Clipboard: Simple Unified Linux Clipping Tool

Clipboard: Simple Unified Linux Clipping Tool

Brodie Robertson

1 год назад

12,361 Просмотров

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@hfr410 - 21.09.2023 12:27

this already exists in linux, you can use mv to move a file/folder or cp to copy a file/folder... whats the point of using a tool for that?

@davidwilliams1720 - 09.07.2023 01:13

Bill: What number am I thinking of? Ted: 69696969!

@mitch7918 - 27.04.2023 16:00

Trying to search for info about this is impossible, terrible name for that reason alone

@uihirasawa843 - 19.04.2023 05:54

Based Fran enjoyer

@heroe1486 - 19.04.2023 02:35

Wasn't seeing the point on using it as a cp or mv replacement for files but the multi clipboard feature seems awesome, that may replace some of my xclip aliases

@apina2 - 18.04.2023 18:08

Man this is exactly what I've been missing for about a year now, to copy files (images and videos) to chats and stuff. Just wish it'd let you use your own terminal color scheme. Hate when tools use their own by default. NO_COLOR to the rescue.

@therealb888 - 18.04.2023 17:36

I love this app & most of FOSS, but I can't help but be paranoid about it. Apps used for clipboard functions, keyboard & such are critical in terms of security. While you may say never copy paste passwords, people will always use it for convenience. Imagine the kind of backdoors it opens if it's malicious or even benign but vulnerable.

What makes FOSS projects like Linux or BSD kernels trustable & very secure is not that the code is publicly visible but that there are actual many eyes working on the code.

What keeps me up at night is the automatic assumption of anything open source equals private & secure, thus not testing them for security & safety. Before anyone tells me xyz open source has no incidents like big closed source, I say have you searched with the same scrutiny for the given class of open source?

This clipboard app is super cool though, probably has enough people checking the code.

@zeocamo - 18.04.2023 16:02

you miss a joke here with the 69 clipboard, the value should have been Nice!!, and edit in the that guy they use on reddit that say Nice!

@Sean_neaS - 18.04.2023 15:41

I use xsel with some shell scripts inclipboard, outlipboard, inprimary, outprimary. I use them every day. Though neovim whichkey registers preview makes me to want something like that on the console. On windows locked down at work clip works for inclipboad, but there's not outclipboard to send clipaboard to stdout. It's nice also to outclipboard|inclipboard to convert formatted text to plain text.

@shanent5793 - 18.04.2023 15:33

How does it know if an argument is a string or a file?

@MalachiMarvin - 18.04.2023 12:37

They deserve a video just for their humorous README.

@KS-ep9rx - 18.04.2023 11:51

Somebody know an app that runs on top of clipboard and provides GUI interface like windows clipboard history

@Jmhawks - 18.04.2023 11:13

Curse the chromium ~/Downloads folder...

@OcteractSG - 18.04.2023 09:40

I use xclip to repeatedly clear the primary Xorg clipboard so that middle click doesn’t paste anything. Just a startup script that runs continuously.

@Dennis-Earl-Smiley - 18.04.2023 07:15

I should install on all linux clients!

@kylek3822 - 18.04.2023 05:55

I don't see the benefit from this program, mktemp solves this problem without reinventing cp, mv and several other tools. Even if I could think of a use case I doubt it's worth the added complexity
"Manage the exact same file system, but with a layer of useless abstraction over it, and do it with this incomplete set of tools" is the exact opposite of streamlining.
You can make something that solves your problem right now; rather than praying that a tool which cannot possibly solve it, magically will.

@davocc2405 - 18.04.2023 05:36

I've been trying to manage intentional clipping of text elements from a windows box on a different physical network zone to send through to a Debian 11.6 Pi via MQTT, this seems like it might work for scripted listen and populate if I use a set clipboard number. Thanks Mr Robertson, you might have solved an ongoing problem I was hoping for a solution for. If anyone here knows of a better one I'm all ears on this one too!

@manankataria - 18.04.2023 05:35

Why not use clip hist with its status bar applet ?

@FengLengshun - 18.04.2023 05:10

The other name is clipboard-jh; nixpkgs actually took the sane approach of making it more specific than just clipboard. It's a neat thing, I dunno how often I will use it, but I have it installed regardless.

Btw, I don't know if you've covered it, but ripgrep-all is a great CLI tool. At least for me at work, as I use it to just search through my entire work files when cross-referencing stuff from .xlsx files or .pdf files.

@Mental_Patient - 18.04.2023 04:09

I use clipmenu with rofi

@bahathir_ - 18.04.2023 03:40

very similar to 'xel'. Usually I open 'xclipboard' with yellow background and it acts as sticky note. Thank you.

@DFPercush - 18.04.2023 03:18

Very cool! I've used /dev/clipboard for scripting on some distros, but others have permissions problems doing that. I wonder if it actually stores the data on disk anywhere for non persistent items. That could be a security concern in some cases. I'll have to peek at the code and see, unless someone just knows off the top of their head.

@pastenml - 18.04.2023 03:18

It's definitely cool, but who has a workflow like this? The dev made it super easy to specify the clipboard index, but invented a new cli standard that is unlike anything I have seen before and probably doesn't work as well with shell completion. Other clipboard managers assumes you don't want to specify an index or clipboard, and rather append to one list. Isn't that what most people want?

@candyczar - 18.04.2023 02:22

Clippy is just another victim of Microshaft~~

@mathman0569 - 18.04.2023 02:10

Is this Turing complete?

@night_fiend6326 - 18.04.2023 02:04

Looks interesting. Would be interesting to see an implementation in a GUI especially in KDE.

@muellerhans - 18.04.2023 01:29

Doesn't look like it can really work with any X11 selection. Heresy to call that thing clipboard.

@jort93z - 18.04.2023 01:25

them being locked might refer to them being locked by the linux file system when opened in another program.
Looks like a nice program. should probably be renamed to something slightly more distinguishable, something as simply als clipbd would do.

@ssultan_nn - 18.04.2023 01:20

This looks cool, but you kinda need to micro manage it. I'll just stick with cliphist as i only need history from clipboard without the hassle of managing it.

@johannesdavidsen - 18.04.2023 01:11

Do you know any searching machine tool that can find any text even after dot and even inside the file?..
Something like Android app MT manager could do, but no search inside file if not opened, i used it as root file manager i was thinking for that kind of search machine on pc.. 😂
Btw I'm still noob maybe command search?

@doublinx2 - 18.04.2023 01:06

Seems really nice as a terminal utility, but y no SEO name? Completely unfindable

@helloimatapir - 18.04.2023 00:39

Parcellite does everything I need.

@Hetdegon - 18.04.2023 00:30

I've seen Clipboard mentioned often lately, and it's very serviceable. But my clipboard tool of choice is still CopyQ. Works on Linux, on Windows, it's FOSS, handles images (as data) and raw data formats, can be scripted heavily (internally) and incorporated into bash/powershell/whatever scripts easily as well.
I have wrapped it in a way that invokes other clipboard managers (and a secured file as last resort) if CopyQ is not available for any reason, though.

@Handy-Handy - 18.04.2023 00:29

lol, sounds freaking fancy! i will try it out :)

@Paxsali - 18.04.2023 00:28

Honestly I think it's great that this little tool exists, because it provides a lot of features to the user. However, from a developers perspective this program is trying to do like ... 5 jobs at once - and I don't think that's smart.

@vaisakhkm783 - 18.04.2023 00:26

😏 you know brodie, i will blaim you if i get hacked after installing random projects from github after you peaking my intrest in it.....

@No-mq5lw - 18.04.2023 00:25

IDK why but it feels like there's a few ms of desync between the audio and video

@vaisakhkm783 - 18.04.2023 00:22

can i copy things from file manager and paste with this?

@thiagoassisfernandes - 18.04.2023 00:22


@stayblueee - 18.04.2023 00:17

xclip is a total nightmare to use, at least for me. I hope this project takes off.

@user-cu6yh7po2f - 18.04.2023 00:15

Does it interact with system clipboard? Like can I ctrl+v with than thing?
Anyway, I don't get it's purpose, cause it's looks like fancy mv/echo/cat for me

@joshua_lee732 - 18.04.2023 00:15

This isn't a Solus video

@RichardBronosky - 18.04.2023 00:05

The name is impossible to Google! That's why Hyprland is great.

@0x7f2c - 18.04.2023 00:02

meow meow mrrp
