
İt's releated with ozbekh Y DNA chart.
He was a big soldier and he was başbuğ of all Turks

Moe Moe
Moe Moe - 15.08.2023 05:05

His real name is TIMUR LANG. LANG in Persian means LAME. Since TIMUR was limping on his right leg. Iran: More than Meets the Eye.

Anatoly Alperovich
Anatoly Alperovich - 12.08.2023 22:39

it is Kaghanat not Khaganat

Anatoly Alperovich
Anatoly Alperovich - 12.08.2023 22:38

what Ukraine-Kazakhstan? lmao. Ukraine isa word from1921. I lost interest in rewriting history

Anatoly Alperovich
Anatoly Alperovich - 12.08.2023 22:37

timur turkic Alper clan, by mother, a khazarian, his name means iron in turkic no Mongolian Timur

Aman - 11.08.2023 18:49

Fluck him, his bygones and his descendants, that subhuman kooni.😮

edkabessa - 10.08.2023 18:20

Rise of NAtions soundtrack

Rahman Bae
Rahman Bae - 07.08.2023 11:25

As a Turk I don't understand why the Chinese civilization claims the advancement of medieval civilization that the Turks did because of their contribution. when many of them think China is a developed country but don't know the extent of the world (sitting at home) is really shameless.

Aloha Snackbar
Aloha Snackbar - 06.08.2023 12:36

His environment in Uzbekistan wasnt influence by the Turks but Turks are native there and Timur himself must have been a Turk. 90% of his soldiers were Turks. Stop dreaming about the mighty Mongols.

Abdurrahman Ahmad
Abdurrahman Ahmad - 05.08.2023 13:37

Another butcher in history and he and others like him are great evidences on Allah exists. if justice didn't take place on this life, difinetly will take place on the other life otherwise no purpose for existence of our intelligent designed, accurate, amazing and sophisticated world that we live in, all that beside the amazing complicated body, brain، perception and human conscience that we have.
Thank you for the historical information and the good way in delivering it.

Serkan Kinden
Serkan Kinden - 02.08.2023 12:27

I have just seen this video. This is a well documented nice video to learn Timur's life. Thank you for your studies.

Joe Bidet
Joe Bidet - 02.08.2023 05:05

No not true
Its not certain that Timur was a devout muslim himself
He put Yassa ahead of sharia
He conquered and killed many muslims

Imran Munsif
Imran Munsif - 31.07.2023 07:27

Muslim Ottomans will dominate timur, by Allah's grace.

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah!
La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah!
La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah!
La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah!
La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah!
AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah!
AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah!
AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah!
AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah!
AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah!
SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah!
SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah!
SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah!
SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah!
SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah!

Muhammad AbuBakr AbuBakr
Muhammad AbuBakr AbuBakr - 30.07.2023 12:59

Muslim Abbasids, Muslim Khwarazmians and Muslim Ottomans will be victorious over the mongol filth, by Allah's mercy.

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah!
La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah!
La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah!
La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah!
AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah!
AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah!
AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah!
AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah!
SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah!
SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah!
SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah!
SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah!

Tegshjargal Baast
Tegshjargal Baast - 30.07.2023 08:16

Mongolia is blus sky cool

Tegshjargal Baast
Tegshjargal Baast - 30.07.2023 08:16

Very good news thanks

Luck Prosperity
Luck Prosperity - 29.07.2023 08:11

Mongol means the distorted name of the ideology of the Turkic Kaganate Mangu El, that is, the eternal people. The modern Khalkha Manchurian Mongols have never been related to the Turks of Genghis Khan. This nonsense was invented by the communists to destroy the influence and uprising of the Turks, since the main part of the territory of Russia is the land of the Turks. Genghis Khan Turks from the Kiyata tribe. His native language was Kukturk or as it is called Chagatai, the direct successor of which is the Uzbek language before the arrival of the Soviet Union. Not to be confused with the modern Uzbek language artificially created to destroy the Turkic nature of the Uzbeks. My advice to you is to read the books by Rashididdin Hamadaniy, Sharafiddin Ali Yazdi, Mirza Ulugbek, Vamberi.

Boris Buliak
Boris Buliak - 25.07.2023 18:44

Can you do a Cid and Timur parallel?

Miklos Legrady
Miklos Legrady - 24.07.2023 20:55

The Mongols buils pyramids of 70k akulla. Ignoring that weakens the video.

x. kasiouris
x. kasiouris - 24.07.2023 01:53

Pls ask middle eastern muslims if the mongols were more tolerant than the crusaders

x. kasiouris
x. kasiouris - 24.07.2023 01:52

Pls ask middle eastern muslims if the mongols were more tolerant than the crusaders

Абдолда Шананов
Абдолда Шананов - 23.07.2023 10:28

Амир Тимур не монгол, а из казахского рода Найман, под род Барлас. Найманы везде и являются казахскими турками.
Чингизидов перебил из-за того, что они захватили власть в Великой степи и закрепил ее за собой как династия (Торе) .
Чингисхан принёс много бед найманам, присоединил их к себе силой. Найманский батыр Кетбуха участвовал в военной компании Чингисхана по завоеванию Ближнего Востока.
У найман было свое государство до чингисхана

teo vu
teo vu - 21.07.2023 05:56

Timurlane is the reason the scythian/sarmatians in the pontic caspian plains are nearly extinct and live in the mountains as ossetians/alans and in hungary as the jasz. Both renments less then a million people. Or more likely mixed into the turkic groups like the balkars n karachays(since those two tribes has iranian clan names like Aci(Asy/Iazyges),Alan,Bostun,asparukh and ossetian villege and town names rather than turkic town n villege names.

好奇讀者 - 20.07.2023 12:40

A- Tamerlane is considered one of the great conquerors in history and a rare type of occurrence, as he personally led all military campaigns, supervised military planning and participated in the fighting, so that he alone was able to open nearly five million square kilometers.
He faced powerful states to be reckoned with, and here is a list of the kingdoms he defeated:
1- The towering Mamluk Sultanate.
2- The Khanate of Moghulistan “Eastern Chagatai Khanate”.
3- The Ottoman Sultanate.
4- The Khanate of the Golden Horde.
5- The Delhi Sultanate.
Can you just imagine these huge victories on all of these fronts.
B- Tamerlane was born into a family of prestigious status in Chagatai khanate of the Turkomongol Barlas tribe.
His family was responsible for the military command in the Chagatai khanate.
And he mentioned in his memoirs the beginning of the establishment of the Mongol-Tatar empire and the agreement that took place between his grandfather and one of the khans.
C- Tamerlane lived in a period when the Tatar Mongol Empire had entered its first phase, and the Chagatai Khanate in Central Asia suffered from sharp divisions and conflicts and was indignant about the situation and his relatives and criticized even Genghis Khan.
Tamerlane was able to remedy the situation and achieve unity.
Tamerlane rose to power by popular choice and after long efforts, perseverance and suffering, although the law stipulates that the ruler must be a descendant of Genghis Khan.
D- Tamerlane was a very humble person without megalomania, and he always reviewed and criticized himself as I read about him from his contemporary sources.
And he was of the opinion that justice should be judged, forgiveness and kindness with others.
He issued new laws, amnesty for his opponents, and launched a development project for the revival of Central Asia, the center of his rule.
E - Tamerlane was a lover of elders, scholars and the arts, loved to discuss history, held intellectual sessions and debates, ordered books to be written, took care of building schools and knew some languages.
In the era of Tamerlane, a new architectural form, which was widely used in Central Asia and Iran, appeared, called the term Timurid architecture.
G- Tamerlane founded a dynasty that lasted more than four centuries and left its eternal civilizational mark in central Asia and South Asia.
And there were among his descendants many scholars and writers.
And the Babur dynasty in South Asia still considered itself an extension of the Timurid Empire and retained the official title of Korkan.
Sultan Babur was the Timurid Sultan of Fergana, then he moved to Kabul and moved the center of his kingdom there after the victory of the Uzbeks over him, and he wanted to restore the country beyond the river.
Tamerlane is generally considered to be a historical figure about whom there is great controversy.

Note: The Hindustan Baburid Empire, which is its real name officially approved by its Sultans, is considered to be a different, independent state with its own status.
Sultan Babur is the last Timurid ruler, and after the final fall, he moved to South Asia and established a new empire that continued his dynasty.

Kara Hakan
Kara Hakan - 18.07.2023 01:19

Timur Lenk the only one Commander, who never lost a battle in history.

Triangle Center
Triangle Center - 16.07.2023 19:24

Genes was modified during these invasion.we should be thankful to the ancestors warriors ..❤❤

Gökay Haydar Baykuş
Gökay Haydar Baykuş - 15.07.2023 15:21

Timur never claimed or took the title Khan.

Silent Bullet
Silent Bullet - 15.07.2023 14:48

The narrator's pronunciation of Turkish words is outstanding.

Matthew Dolan
Matthew Dolan - 14.07.2023 05:45

Gengis was meritocratic and saw himself as a holy scourge sent to clear the atrocity of overshoot, cities being a manifestation...

Masle Mun
Masle Mun - 14.07.2023 03:09

this is the Timurid Empire, which in the 16th century destroyed the Ottoman Empire of the Turks. Turkia was so fooled by the Uzbek Kyrgyz and Kazakhs with their "Turkic paganism" that Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan worked for Turkey and became slaves of the Ottoman Turks just like the Azeri slaves.

teo vu
teo vu - 13.07.2023 12:57

Timurs Barlas tribe is distantly related to Genghis Khan's Borijigin clan through a common ancestor named Bodonchar Munkhag
of the early Khamag Mongol confederation in the 10th century 200+ or so years before Genghis Khan was born.

Дэниел Юсупов Казанова
Дэниел Юсупов Казанова - 10.07.2023 20:16

Great video thanks for posting

Alp - 29.05.2023 17:04

Timur lenk war kein Mongole

milkshakes1981 - 18.05.2023 04:57

Is there an episode 2 somewhere?

bit nul
bit nul - 12.05.2023 00:05

I don't see where the episode 2nd about him...?

Christopher Thrawn
Christopher Thrawn - 08.05.2023 00:26

Well done here

CaptainBoondocker - 16.04.2023 18:31

Is that Final Fantasy VII soundtrack in the background?😊

K Abdul
K Abdul - 16.04.2023 15:19

As a Turo-Mongal myself we are proud of our people from Afghanistan to Europe to China!

wilson the conqueror
wilson the conqueror - 16.04.2023 02:14

Tamerlane defeated a huge Ottoman army and captured the Sultan! His military abilities are unquestionable. But it's his political abilities in alliances that are also impressive. He was a force to reckoned with during his lifetime. Well done!

Spade Braithwaite
Spade Braithwaite - 11.04.2023 18:27

I was on a train from Hohot in inner Mongolia, twenty five years ago, and a Chinese, English teacher came and sat with us because he wanted to speak English with a native. Then a Mongolian guy came and talked to us, translated through the teacher. The Mongolian guy invited us to stay in his yurt. My wife accepted, excitedly because she thought he'd invited us to stay on his yacht. That is pretty funny, if you look at a map of Inner Mongolia.

Spade Braithwaite
Spade Braithwaite - 11.04.2023 18:20

It was an interesting video but I'm glad it wasn't a lecture where I had to take notes because the information came very fast and unpredictably.

Khagun. - 10.04.2023 10:32

All under heaven, oh Great Tengri, the sun moon and the trident/ (diving falcon ),flies in all flags of all nations, we have done as u have commanded, we have spread our bloodlines far, now more then half the world bears your mark of blessing, all their kings and holy men carry our bloodlines, we have torn down towers of those who say only us, we have infused the blood lines of the meek and they have truely inherited the earth, oh holy one, the blue bloods marked by your hand as we are born, the world will once more find peace in these turbulent times in the hands of the children of Mongol mark. * the seers and medicine man rejoice in all the glory. In silence the monpas have made the world ready to be as one under one divine mark. ® all under heaven all equal the holy trinity of man women and child under you and that all understanding and human achievement comes only from the holy trinity of knowledge, will and action.

Afghan - 25.03.2023 11:59

Dang man every videos of Turks I see it’s u lol didn’t even realize
