White Walker Theory Iceberg Part 1! A Song of Ice and Fire - Game of Thrones

White Walker Theory Iceberg Part 1! A Song of Ice and Fire - Game of Thrones

David Lightbringer

1 год назад

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SpiceWyrm - 22.10.2023 08:02

When you said I’m not high on weed I’m normal I felt that 😂😂😂

Slechy Lesh
Slechy Lesh - 18.10.2023 07:15

Another kenning - hildegicel "blood dripping from a sword," literally "battle-icicle

KkFree - 06.10.2023 09:09

They remind me of the predator, wit Arnold… that movie scares me to death still to this day.

Nadia Southière
Nadia Southière - 04.10.2023 19:55

Good stream LML👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻♥️Thanks for sharing🙋🏼‍♀️🇨🇦🤓

Corinne 4Ever
Corinne 4Ever - 03.10.2023 17:40

She’s an ✨icy gorl✨

Thomé - 02.10.2023 01:22

awesome all the time

Cristina Miruna
Cristina Miruna - 30.09.2023 14:39

So who buys expensive jewelry worn by the queen herself..in the north, where most of the people living in that area barely had anything to eat..

Drew Thompson
Drew Thompson - 29.09.2023 07:31

The horn of joramun breaks a metaphysical wall, maybe between the living and dead or undead in the weir. is it possible the end of the story ends up creating a new kind of "green magician" in line with the wargs and greenseers but instead they channel the undead? instead of bran containing all past greenseers it could be spread out creating a "internet" system.

Hina Khodiyara
Hina Khodiyara - 29.09.2023 01:29

Love this stream, and the art work showcased is phenomenal. Appreciate it, thanks.

Michael Tavizon
Michael Tavizon - 15.09.2023 10:03

Rewatch binge continues 🎉🎉🎉

Breezy’s comics and collectibles
Breezy’s comics and collectibles - 14.09.2023 01:11

Just found your channel but I am loving your videos man! I see the Virginia license plate in your vids and gotta ask are you from Virginia? Born and raised in VA myself!

Fett713 aka Mando Dragon
Fett713 aka Mando Dragon - 09.09.2023 09:07

The description for The Ice Dragon on Barbes and Noble is as follows:
In the world of A Song of Ice and Fire the ice dragon was a creature of legend and fear, for no man had ever tamed one. When it flew overhead, it left in its wake desolate cold and frozen land. But Adara was not afraid. For Adara was a winter child, born during the worst freeze that anyone, even the Old Ones, could remember.
So I think it's fair to say that it's part of the history of Westeros, or somewhere else in the world, if nothing else as an old legend, as you said something Old Nan would tell at the very least.

Moira Ferreira
Moira Ferreira - 08.09.2023 18:55

Thanks David

Surmatic - 30.08.2023 21:06

Could Bran the Builder be cold hands? Somehow takes the others power to build the wall but it comes with a consequence... he cant leave the North forever doomed to guard the wall he built.

Danielle Newbery
Danielle Newbery - 27.08.2023 13:01

looks great now lol

Dupe Jesu
Dupe Jesu - 24.08.2023 22:52

The others could have sensed that waymar blood 🩸 wasn’t,the bloodline of the chosen one ..once it was spilled,they could tell that he wasn’t the prince that was promised,that’s what changed their behaviour towards him

deeptrip - 18.08.2023 23:48

I had a Dream:

Euron will sacrifice Dany for her Dragon Blood Magic to become the new GOD/EVIL

Night's King will snatch Euron's body and start the New Long Night

Dany will be revived by Fire Magic and it will make her both Nyssa Nyssa whose death started the long night as well as Night's Queen who will turn the tide against New Night's King Euron

Night's King was killed or stopped by a Stark named Brandon who might be the nephew of NK became the last hero. To me it seems that our Bran (The last living God) will guide Theon (Hand of God) to kill Euron just like it happened before.

John who was also resurrected by Bran + Mel should become another Coldhand type figure and he will either lead the others with Dany as a couple or he may have to kill Dany and all The Others. Coldhand will probably sacrifice himself for John.

psn64sat63 - 18.08.2023 23:25

Did you seriously call a Reggae song Dubstep?!

Yellow Fellow
Yellow Fellow - 18.08.2023 20:59

So basically the Others are Canadian Necromancers, is what you're saying.

justin cline
justin cline - 16.08.2023 18:18

About the Horn of Joramun and dragon binder maybe being comet binder idea, Elden Ring has a very similar idea presented where one of the main characters of the story is using magic to hold meteors in the sky and prevent them from crashing into the land and when you end up killing the character the meteors come crashing down. Just an interesting thought that I had when you mentioned the long night in relation to a comet, the ideas seem pretty similar to one another.

PackLeader 1990
PackLeader 1990 - 10.08.2023 07:36

Theon Greyjoy seems to be heavily inspired by Macbeth, in my humble opinion. & Shaggy Dog is probably my favorite of the Stark Direwolves. I think Rickon will become somewhat of a king on Skagos and lead the Skagosi to lend aid to the coming war against the Others & their wights. Also, in Elden Ring there are Tree Guardians which are a lot like Green Men.

huge big big huge
huge big big huge - 09.08.2023 10:04

Hell yeah this is a very exciting topic!! Hope you’ve been enjoying the wait for winds, smoking some of that pipe weed and vibing while we wait for Ol George to cook up some shit. Thanks for the video, David.

Kris Kimber
Kris Kimber - 06.08.2023 02:22

I've always had a theory about game of thrones. What if the story of azor ahai was a tale of multiple heroes defeating evil on a worldwide scale. Like, maybe the faith of the seven represents a prediction that seven heroes are needed to make victory possible. I find it hard to believe one person can be the savior of an apocalypse.

Leslie - 03.08.2023 18:21

Oooh maybe it's after Alysanne's visit that the NW added to their vows no children/wife to sort of keep the men away from women near the Wall. Not just lords are notorious rapısts some are even sent to the Wall for this very crime. some of the brothers of the nw sacrificed babies too

Stony Stark
Stony Stark - 03.08.2023 07:45

i always wondered if the dragon skulls would be reanimated by the whites but not sure if thats quite enough body lol

Erik's Workshop
Erik's Workshop - 01.08.2023 14:50

I have a bit if an out there theory about the Others being a predominantly female people, or at least live in a matriarchal society. It's just a wild guess at best that has minimal and speculative evidence to support it.

My first idea behind it is symbolic. We have the good guys of the all male Night's Watch who dress all in black facing the bad guys of the Others dressed in white, and would line up with Val the Wildling whose dressed all in white with a weirwood brooch, when she goes searching for Tormund. And having an organisation who have sworn of marrying women fight against a matriarchal society, with the underlying feminist themes of patriarchy vs matriarchy and the Dornish culture associations I see, would be kinda cool. I know the Others are associated with the colour blue, but they're also associated with winter and people associate winter with snow which is white. With the fact that we also refer to earth and nature as Mother Earth and Mother Nature, having an enemy strongly associated with Mother Nature being matriarchal would symbolically make sense. There is also the Aés Sidhe inspiration who were known as the Tuatha De Danann, in which one of the translations for is People/children of Danu, Danu being and ancient goddess. A Mother goddess, you could say.
When it comes to Craster and his kids, he only ever gives up his sons and not any of his daughters. If the Others were merely taking his sons to simply replenish their numbers as it were, then surely they would also be willing to take and annoyed that he isn't giving them his daughters. Yes he makes his daughters his wives, but Craster's an incestuous creep and the Others would surely not care and just come directly to his hold to take his daughters anyway, and he gets more wives the wildling way by taking them, He's strong enough to kill a bear, so wildling a wife away wouldn't be too hard for him. But, he only ever gives them his sons and the Others don't seem to mind them only being his sons. My idea is that the matriarchal Others use the baby boys in similar way the Westeros uses their daughters, as political means to an end and, lets be really with their mindset, to produce male heirs. In this case, I think they're using them in both the same way that the Children of the Forest are using Bloodraven and Bran, in the fact that the Others are using the boys as sacrifices to the Weirwood trees and using them as greenseers for their wights, and to repopulated their numbers. I turn to the Corpse Queen from the Night King tale, whose often speculated to be a female Other. What if she's an Other who reproduced with the Night King to produce more Others, their daughters her heirs and their sons to be greenseers who controlled his black brothers with dark sorceries.

Then there's the reader's and viewer's perspective. We imagine them as being male because most fantasy books and media tend to have dark lords. The tv show also portrayed them as male, so its understandable that we would think of them as male, especially when a lot of the physically and politically active antagonists that we see in the main story tend to be men. Not saying they're aren't any female antagonists like Cerci and the Sand Snakes, etc. but its mostly men. I can't remember the quote Melisandre says exactly, but when talking about the visions in the fire she talks about how the visions she sees are true but she can, and does, misinterpret them. She does misread them. She refers to the Great Other as 'he' and sees a man in a wooden mask and a boy with wolf's head, who we guess to be Bloodraven and Bran, who I think are being used in the same way the Others use Craster's sons. Because she sees men, the Great Other's also a male. Whilst the pawns are men, she and by default us, could be misled. And whilst be surrounded by male antagonists and pawns, we the reader could be misreading the Others as female.
This is just one massive speculation brought on by why only Craster would give up his sons and who the Corpse Queen is though. Massive amounts grasping at straws and a lot of nonsensicals, but a fun thing to think about. And I'm kinda glad I used Val as part of my speculation because her character intrigues me.

Weebay_213 - 30.07.2023 03:28

Yeah @DavidLightbringer these do bring Light. Valour MA Fila Pants

Axe Murderer
Axe Murderer - 26.07.2023 10:53

Horn of Winter summons a comet to impact the wall. Magic doesn't end in the upper atmosphere. It's tied into the nature of the universe. Like gravity & time.

heh...two minutes later you say the same thing.
Wall is the border that separates ice from fire.

Dan Oates
Dan Oates - 25.07.2023 13:18

Is my boy all good with all this coughing?

Chris Brown
Chris Brown - 25.07.2023 12:42

Got about 5 mins in. Bored.

Leslie - 24.07.2023 16:56

I feel like the WW know about the prince that was promised (Dany) so they're looking for another person (Ice and Fire or Jon) to defeat them. Maybe.

Lucas Chapel
Lucas Chapel - 23.07.2023 16:55

I don't think The Last Hero was Bran The Breaker, as the doesn't fall in lone with all of George's "stolen baby" symbology.
I think that The Last Hero was a Dayne, who followed Bloodstone Emperor over from Ashai to stop him. He stole one of the babies who was going to be sacrificed to The Others and took the baby south to be raised by the baby's maternal family, the Starks. The baby grew up to be Bran The Breaker, the biological son of Night's King & Queen, who was never sacrificed to The Others.
As an adult, he goes to the Night Fort with Ice (the sword that House Stark) and defeats the army of the dead; ending the Long Night by banishing Night's King into The Weirwood Net and burring Night's Queen under the crypts of Winterfell.
After The Long Night, Bran gives the oringal Ice to the Daynes, who travel south with it and rename it "Dawn".

Lucas Chapel
Lucas Chapel - 23.07.2023 16:26

I believe that Craster is baby Maegor Targaryen. I think he's a special recipe of DNA that will make a baby suitable to be sacrificed to The Others and / or to be turned into a White Walker.
If Craster is baby Maegor, he's half Targaryen and half Dayne. His wife is a wildling of first men descent, perhaps with some COTF DNA.
I believe it's this same recipe that Night's King and Queen used, as Night's King was The Bloodstone Emperor from Ashai, thus had Golden Empire DNA and Night's Queen was a Stark, thus had first men and COTF blood.
They sacrifice their babies to The Others, who are the spirits of The Old Gods AKA The Green Men, who were ejected from The Wierwood Net by Night's King AKA Bloodstone Emperor AKA Azor Ahai.
Definitely where I think this is where George is going, and where I'd love to see a spin off TV show go, it's the PERFECT way to set up the "Big Bad" for Jon Snow to vanquish in the new Snow TV show, which will likely end in the same way that A Dream Of Spring will end, sans the odd decisions HBO has already taken the characters in.
I definitely think that The Golden Empire Of The Dawn and the creation of The Others / Long Night is the most important and interesting part of the lore.

magister343 - 19.07.2023 17:52

Personally I don't think there is anything special about Craster's first wife, but I am almost positive that Craster himself is the bastard son of either Bloodraven or Maester Aemon who has taken his family tradition of incest further than most Targaryens did.

Now I'm Gonna Starve
Now I'm Gonna Starve - 14.07.2023 11:32

Such well thought out and researched theories. Really commendable.

Karim W.
Karim W. - 13.07.2023 06:13

Did you just say, let me praise Garth, then rip a hoot off camera?

Felho - 12.07.2023 21:15

I think Brandon the Breaker broke the "Pact" between Men and the Others, where children would be given to the Others to keep their population from dying off.

Hakan - 12.07.2023 04:30

Hi David. English is my third language. I learned a lot from your videos. Great researches. Great ideas. Thank you.

Jenn Dowden
Jenn Dowden - 10.07.2023 13:02

Only about 6 mins in, but all the talk of white/wight shadows has me thinking of Mel's dark shadow babies... and it definitely feels like it's related.

A Gente e a Mente Podcast
A Gente e a Mente Podcast - 10.07.2023 01:35

Dragons fireberg when?

Mistakai - 09.07.2023 21:29

Perhaps the nights queen is not a woman at all, but rather a magical comet from which the night king gains power.

Mistakai - 09.07.2023 21:17

Maybe the horn is like a magical key that brings down the mystic barrier.

Emme Bennett #2856
Emme Bennett #2856 - 09.07.2023 10:58

I know you haven’t streamed or posted in awhile, but I think it might be pretty cool to speculate if Harwin would’ve been around & not passed. I feel like rhaenyra & the boys & even laenor & daemon would be completely different if he hadn’t passed. It would be cool to hear what could’ve been!

sawney_bean - 08.07.2023 21:18

Black wildlings 🤢?

Matt Hankins
Matt Hankins - 07.07.2023 17:48


VforVendejo - 07.07.2023 04:43

Could the 6 foot horns be from unicorns?
