HoI4 Guide: Germany - Don't Die For Your Country - Achievement

HoI4 Guide: Germany - Don't Die For Your Country - Achievement


3 года назад

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@draefus - 21.11.2023 18:40

A bit late to the party, but that does not work anymore right?
I mean, I am not brilliant but either I do something completely wrong or this strat has become totally impossible: naval supremacy is impossible (?) to get in the chanel and Poland is aggressive.

@zerohunterx5 - 07.09.2023 06:13

Gonna give this Achievement a go tonight to see if it still works.

@Daniel95221 - 10.08.2023 01:05

still works in 2023 aug :) Got about 30k dead where 10k where from Poland and about 5k from free France and the rest from UK.

@elbeto191291 - 18.07.2023 04:16

Hey Bitter and chat, does this guide stil works? I'm trying to get the achievement with the latest patch and I'm having trouble with understanding the conditions that trigger it. If it's not much trouble, can you update the guide?

@zi3lupl649 - 11.07.2023 14:34

Stalin watching this: 😦😧

@Hoi4291 - 10.07.2023 03:36


@stars-hk9uo - 08.07.2023 08:55

imagine, the british generals confused as fuck, wonder why wont the germans reinforce and go into combat

@harveysharp5166 - 21.06.2023 18:51

I don't think thus method works since By Blood Alone since most of your starting planes cannot naval strike anymore, tac bombers and CAS etc, so you are never able to achieve naval supremacy. Also the Poles seem more agressive, attacking stacks of 3 divisions and causing 500+ casualties in each attack

@ryanreid3141 - 03.03.2023 16:45

In my opinion Heinz gunderion is the superior tank general

@axoxelolsostoturormomanon303 - 26.12.2022 23:48

I'd like to ask if this guide still works now that danzig has been demiliteraised, i've so far tried this guide twise, yet poland walks into danzig which results in them attacking me giving me to many casualties. :(

@duckyshitatmc7103 - 13.12.2022 06:17

Was watchung this video and accidentaly got achievement lol
I just instantly invaded poland at the start of the game, and when ww2 started there was a fascist revolution in france

@ronin1915 - 05.12.2022 05:24

Anyone else find his voice so soothing you sometimes fall asleep trying to watch the video? No?

@mr_black_tipyt580 - 01.12.2022 02:10

I know this is stupid but can you nuke or put paradrops

@templex1624 - 03.11.2022 05:09

Whats Funny is that i accidentially did this acheivement. all i did was battle plan LMAO

@justinchase6666 - 22.10.2022 20:33

got the achievement paradroping france and walking into danzig with 0 casualties, then world conquesting for about 10 million casualties cause everybody joined the allies. still got the achievement ;P

@Qwertyui606 - 17.09.2022 08:21

Well I tried this multiple times, France was easy enough to cap, but the UK literally guarded every single port, making it impossible to not take loads of casualties.

@user-wx1iv1fw3d - 13.09.2022 09:08

真 不可思議地,英國和法國加起來沒有一百個部隊,波蘭也完全沒有進攻

@Meandmy980 - 30.08.2022 03:53

You are an amazing player my friend. Thank you so much

@SerLagsalot - 22.08.2022 07:06

The French now guard their almost their entire coast. I cannot conceive of a way to accomplish this without RNG luck now.

@Roketsune - 06.07.2022 01:25

Why is it 475, and not 500 or 400?

@iskela9173 - 04.07.2022 03:29

Why not just attack Poland in 1936 then justify against France 1937 get anchsluss and do the around the Maginot line and defeat France in 1937-1938 attack Denmark and Norway and then attack the UK?

@christianallison7744 - 27.06.2022 06:42

For whatever reason, France always has a ton of divisions on the coast when I invade. I'm never able to take Calais and I'm never able to zoom through France like how other people do in other videos. Is it just RNG or is there something I'm doing that's causing a problem?

@rickelleman6613 - 21.06.2022 17:50

That was AMAZING!

@DimosGr-ux2me - 18.05.2022 16:36

Patched... Rn all french guard coastline

@playera1205 - 18.04.2022 19:23

i got this achievment by accident i still dont know how it was just a casual game

@joeambrose1730 - 08.04.2022 06:21


@joeambrose1730 - 08.04.2022 06:21

I acually obliblivoisly got his

@darthanakin3463 - 01.04.2022 17:00

has this been fixed? after 8 restarts i only get naval supremacy 1 time in the english channel, by the time i got it, they fortified france

@purplebreadloaf8677 - 23.02.2022 03:28

I tried getting this achievement but every time Poland become a major.

@daandman691 - 10.01.2022 01:08

idk why but you can still get this achievement no matter how much deaths u take i just did it with 300k deaths just make sure not to call in any allys so they cant take anything

@alanmilicjant9740 - 30.12.2021 17:23

always when im trying to land in france there are french troops everywhere

@mateoguimet-keeney9283 - 05.12.2021 07:07

Can you do another guide for No Step Back

@terns9106 - 15.11.2021 20:21

Still works?

@IronFalconJR - 17.10.2021 03:31

Ik im super late but I like cheesing the 39 scenario I let the Soviet declare war and give Britain and France military access and Poland holds out for a long time draining Stalin’s manpower and the Allies’ manpower then I just wreck every1

@miloszjstm7981 - 11.10.2021 22:27

Got this first try. Thank you so much. You have the best guides!

@luc4rius - 15.09.2021 21:30

this strategy still works with the current update, I think it's even bugged as I followed the guide and ended up with 670 casualties, still getting the achievement after the peace deal lol

@st900278 - 10.09.2021 04:37

I have followed the strategy, but Poland attacks my troops in East Prussia while I am invading England and caused 3k of casualty. However, it is weird that the achievement is still unlocked after England surrender.

@alexanderstoyanov7464 - 28.08.2021 03:04

It actually bugged out for me and I still got the achievement even though I had more than 1k casualties. For some reason the Polish AI decided it wanted to retake Danzig and pushed several times causing couple hundred dead troops...

@arealphantom2859 - 24.08.2021 21:55

Ah yes, the time the reverse D-Day took place on August 28th 1939 in French-held Normandy by German tanks!

@reddwynmerriweather6961 - 12.08.2021 00:27

So! The 475 casualties are those caused by France and Poland ... They only did 300 to me, england another 300, but I got the achievement! BEGLIAN POWER!

@crusader2410 - 09.08.2021 14:33

Hey man, thanks for making this! Really REALLY good guide, which still holds up today from my experience.

Just to confirm- I completed this on about attempt 4-5. Pretty much the main reason for failure for me was not getting naval supremacy fast enough in the channel without your fleets getting utterly obliterated by the Royal Navy (even with air support).

A very important thing to note though- what the game classes as 'casualties' for this achievement seems pretty beansed, as just before I capitulated the UK, my manpower loss was showing as 5,000, however I still got the achievement. Very odd- but not complaining!

On checking the combat/equipment loss log- it seems to vary on whether Naval/Air losses are added up properly, and again if these are calculated for the achievement seems sporadic at best.

For people trying this challenge my advice is to play it out until capitulation of the UK fires- even if the game is saying you have several thousand casualties- it may still give you the achievement once the peace conference is over!

@mlg_teletubby9391 - 26.07.2021 11:45

Struggling a bit with this one. Poland always attacks the konigsberg lands while I'm busy with France racking up about 2k casualties. The uk and France go off flawlessly, but Poland attacks making the achievement unobtainable

@Fyres11 - 24.07.2021 22:26

Just did it following your tutorial and UK didn't left any defence in UK. I took half the Island before I've met 4-5 divisions. 120 Casualties only because I got a moron who attacked french at Nice for a sec.

@michealbohmer2871 - 19.07.2021 07:10

WOW!...that's all, just WOW!

@La-Principessa - 18.07.2021 16:38

I took that achievement with 20 casualties to France, 0 to Poland but 40k+ casualties to United Kingdom. I discovered we need less than 475 casualties to ONLY Poland and France. ( If I have made a mistake in grammar, it is because of the poor teaching of English in my country. I searched some words on google translate )

@daltonprinzluckyluke8790 - 12.07.2021 13:06

Very good strategy indeed, but the funny part is that i got the achievment even though i got 650 casualties😂😂

@tieslang8657 - 09.07.2021 13:49

Thanks man, still works

@Luis_.- - 03.07.2021 21:57

