5 Things Maine Coon Cat Owners Must Never Forget

5 Things Maine Coon Cat Owners Must Never Forget

The Cagdot

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kristina Susino
kristina Susino - 21.08.2023 05:44

…..yes I was Mine Coon mom…they are the best..💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

Cat and Creature Tales
Cat and Creature Tales - 09.08.2023 01:18

Wayne Gray
Wayne Gray - 02.08.2023 23:36

Maine Coons are, simultaneously, the Best of Heaven and the worst of Hell!😂

Muhammad Ridzuan
Muhammad Ridzuan - 22.07.2023 07:55

I have black Maine coon girls.he very love me love it.☺️

ovecboy - 13.06.2023 13:42

I had a maine-coon cat, he was almost 7 years old. He passed away not so long ago, he had pancreatic cancer (or how is it called properly). So he got very sick. 😪
But he was the cutest cat ever. Not really smart tbh (at least he didn't show it), he didn't play fetch, but he knew where we keep his favourite laser pointer, so he always gave signs if he wanted to play

Daniel Soucy
Daniel Soucy - 09.06.2023 02:32

My coon is the boss in the house! He rules and loves Tuna!

Leonie Tempra
Leonie Tempra - 05.06.2023 18:25

I’m getting my first rescue MC this week. He’s 8 and a diabetic. He was literally 1hr from being put to sleep when a rescue nurse took him on to foster. He’s part MC but looks very much MCish. I hope this boy lives up to the video.

Tina Ballinger
Tina Ballinger - 28.05.2023 00:35

My male MC he is the plumber and his sister she is the electrian. When she was about 2 months old I had to wrap up all cords and nothing is plugged in. They do love the water

Scobie Cooper
Scobie Cooper - 02.05.2023 18:47

Had a Maine Coon, he was very smart and playful. He would never use his claws when he was playing with me. Also would let me pluck his fur off in spring and love to get brushed any time. Heard him barking a could of times at dogs.

Waterlily - 02.05.2023 11:54

My Maine Coon taught me to play fetch and bring her good sticks, that we can play with. We have small bouncy balls and she can vatch them midair with her paws and sometimes she comes walking around with a long stick and loooves it. Sometimes I come home and she has placed her favorite sticks on my bed or couch.
Most of the other things said in this video applies to most cats in my experience.

Mine Duck
Mine Duck - 23.04.2023 20:26

Never forget that they are out there loving you and probably thinking about you. Such a happy and smart type of cat.

Aidan Haderlie
Aidan Haderlie - 11.04.2023 00:09

Mine is annoying ash, gets into trouble whenever I don’t pay attention to him and is very affectionate, if you pet him he’ll want you to for the next 2 hours but will randomly get up and go start playing with something😂 but I love that lil crackhead

Trond Hansen
Trond Hansen - 06.04.2023 08:50

you mentioned that maine coons are patient,o boy do i have news for you :)

C A Beverforden
C A Beverforden - 06.03.2023 04:26

Mine followed me everywhere. Even when I was working from home. He had other cat friends. He would listen when would tell him no.

heather A willow and Bootsie
heather A willow and Bootsie - 28.02.2023 06:30

Our Maine coon is still a kitten . She follows me and also my dog everywhere. She also plays wig my dog and has some crazy games she plays she’s amazing !! I. E got a couple videos up so far of her and the dog. More to come!!

She Dahroug
She Dahroug - 27.02.2023 19:37

Our Maine coon ‘foofa’ was a rescue and she was the love of our lives we did get another cat a Siamese kitten they were devoted to each other and us.

Bband - 23.02.2023 22:07

It's not only main coon that play fetch. Most cats do, if they're in the mood.

Daniel Vertino
Daniel Vertino - 16.02.2023 23:21

My maine coon is brilliant, he sleeps with me and he hates the sound of the alarm clock, 4 out 5 days of the week the alarm clock is set for 5 am, Fridays at 6 am. My cat wakes me up about 2 minutes before the alarm goes off 5 days out of the week, he hates the sound of the alarm clock, if it goes off my cat kicks the alarm clocks ass. It amazes me that he can differentiate the time the way he does.

frognpitt69 - 16.02.2023 23:20

She talks a lot….is very affectionate…. likes to play ball on stairs and loves us soooo much love catnip

Michele Lein
Michele Lein - 01.02.2023 11:47

Peculiar? Try scary. I'll tell you why people way back thought cats were familiars of "THE DAARRK SIDE". I got my Maine Coon Cat Tildy three years ago when she was about nine months old. I've never known a cat so smart who keeps learning about life and me. We hold conversations, mostly by meows, "mrrrs," and long, meaningful gazing at each other. But last night we were sleeping in my bed, as usual. I was half awake, petting her, and she was in her usual deep slumber (during which she snores like a dog). But suddenly, as my eyes were closed, unfortunately I heard what sounded like a one yr old saying repeatedly, "Mamma, Mommy, Mamma." Luckily, my light was still on, or I might have expired right there. But no. It wasn't a demon baby from a horror movie come to haunt me. It was Tildy. I just couldn't believe it. She was talking in her sleep. It's not unusual for her to "meow" in her sleep and seem to be holding a conversation with another cat or dog. But this was full on "toddler-eez" "Mamma, Mommy" talking. And this evening, just to prove to me I hadn't been half dreaming, she "sleep-talked" again, same thing. I think she's doing it because I'm constantly referring to myself as 'Mamma' and 'Mommy' when I talk to her, or even when talking to myself, which I frequently do, and we are very close. "Imprinted" on each other, even. So I believe she has subconsciously picked up on it as she's so smart. I bet certain breeds of cats have done the same for hundreds and thousands of years, and if you were a superstitious soul circa, 1200 BCE, I'm betting your first thought would be "Eee! It's a devil's familiar!", as you ran screaming from your peasant's or indentured surf's hovel. I was just informing my baby yesterday that I wanted to train her to talk with a talking board. This was no doubt Tildy's way of informing that she does not need any "animal assistant" talking board, lol.

jess gunn
jess gunn - 30.01.2023 17:22

my girl understands switches, so i have to switch off my central heating at the mains can`t put it on timer because she knows how to switch it on, i have to unplug electric blankets as well for the same reason! trust me you will never get ahead of your maine coon once you sort one thing they are figuring out the next!!!

Whimsical Woods Life
Whimsical Woods Life - 28.01.2023 20:51

My Maine Coon just took me on a wild goose chase through the Maine woods at midnight and the whole time he knew where he was but kept crying so I kept following him, thinking he had lost his bearings and couldn't find his way home. He has a visual disability, so since we had a recent snowstorm which left the top layer crusted, it was pretty white everywhere. Lol luckily the crust held me up for the most part and I didn't get too wet or cold chasing him!! He finally decided it was getting chilly and agreed to follow me home. It wasn't until ten min after getting him in finally, that it occurred to me he was just having fun freely running around like we do together in summer. He always goes ahead of me and cries then waits for me to get close and takes off again. Geez! He is very smart for sure😁🥰one of my funniest cats I've ever shared my life with. I call him a coyote all the time due to his dog like attitude and ways.

Mark - 28.01.2023 09:49

Our Maine Coon, LuLu is a major part of our life. She is loving yet there's a mischievous side but in no way destructive. As I'm a cancer patient she is an amazing companion and understands when I'm having an issue with pain or being sick. If I'm in bathroom on a bad moment she gives privacy yet any other time our bathroom time becomes hers as the house is hers. She loves her alone time and also together time. It's her choice. She is a most loved and the third member of our little family. She does get a proper diet not too many treats as most of them are just not that good. She loves a good paw massage too.

divnv 07
divnv 07 - 20.01.2023 17:57

I can't eat crunchy cereal in front of my maine coon kitten. He will hold my hand with his paw to stop me. The crunching sound makes him think I'm eating his kibbles. I like snacking cereal while watching tv.

Adrienne Gormley
Adrienne Gormley - 11.01.2023 20:42

I had a beautiful girl for 16 years. My favexstory abt her is the smarts department. After an accident where I lost my then car, moved back in with mom. Cat included. And each nightcwhen I got home from work, Ms Brat would meet me at the door and ask for pets and treats. It's the treats that are the focus. I usually gave her three treats after I got home. She would sit there, ears forward, happy face, for treats 1 and 2. But when I'd take #3 out of the container, she'd gobtoral grumpy cat, because she knew it was the last she'd get that night. Laughed when mom said, "That cat can count!"

Kam3l0t - 08.01.2023 00:47

I wantttttt oneeeeeeee (twooooooo actually) 😩😢😅

Gwendolyn Sasso
Gwendolyn Sasso - 07.01.2023 17:14

I have a MC. I totally agree about the dog like features. Mika is a guard cat. He sits on command, comes when called, and if he doesn't like someone he growls and hisses. Anybody else experience these traits in their Maine Coon cat??

teresa litti
teresa litti - 05.01.2023 23:33

Siete tutti bellissimi 💋💋💋

Cat Lady
Cat Lady - 05.01.2023 18:25

I am not the owner. I'm her parent😍😍😍

Cat Lady
Cat Lady - 05.01.2023 18:22

I thought u were describing my 8 months old MISHA 😍😍

Rayanne Horne
Rayanne Horne - 05.01.2023 01:21

My DSH who played fetch. Rooney cat you are missed dear.
Love, Mom

sheri baby
sheri baby - 03.01.2023 08:12

My cat's mother was a MC. Don't know the father. He is a tuxedo and a cross between short and long hair. Very handsome. He is 6 and still love's to play. Always into everything. Loves pipe cleaners and remembered where I stored them. Opened the drawer and proceeded to paw everything out of the drawer till he got the pipe cleaners in the back. He loves to play fetch. He does follow me from room to room and sleeps next to my pillow. He is very friendly and inspects all visitors. He can be mean too. If you pet him when he doesn't want it he will bite. He doesn't like to be held. If he wants to be loved he won't leave me alone. He knows when it's treat time and he will sit by my chair and reach a paw and tap me. He keeps it up till I give in. Hard not to when he is so darn cute.

Melinda C
Melinda C - 02.01.2023 22:22

I got a Maine Coon for Christmas. I've wanted one for as long as I can remember, so this year my sig other made my dream come true. He's 4 months old, and the entire family loves him already, except for my two rescue senior cats who haven't warmed up to him yet, even though I'm taking it nice and slow with the introductions. He's a smokey gray with a white belly and a white ruff. He has two, thick, black streaks under his eyes and is quite the little lovebug. He looks like a gray and black cloud with very soft fur. 😻

A. Rod
A. Rod - 02.01.2023 01:03

I think our Maine Coon was a tree hugging hippie in a past life. He’s got this easygoing live and let live outlook on life. And he’s everybody’s best buddy. 😆

TRULA CRUM - 29.12.2022 08:25

I have a 9months old he maincoon mix he already bigger then my son cat and she 6 year old

JBoo Cubing+Gaming+Lego
JBoo Cubing+Gaming+Lego - 24.12.2022 01:15

Our Maine Coon Mixed Cat is super affectionate, and knows how to open doors.

Beverly Martin-Mfume
Beverly Martin-Mfume - 22.12.2022 09:47

I would like to get one 😊

ali grotts
ali grotts - 21.12.2022 08:42

My Jojo is 30 pounds of intelligent fun.

CM - 21.12.2022 03:46

I have a 7 year old, my family got her from the shelter 6 years ago. She is the biggest foodie I know and has even learned what time my family members and I get up so she can beg for food. She is also very smart and it took less than a week to train her to use the scratching post instead of scratching the couch, and she even knows how to open doors! One of her favorite activities is sitting in the windowsill while chirping at the birds, and even though she's 7 she still chases after her toys like she's still a kitten. And she is the most loyal and affectionate cat I've ever owned. She waits by the door when I come home from work, she sleeps beside my head every night, and follows me into every room I go into. She is honestly the best thing to ever happen to me and if you are reading this and considering getting a maine coon I highly recommend it.
Edit: If you do decide to get one I would highly recommend adopting from a shelter or foster home, its much cheaper and you also get the privilege of knowing that you're giving your cat a second chance at getting a good life, it's just much more rewarding in my opinion :)

DERIK THE TREED INC! - 13.12.2022 06:50

Just got one today look pretty blue eyes about 3 months 4 months old female $ 40

Maybelle Ohrberg
Maybelle Ohrberg - 01.12.2022 08:09

No but I'm looking forward to get a cat but thank you for more information that I didn't know about when I get it I will have my older cat be insides with my new cat

Ziggy - 30.11.2022 17:31

Our Maine Coon is the joy of my life. Very affectionale that loves to spebd time with us. Bean will let us know when they need more attention.

RedvenomSB S
RedvenomSB S - 26.11.2022 11:28

My Maine coon is the sweetest kitty ever but hates dogs what do I do

Todd Sutton
Todd Sutton - 22.11.2022 19:44

my 3 year yr old i rescued was an avid hunter but i lost him, he got run over. i really miss him. he was about a week old when i found him.

Sultan M
Sultan M - 17.11.2022 06:36

My little trouble maker is 9 months old, and he has been with me for 7 months (my first ever cat).
The video describes them perfectly.
He follows me around everywhere when I’m home and if I’m not home after sunset, he sits by the door and does a few different howls which almost sound like a human child in distress, it’s cute and almost painful/sad to hear and witness.

He also does the same if I go in a room and close the door, kind of annoying, but not as annoying as when he’d wake up around 3-4am, go downstairs and cry/howl because he wanted company and someone to turn the lights on and open the blinds (thank God that’s recently stopped).

He’s super affectionate and calms me down when I’m stressed. When I was younger, I used to kind of laugh at people I’d see out and about with pet hair on their clothes, now, pretty much all my chill, wear at home clothes are covered in his long arse fur, but It does not bother me 🤷🏻‍♂️😄

Evy Shakti
Evy Shakti - 15.11.2022 16:01

I have a 13 year old main coon mix, and that naughty boy found a way to go on terrace through our window, still plays with wool balls and absolutely anything.

The Naughty Kitten
The Naughty Kitten - 14.11.2022 22:04

Rest In Heavenly Peace my beautiful- sweet - black Maine Coon mix, RITZY. ☦✨✝✨🙏🏻
She was very intelligent and knew a lot of words. I will forever miss her. 😭🐾♥🐈‍⬛

Kno Name777
Kno Name777 - 14.11.2022 17:00

I have a 4 month old Maine Coon and yes, she's quite the character. Best cats ever ❤️

Salvatore John Allan Fisher
Salvatore John Allan Fisher - 02.11.2022 13:06

I got a Maine Coon. Smokey

Bree Young
Bree Young - 02.11.2022 03:38

My Fabio was the smartest animal I've ever known. He taught me to play fetch, let me know he was lonely so I adopted two young female short-hairs for him which was so fun, he waited at the door for me everynite, he was distressed when his brother died so began dumping his waterbowl all the time. I sat him down and talked to him about how we were both sad but he shouldn't dump his water. It stopped immediately. He was an indoor cat but there were some weeds he and his girls loved to chew. So I would make a little pile in the kitchen every so often and one night as I was sitting in the living room he dragged a weed over to me " here mom it's so delicious"! Fabio died 3 years ago and I still can't get over it. btw their hair mats very easily so u Must brush them.
