How to Fix Kernel Panic Unable to Mount Root FS

How to Fix Kernel Panic Unable to Mount Root FS

Mental Outlaw

3 года назад

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Belaid Abdelhadi
Belaid Abdelhadi - 04.10.2023 22:58

Thank you 🎉 saved my life

Nate the Paper Mario and PMD fan
Nate the Paper Mario and PMD fan - 01.09.2023 15:46

Are you trying to get people to switch to Arch Linux from Ubuntu I like Ubuntu I've been using it for a month you can make fun of me all you want just letting you know you'll be ablest if you do because I'm autistic

Nate the Paper Mario and PMD fan
Nate the Paper Mario and PMD fan - 01.09.2023 15:43

I read error message for Minecraft and other games crashes then I look up on internet and if I can't find any fixes and I just report the bug to the makers of the mod I even had a hate Windows wallpaper on my Linux now I switch it to a hacker because the Linux for the hackers and the Developers and the super Advanced Computer users

Nate the Paper Mario and PMD fan
Nate the Paper Mario and PMD fan - 01.09.2023 15:41

Do you recommend switching from Ubuntu to Linux Mint is it any better is it faster I still haven't figured out how to run Windows programs on why it keeps freezing on the. Net Framework install and I searched up on the internet and I tried to fix with two hours but I couldn't find anything I'm keeping my windows and Linux dual boot I used Linux most of time cuz it better I don't know why you told people uninstall Windows mutahar said keep windows but gradually switch over the last version of Windows that was good was Windows 7 Windows pretty nice but I like Linux better because it's faster and you weren't spied on

Nate the Paper Mario and PMD fan
Nate the Paper Mario and PMD fan - 01.09.2023 15:39

You got the power and we just got to either State USD to the USB and fix the stuff we've got the power to install Linux

生活空間 - 24.07.2023 03:29

Hi, have anyone met this issue?
When I boot in an older kernel(4.18) on Ubuntu 22.04 server, I will get this error:

VFS: Cannot open root device “mapper/ubuntu–vg-ubuntu–lv” or unknown-block(0,0): error -6
Please append a correct “root=” boot option; here are the available partitions:
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

But it’s bootable when use other newer kernels.
Note: kernel debs are downloaded from ppa mainline.

Random - 16.06.2023 13:29

why not just use UUID?

BlueFordFocus - 09.05.2023 22:34

Hey, if you get a chance could you make another video of how to fix Linux after updating and booting up brings you to a GRUB bash screen? thank you for all your videos. I've been using Mint 21 Cinnamon and used the software updater and now when I boot it takes me to a minimal command line bash GRUB instead of the GRUB menu with start, advanced options, etc

user - 04.05.2023 02:47

Average gentoo user. Good job

Some Dude
Some Dude - 27.03.2023 05:48

How did you get to first screen? I can't boot into it...

Rebeca Vieira Sugino
Rebeca Vieira Sugino - 25.02.2023 20:41

THANK YOUUU!! I was so anxious about creating an V.M on my computer because I already have all the necessary content in books of Linux and how to start using that it freaked me out when appeared all kinds of errors in the process. You're really good!

Matt Howard
Matt Howard - 12.02.2023 22:07

I cannot even get terminal to initiate how do i open it on startup.

Forouhar P
Forouhar P - 30.01.2023 19:53

Also there is another reason that could lead to this kernel panic, that is initramfs(initrd) being too large.
Just compare the size to another initramfs of old kernel, for me the old kernel initramfs was 50 MB and the new one was 500 MB.
To fix this invoke INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 when instaling modules like so:
sudo make INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules_install

INCOGNITO.. - 13.01.2023 14:15

I have mint os and kali linux where my linux is stuck at kernel panic can mintos help kali to recover from it

Milena - 13.01.2023 00:58

Thank you so much for posting this content, it really motivates me to keep using Linux, despite facing issues I've never faced before and gives me strength to keep trying to fix it, instead of taking the easier way and give up! I feel so accomplished after fixing my system, but my only way of learning is trough videos like this one and forums. Nobody I know uses Linux, so I don't have someone to ask.
That makes me highly appreciate when someone takes from their time to create something, just to share it with the world and I'm extremely thankful for being able to stumble to your channel, watch your videos and expand my knowledge.

One big THANK YOU!

Anmar W
Anmar W - 05.12.2022 04:43

Hi. I have Slackware based Linux, and this happened for me only when I unpacked then repacked initrd.img with the commands below. What's wrong I have done please?
zcat initrd.img | cpio -idmv
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > initrd.img
Thank you

Derek - 12.10.2022 17:18

bro just get to the point. no one cares about what you else you have to say, just get to the point

Ghostgaming - 02.10.2022 20:39

Mine shows root fs

Danny - 27.07.2022 19:41

and that is why Linux sucks

he's me but not me
he's me but not me - 24.07.2022 17:39

Hey fellow based dudes my linux mint cinnamon is okay and super fine for me but sometimes when i shutdown it freezes on the mint logo and whenever i press esc the journal log shows:
unable to unmount oldroot resource might be busy.

can anybody help me with this one?

BlendingSentinel - 28.05.2022 19:54

Had an EFI based kernel panic and no data was left so I just went ahead and reinstalled since there was nothing to repair.

SS - 17.03.2022 08:20

How to open terminal after getting this error message

brando drumond
brando drumond - 11.01.2022 06:00

Parece robado el vídeo ... Título en español, vídeo en inglés?

The H1cker Exploiter
The H1cker Exploiter - 09.01.2022 06:07

How to turn on termial in without using virtual box

Daksh Dangwal
Daksh Dangwal - 04.01.2022 15:32

few hours? that's too good

Skeginald P
Skeginald P - 31.12.2021 00:03

Ctrl + L to quickly clear your terminal window. You’re welcome my dudes

jb888888888 - 12.11.2021 05:27

My problem is the computer w/the Kernel Panic is booting from a recovery USB! (Parted Magic). The PM works on other computers.

Double Den 💫
Double Den 💫 - 22.10.2021 11:24

How do you repeat this process on a Live USB 😁

tav - 25.09.2021 05:01

My fucking usb gives the same error message. FUCK

DixieNormous - 04.08.2021 14:36

Aint gonna lie pop os had me in the first half 😅

s - 31.07.2021 08:54

K help lmao

"end kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted too kill init! exitcode=0x00007f00"

quang le
quang le - 26.06.2021 16:54

quick question for you , i am still new to this game . After taking new update (kernell) on my Retropie Pi4 , it wont boot any more keep getting this message : cannot open access to console the root account is locked , thanks for your support

jimvonmoon - 19.04.2021 20:30

No way in hell a regular user would be able to diagnose and fix that problem, even if they read the error message.

ixp - 03.03.2021 02:15

Mental uses gaymer keyboard confirmed

1000100 Ten
1000100 Ten - 06.02.2021 15:17

This happens on systemd mostly btrfs .. Systemd has something like autogenerate btrfs separate home var cache like that

KTABIT - 06.02.2021 01:19

Mount point does not exist

simply Incorrigible
simply Incorrigible - 28.01.2021 16:01

Step 1: install windows
Step 2: get on with your life

Mohammad Bahathir Hashim
Mohammad Bahathir Hashim - 18.12.2020 03:40

If the GRUB bootloader is working, just boot into the BRUB and make the changes temporarily.

Thank you.

Ogger - 23.11.2020 21:36

Damn you even threw on the face Ai for your reflection

Enzo NoSirName
Enzo NoSirName - 22.11.2020 09:30

Hey can you show us how to kernel panic a Linux machine

Dev Gyn
Dev Gyn - 22.11.2020 00:40

how you mounted inside mnt without creating sub-directories?
Did you created before recording the video?

Dao The Thing
Dao The Thing - 22.11.2020 00:17

i actually got this issue just yesterday, exept on manjaro, and there were some problems with the libraries, so this video helped, the chroot command is very useful.

VladTepesVEVO - 21.11.2020 18:40

But Kenny, how can this knowledge help me get laid?

generic gamer 131
generic gamer 131 - 21.11.2020 16:41

normally you could just remove the root= parameter & boot off the initrd as long as you have one from there you can just mount your actual / or /boot chroot & fix fstab or grub.cfg or whatever just in case some of ya'll didn't know guessin most of you do

APES TOGETHER STRONG - 21.11.2020 16:18

thank you kind sir

kQuote03 - 21.11.2020 15:07

Is there any particular reason you dont use an initramfs + /etc/fstab ?
