Akai MPC X SE // Top 3 Pros & Cons vs MPC Live II, One, Key 61, Studio // XSE Special Edition Review

Akai MPC X SE // Top 3 Pros & Cons vs MPC Live II, One, Key 61, Studio // XSE Special Edition Review


1 год назад

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Piotr Masełkowski
Piotr Masełkowski - 16.09.2023 09:25

I'm looking for unlimited track sequencer, possibly this is the only option 🤔 qlinks switching on smaller mpc's is too annoying in my opinion.

Dorin Jacota
Dorin Jacota - 22.08.2023 17:56

Is it possible to shift the sound, midi notes and / or samples, in their song / arrangement mode, on the time axis, on MPC and / or Force?

Wizmos - 29.07.2023 18:09

Mpc x se ,mpc keys 61 or push 3 whats best please any advice

Gigo - 23.07.2023 22:10

How ist „Sound Quality“ ?

Tohn Jravolta
Tohn Jravolta - 19.07.2023 22:17

There is still an awful midi note off bug that's been here for 2 years now.

Wade Wonder
Wade Wonder - 19.07.2023 07:14

48 gig internal storage, not 32.

C R - 14.07.2023 21:11

Would you possibly do a deep dive on the Tascam Model 12? Specifically with one of these MPCs.

David Freeman
David Freeman - 17.06.2023 19:40

This video is such a help for me to navigate which one i need. i will use my Arturia Keylab with it (your demo helped me immensely there also).... so when you say you can get halfway there by using an additional MIDI controller with the Cheaper MPCs, could i simply map the controls that the MPC X has over the MPCLive onto my Artuia MIDI keyboard? like i could with the MC 707 (also bought because of your demo :) )

Fox is Gaming
Fox is Gaming - 06.06.2023 18:51

Always good content, nice review

Laurance Meade
Laurance Meade - 04.06.2023 10:38

An MPC X and induldge in buying Hydrasynths x4 — You'll never need another synth/Production box for your studio.

tehyar - 02.06.2023 14:18

The main encoder not having push is a real head scratcher.

C-Dub - 24.05.2023 20:05

IEEEEEEE... I'm not an MPC user but I can't entirely agree with some of your "cons". What Akai should have done is given the MPC X 16Gb of RAM and 500GB hard drive to start. The size is AKAI MPC nomenclature and the purchase expectancy but it is expensive. I think a "CON" is the Midi Control. Most producers use multiple DAW, and this unit like others should have worked seamlessly with other DAWs. It will work with other DAWs like a midi controller but not seamlessly for that price.

Jamieson Dean
Jamieson Dean - 21.05.2023 19:26

As an MPC user I am feeling free to disagree with you below, as you invited me to do.

I get a lot of use out of the q-links. I'm aware that an MPC is a DAW in a box, but I find the tactile controls and resulting muscle memory to be really beneficial. As you observed, it takes a bit of getting used to understanding what the q-links do in different sections, but I've become very fast at navigating critical functions. I wonder if it's case of needing more dedicated time - you obviously need to work with many different pieces of hardware, whereas the MPC is my only sampler (until tomorrow morning when I'm planning to go pick up an SP 404 mk2 😂).

But yes, the expanded q-link section on the X is the only feature that would actually tempt me - looks powerful.

Keet Harris
Keet Harris - 17.05.2023 22:30

I feel like the mpc x could be upgraded to include the extra memory. if anyone does a breakdown comparison of the internals lmk.....

Ortist Music
Ortist Music - 13.05.2023 16:13

Q-Links are really THE reason I'd like a MPC X instead of my MPC Live.
That new Special edition is very nice, but as many other people I feel like the price difference with the normal MPC X is not justified.

Binary Sun
Binary Sun - 13.05.2023 00:53

the only thing I wish my X had was 8 ins. there would be enough room, too. Scrap the XLRs and add symmetric Jacks. If people need, then they can use adapters. Also I think the biggest opportunity they've missed is to add more touch functions to buttons of the X. Also mouse support would be nice.

stringsnare - 10.05.2023 00:37

any akai force users can help me? i dont like ableton and have no intention of using it. i was considering getting a boss rc505 so i can write out my jams before recording on the computer because - i hate working on the computer. i work in IT and trying to get away from working more hours on the computer.

im using fl studio + studio one. so this is where im considering the force. can the force do similar things like the 505 but also record sequencing as well? if im not using ableton, is getting the force a waste? i use NI, studio one, fl studio (fl for writing then i take stuff into studio one for recording guitar/instruments, its a pain).

another alternative is to get the deluge. is it true also the force cannot do different time signatures?

Wayne Wilson
Wayne Wilson - 07.05.2023 15:13

Great video! covers all I need to know. Am sticking with my Live II.

Juan Jose Arcanista - Gamer Musician
Juan Jose Arcanista - Gamer Musician - 06.05.2023 21:54

thrilled i will be dropping by superbooth23 and meet you!

Steven Fernandes
Steven Fernandes - 06.05.2023 02:50

Sorry this is related to the MPC video. But you did a video on a micro synth that was in a mall wooden box and I for the life of me cannot find the video! Do you remember the name of the synth??

ꭗtoph - 04.05.2023 22:30

LOVE my MPC One! It would be nice to have the extra qlinks though...

Ian Wedegartner
Ian Wedegartner - 04.05.2023 22:10

Any thoughts on how an MPC X might interface with a Blokas Midihub? Too much of a good thing?

M - 04.05.2023 20:08

I'm not here to tell you how better it is I went out and bought it personally for making boom bap it's more intuitive ❤

Tariq Davis
Tariq Davis - 04.05.2023 17:28

Getting my first MPC this month! Wish my experience luck! I’ve been using Maschine + for a while and looking for more workflows to adapt too just because ❤

Justin Tonation
Justin Tonation - 03.05.2023 18:53

Just to be clear, what can you not connect to the MPC One via USB-A? Is it a controller keyboard and/or audio interface, but you can connect a Flash drive or external hard drive?

Rob PB
Rob PB - 03.05.2023 10:58

Hi Loopop, can you give us a short note about a very much wanted improvement: The late MPCX can only stream/record around 5 minutes of live sample in an Audio program. It samples into the RAM of the MPCX, as hard disk streaming is not possible (why-ever this is...). So key question: has the live recording just improved from 5 mins to 10 mins, or do we have hard disk recording and can we record as long as we like....? Thanks in advance

EdgyNumber1 - 03.05.2023 05:59

Great to see an MPC... any MPC, being used for something other than yhe usual hiphop.

Karl Treier
Karl Treier - 02.05.2023 21:09

I’m not sure if all MPC’s in the range support the ability to add an extra internal SSD but that was key to me buying Live II & Force.

Cam Black
Cam Black - 02.05.2023 07:33

Hi @loopop you seem well suited to do a performance comparison between the MPC X and the MPC X SE. There is a bunch of misinformation going around about the impact the 2GB ram update has on performance. It would be nice to actually know what difference the minor improvements make. For example are there noticeable differences in Plugin or Project load times, are you able to have "x" amount more FX plugins without any degradation to the system. I imagine a scenario where the system is maxed out for example; max track counts, plugins, samples, FX etc and compare when the OG X and X SE start to show performance issues.

SonicVibe - 02.05.2023 06:51

It’s sad akai got to a point where my lofi 12 feels better for boombap then a mpc 😂 and my gosh the updates where broken for like a yr they should fix the os before making the keys 🎹 61 and this

Phillip Hilton
Phillip Hilton - 01.05.2023 15:36

AKAI make solid gear and I love the MPCs. However, come on boys...its 2023!

Why on earth when the costs of flash memory and powerful 64 bit ARM processors are now significantly cheaper are AKAI only putting 4GB of memory and 32GB of storage with a weedy little ARM chip in the new MPC X SE? They could have easily quadrupled the onboard storage to 128 GB, chucked in 8 or 16 GB of ram and a more powerful multi-core arm CPU futureproofing this box for a decade...

Wan'Pum Noon
Wan'Pum Noon - 01.05.2023 12:45

Love My Live 2 Retro, this looks good though

Palermitano2386 - 01.05.2023 09:26

Can I just buy the alll extra sounds and put them on my MPC ONE?

Jai Wav
Jai Wav - 30.04.2023 16:51

Is flex beat plugin included with mpc X se?

Cola Zone
Cola Zone - 30.04.2023 05:44

What is the depth with the screen up please my desk is limited every inch counts . Thanks

jroane87 - 30.04.2023 03:03

Having that screen being able to move up will save you lots of neck pain lol

Mick van der Zwan
Mick van der Zwan - 29.04.2023 13:49

I wonder...I like to buy 1 device ( currently the Octatrack ) to sample/ record/ sequence my erica synths techno+black system and some, and make complete songs with. I must be doable with the octatrack, but im missing a lot there. I like to work somewhere inbetween the octatrack and a daw. So I wonder; is this my best bet? The Force X SE.

EightySix - 29.04.2023 11:12

Thank goodness, I just bought the Mini D and Flavor Pro a few weeks ago for my Live then I heard they came with the SE and it felt like a waste. Just gotta transfer them to the SE now!

Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 29.04.2023 07:47

Can we get stems Akai and more software improvement please...

Tekrah muzik
Tekrah muzik - 29.04.2023 06:42

Will wait for the Force 2

Ben Coleman
Ben Coleman - 29.04.2023 03:19

Looks like an 1980s checkout till smashed together with the Chernobyl power station control panel, and a cheap £200 Android tablet from 2013.

Neuneu8 - 29.04.2023 03:14

Try pressing the buttons under the encoder with your thumb!🙌😄 way more comfortable and you can go back and forth browsing your folders without touching your screen.

OMEGA GENESIS - 29.04.2023 01:48

I already own a MPC Live 2, and I had no intention to buy an MPC X, but this looks so perfect for my setup, that I decided to get one. I'm not sure if I should sell my MPC Live 2 now... There's some perks like the speakers and battery, but I have a feeling that it's not going to get much attention after I get the X.

MidnightMusicClub - 28.04.2023 23:51

The cursor keys along with the data wheel should be able to navigate to every field you can interact with on every page of the UI. Those keys and data wheel are core to the "old" MPC workflow and I will never understand why that was not carried over to the new UI. Having to constantly remove your hand from the cursor keys and data wheel to reach up for the touch screen because for some reason you are not able to navigate there any other way is infuriating and a workflow killer for me. One hand on the pads, one on the cursor keys/data wheel is the MPC way. Shame this has never been addressed. I can appreciate the need for a touch screen but it should not be required considering everything needed to do it the "old school" way is already a part of the hardware on the X.

Abel Christian
Abel Christian - 28.04.2023 20:48


modularsamples - 28.04.2023 19:41

These things are a pretty hard sell for me, personally. A laptop and controller are more powerful, and if I want the DAWless experience I can pretend and close the lid. This is different to say, an Elektron box, where no software/controller equivalent exists. There'd need to be some killer feature that differentiates the hardware from the software.

Still, they do look a lot of fun!

KeezOfLife - 28.04.2023 19:06

The more I’m starting to see this new unit, the more I think I want it. 🤔😂 (….but..the RAM… 😒👎)
