Top 20 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists Ever

Top 20 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists Ever

3 года назад

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@WatchMojo - 20.04.2021 18:55

Plot twist!: Sorry guys we accidentally put the wrong title, these are Shocking Plot Twists, not bad plot twists! Huge apologies and thanks for letting us know of the error.

@alyssinwilliams4570 - 28.09.2023 19:24

Almost 2 years to the day that this video was posted, they posted another video with nearly the same premise. Combine the two videos together for a pretty comprehensive list

@KennyMcGavin - 14.07.2023 13:47

Baten Kaitos for the NGC deserves to be on this list, anyone who's played the game knows exactly what I'm talking about

@m.ikramahfaraz5307 - 04.07.2023 23:38

what about the time wher at the end of metal gear rising revemgeamce.....we are the successor of Armstrong to take over the patriots

@iluvspongebob1234 - 19.06.2023 22:43

The truth behind Mari’s death
—OMORI (2020)

@carnage2512 - 09.04.2023 17:18

Arkham City two Joker's reveal?

@onlinedevil1432 - 27.03.2023 16:23

What about Metal Gear Solid where Snake is fooled by Liquid (disguised as Master Miller) into activating Metal Gear REX. How did that not make it onto this list?

@crimsonhartman - 15.03.2023 09:31

Wolf among us was surprising

@Downhuman74 - 17.02.2023 18:25

Ah, Dead Space should have been #1. You missed the twist with the twist. Not only is Nicole dead but Isaac actually already KNOWS that she's dead and has chosen to deny/forget it. He's watched the vidcom countless times and there's simply NO WAY he didn't watch that video all the way through at some point. In fact, he probably watched it all the way through the first time. Isaac is already insane before he even even steps foot on the Ishimura.

@twasnotacrow - 11.02.2023 05:12

The fact that "A Way Out" isn't mentioned is lunacy

@TheCrowGaming1 - 31.01.2023 22:57


@TheCrowGaming1 - 31.01.2023 22:57


@bigqquirkequirke7787 - 29.01.2023 15:09

Em far cry 5 nuke ending no

@ghalikamouni2148 - 26.01.2023 03:48

Should have putted fnaf

@HolyFlare484 - 25.01.2023 05:13

I'm surprised Aerith is that low

@WillieManga - 25.01.2023 03:35

You can't escape; Soma. Unfortunately your character has to die twice. And slowly as well. The first time he dies to a neural injury while trying to get his brain scanned, accidentally turning himself into a robot many years later. And then, he tries to transfer his mind into a space computer. No, that is not an option. He can only copy it, like backing up your PC files and letting your old computer die. An angry computerized scientist blows herself out and leaves him to die in the dark alone. I love twists that don't come completely out of nowhere, and unlike in KOTOR, they don't recap the hints. It's just that the character cannot grasp the concept.

@enragedbear - 04.01.2023 18:21

the twist in GOW Ragnarok has to be on here now idc what anyone says

@thehater6189 - 27.12.2022 10:45

How is Joel saving Ellie a twist? The ENTIRE game builds towards that conclusion. From the very beginning, its clear what the ending will be

@thehater6189 - 27.12.2022 10:44

Aloy being a clone isnt a twist… its a reveal. Obviously something was up with her.

@ericlohr520 - 18.12.2022 16:52

Too many ads on your videos

@theartoonnerdologist411 - 13.12.2022 22:07

What about Salem surviving in army of two 3

@binarabalasuriya2170 - 26.11.2022 13:31

Death Stranding ????????? Mads Mikkelsen

@WhatsDownPatient - 21.11.2022 17:10

BioShock is the 2nd most underrated game ever imo. My dad put me onto it and I was expecting to not like it, but now it's one of my favorite games ever along with Uncharted 2 and Silent Hill 2. I legit cried during the plot twist and it really flipped everything about the game on its head. I wish more people would play it and see how fantastic it really was.

@exofallz - 11.11.2022 06:36

joker surving the interrogation in persona 5 was the craziest moment ever

@metaltak1154 - 22.10.2022 10:57

The death of Aerith.
Just wait for ff7 remake part 2😭😭😭

@henriquestealth9480 - 21.10.2022 05:53

Manhunt 2 has a good plot twist

@andrewtaylor1492 - 06.10.2022 03:50

Why didn’t they use a phoenix down on aerith?

@charlesarvinplayz5289 - 05.10.2022 09:02

My own shocking plot twist
Ryder and big smoke betrayal gta san andreas
Mason actually lives cod black ops 2
Joels death the last of us

@christianloubardias6375 - 02.10.2022 03:20

These are indeed shocking plot twists, but nothing rocks you to your core more than Shepherd's betrayal in Modern Warfare 2

@PiMpJoOsE10 - 15.09.2022 01:37

Aerith dying should be top 3 tf. As much as everyone talks about it

@frozentaho206 - 01.09.2022 14:45

Was anybody really bummed by Aerith's death? I never liked her so i was totally cool with it.

@MrRykage - 26.08.2022 20:48

Kefka : Where do they come from...? Where do they go?

@FlyJonat - 21.08.2022 16:08

I'm sad that the ending of ac2 isn't there.

@luster5497 - 19.08.2022 23:06

Plot twist, you can go to hell and revive Aeirth from the dead as a ghost character.

@DreddPirateRoberts - 17.08.2022 04:46

Kinda wish the reveal in Mass Effect (1) or Bioshock Infinite could have at least made the honorable mentions.

@silverzoroark9711 - 16.08.2022 19:06

I, think this idiot ment to call Samus a bounty hunter not, a space marine, I mean come on any moron would know that, I've never played a Metroid game in my life and I know that.

@rage_w.b.m - 16.08.2022 17:39

So y'all just left out plots twists in the first black ops😭

@mbry1 - 12.08.2022 18:00

The General Shepard betrayal was kind of obvious in my opinion especially if you played Modern Warfare it was obvious from that point on

@blueslime3963 - 07.08.2022 15:27

The true identity of Miang in Xenogears. Actually the whole plot is just one big twist

@davidpinker459 - 05.08.2022 21:32

Cold War wins.

@ginomurazzo7221 - 04.08.2022 17:03

How you don’t have metal gear solid ( arguably best PlayStation 1 game of all time ) master miller being liquid snake on this list is beyond me …

@Darkfox129 - 03.08.2022 22:46

Bruh how is Halo CE: ranked 13th? Imo that was by far the biggest twist I've ever seen

@robertparker6280 - 22.07.2022 23:02

Man Spec Ops: The Line...........what a game. Yes basic 3rd Person Shooter, but man that story is just..........DAMN! I had a friend, who had an older brother, that cried at the White Phosphorus and ending, cause he was a soldier during Iraq and Afghanistan.

@tanyaflanagan8111 - 15.07.2022 11:05

John Marstons death still knocks the wind outta me.

I love Arthur Morgan much more than John but johns death just kills me.

@Dondingo4 - 13.07.2022 18:43

I'm still a firm believer that the MC from FFX is named "Ty-dus" not "Tee-dus" and it bothers me any time someone says the latter. It just sounds weird and weak like saying carbine as "car-bean" and besides, "TIDE-us" makes sense with the ocean theme.

@brunomattos - 30.06.2022 22:51

FFT villaneous heroes revelarion.

@P2J6O8 - 29.06.2022 18:49

In the first dead space game if you take the first letter of each chapter & put it all together it spells out nicole is dead which spoils the game from the get go.

@fmx7201 - 29.06.2022 07:04

The memory implantation twist in COD Cold War should be on this list. Maybe Micah is the rat in Red Dead as well.

@bravo64822 - 28.06.2022 07:45

I hate sheperd that scene makes me cry

@citymorguem5467 - 27.06.2022 12:13

Shepherd's betrayal will forever be the biggest twist ever.
Standalone? Meh.
But when u see GHOST die, fukkk!! U lose ur shiii. I still remember crying a lil, the first time i played it. I was toooo attached to ghost as a character and I believe it was designed that way only.
The attachment to a particular character that is.
Il be telling even my grandkids about this moment whenever they ask to share some shii.
