Goals and Tactics of the Narcissistic Smear Campaign

Goals and Tactics of the Narcissistic Smear Campaign

DeMars Coaching

1 год назад

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@VixenTM - 18.11.2022 02:00

Hey David, I just wanna thank you for the several videos on the smear campaign. Im still not sure if she is BPD or covert narc, but it doesnt matter. By not reacting to anything she threw at me, she now has just a small group of friends left. Her impulsive vindictive behaviour has let to her own downfall. Her new supply is drying up. After their eventual crash, she will need to fix new people out of my and new supply's circle, and most of the smear will be done. At least smearing me to people I know.

Not give any reaction was definitely key to this and my best way of passive revenge. It's unfortunately that the numbers of this channel do not increase, its very helpful and you deserve the credit for these videos much more.

I also couldnt resist taking a look at the TBT2 channel, and even though its nothing to laugh at, it kinda gave me a shuckle: Calling the channel toxic free, while blaming and burning as much as possible has to be one of the biggest and most obvious signs of projection and delusional thought Ive ever seen.

@elleonard9568 - 18.11.2022 03:06


Hello David, and all survivors ❤

Great video, David,very helpful and you're bringing much needed awareness and will hopefully help save lives of many innocent people who are targeted by these "Narcissistic Online,Bullying predators."
Thank you so very much! for all you're doing.❤

I am truly grateful, that I somehow survived his smear campaigns.
Horrifically, one of his male victims,did not make it and had been driven toward his own death. 😪😡 R.I.P and
bless his loving family and friends
He had contacted all my family worldwide,my close long term friends and strangers.
Threatened to have someone destroy my parents grave, if I didn't contact him.
There is so much more than I mention here,which is only the very the tip of the chilling iceberg of all he had done.

I am so sorry that she has done thumbnail photos of you, David, shows how deranged........... she is
"Pigs love to play in mud" (au) and she wants you to bite.

All about their power to have over others and try get all the attention, whether positive or negative attention.

I am wishing you all the very best! for your upcoming interviews.
You got this! 👍👏 ❤

Take good care of yourselves!

@pepsiholic4084 - 18.11.2022 03:07

You are awesome David !

@marcipikes7396 - 18.11.2022 03:14

Hello 👋 David thank you 🙏 for providing this information involving smear campaigns. I’ve been a victim of vicious smear campaigns and my perpetrators have gone beyond that to destroy me. David, I believe that smear campaigns fall under the umbrella of targeted individuals and gang stalking. If you have a narcissistic person trying to destroy you, all they have to do is fabricate fairy tales and launch nasty smear campaigns and even get law enforcement involved to target you. This is actually happening to me and I’ve made multiple complaints against my narcissistic neighbors and their flying monkeys. These perpetrators communicate with local businesses like the car dealership you take your car for maintenance and the technicians who work there cause problems for you like purposely delaying your oil change so you wait several hours and make your life miserable. That’s how vindictive these flying monkeys are. But in my case, several of these vile criminals did something criminal to me and I caught them. I’ve gathered solid evidence against them and I’ve reported them to the authorities. It’s scary when you try to stand up for yourself because (as you know) narcissistic people and their flying monkeys can do really crazy stuff to get revenge for exposing them. These individuals put you in a tug of war situation, you either stay put and allow them to destroy your life or you roll up your sleeves and fight back. From my own personal experience, not doing anything to these perpetrators will not stop them from continuing to ruin your life and provoke you.

@rorywright5692 - 18.11.2022 04:05

Hello David!! I will watch now!! Lol!!😎❤️

@rorywright5692 - 18.11.2022 05:40

Rory from Ohio! Such a great video, David! The hurt that they cause can run deep! They strike at what could be during one of your lowest points, and they don’t let up! I never thought someone could be targeted for being kind, for trying to be there for others in the same boat as them, lifting them up. Targeted for trying to have the best life possible, for caring, for being there. Taking all of my words, saying they were somebody else’s, that I wasn’t real, making me gone. I never want anyone to go through what I went through last Thursday night, after watching Val’s video.And while I was already not well, it didn’t help matters. David, I am so behind you on this! We are a great community here! We can help stop it!😎❤️

@emilemerten6535 - 18.11.2022 13:35

from south africa
Hi David
Thank you for the video!
It’s really difficult for people to believe you are the victim because they are so nice when around other people, It is a horrible situation to be in.
It seems most narcissists isolate people and make them believe that everything is fine. I hate that.
I ordered Lithium Orotate and magnesium online from your
C-Ptsd video, gonna give it a try.

@victoriamuniz9851 - 18.11.2022 15:13

Victoria from the Bay area David I'm right in the middle of a family smear campaign with my little sister so I totally understand what you're talking about these people can make you sick I was literally on the floor having a stroke my ex narcissist stepped right over me and basically said Good luck with that as he walked out the door between the smear campaign and the stroke I learned these people are sick I don't know what happened to them and I don't care All I care about is me Happy Thanksgiving

@sandrad250 - 18.11.2022 15:44

Hi David. She’s a very sick individual that needs her head read and needs to get a life. I’m sorry you are going through this. She needs to be thrown behind bars for all the people she has hurt on purpose. She gets her kicks out of it and feels powerful. The truth is she appears sick and desperate. You don’t deserve this and it’s really upsetting me to watch this. Take care David and remain strong.

@JRM410 - 18.11.2022 19:06

I see borderline traits in your stalker. They are the worst at handling rejection. They never really get over it. They see any kind of boundaries as a rejection. They are obsessed and revengeful. You're right bruh they have no life if they did they would not be doing what they do.

@rorywright5692 - 18.11.2022 19:16

Hi David! Sent you Email! Hope you received it! If not I will get help with it over weekend! 😎❤️

@emilytaylor1001 - 19.11.2022 00:03


@cindyc - 19.11.2022 03:58

Have a wonderful weekend. 🤗❤️🕊️

@jimmytoy8556 - 19.11.2022 14:08

My ex sent me a text saying she was running a smear campaign against me, now I'm without family and friends and even harrassed at businesses and hospitals and doctors office, and even my therapist took her side! My nephew poisoned my dog for her and he told me they are trying to make me commit suicide!! Does anyone want to see the hundreds of proof I have of this!? I think I got the worst of what a smear campaign is!

@youtubelady8504 - 20.11.2022 04:00

People like Val will bring up the 💩 you did wrong , but nothing of what you did right , but none of the 💩 she did

@sgtmuffinbadger6147 - 20.11.2022 04:16

Well considering the amount of videos she has made of you I would say she is on the spectrum. Like flat out this guy is bad for XYZ. She is pretty aggressive on her posts as well and hasn't demonstrated any civil arguments

@thetruthbetold2028 - 23.11.2022 16:47

Hello David, I recently found your videos and you have been very helpful in helping me understand what is being done to me by a corrupt narcissist chief of police in the town I live in in north Georgia in the United States.
He has been isolating me by turning people against me, I didn’t realize it at first, I just thought they were moving on, but I have seen his pattern, every time I mentioned anyone in an email, suddenly they would disappear from my life – old friends and even new aquamaniles. And, I realized it always came back to him as soon as I mentioned someone to him, they disappear. I’m older, disabled and mostly homebound and I know about a lot of things he is doing to protect his rich backers so they don’t go to jail for their crimes.
Now he has been trying to discredit and worse. The first time I met him he had me lured to a mayor’s council meeting and he was holding a gun on an unarmed me and if I had not backed down on what I had told the mayor, he would have killed me there and then. That was February 2020. I tried to become friendly with him after that by emailing him and becoming supportive of the local police and sheriff’s department, but recently he has had the neighbors across the street harassing me, because they are connected to the sheriff’s department. They won’t investigate when I call 911 but they have other people make false claims against me.
Now he has been after my photo, because I wear a mask due to Covid. He has even turned an old grade school friend against me a couple weeks ago.
I have been living in fear of even going out of my home for the past six-months as the harassment and intimidation from his minions has been unrelenting. I only go out when I have my best friend with me, and we have been constantly followed by police and sheriff’s cars to intimidate me.
I started watching videos on how to deal with narcissist, and your videos have been very reassuring, but I feel my life is in danger since he is abusing his position of authority to destroy my good name and reputation to cover up his and other people’s ongoing crimes. He even had one of his minions cyberstalk me on Facebook and start “spamming” every post I made, so I had to abandon my Facebook account.
Any advice anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.

@scottsummersreloaded4618 - 20.07.2023 05:37

oh shyt just noticed u have sanpaku eyes. Anybody with that off top I suspect to be a narcissist. Probably why you so on point about it cause u projecting and talking about the crap u do. I think a lot of u on here talking about it are narcs. I suspect dr ramani to be one to.

@grikmyr - 22.09.2023 17:51

Are cluster b personality disordered people evil?

@alimccreery755 - 02.10.2023 03:54

I understand what the smear campaign is. I’ve been going through this before 2010. Every thing you just said is what I’m being accused of. I’ve had the flying monkeys and gang stalkers, I have reason to believe I’m also being blacklisted. I have a history of solid employment and for the last almost 10 years I’ve been let go for the most bogus reasons. I’m 68 years old now and I get my SS and a small pension from a company where I was mentally abused by people with this disorder. I’m in the process of getting out of the house where I was talked into moving in. I’ve had strange accidents that were made to look like an accident. I’m moving to a better place with other people who know me. Everything you said I’ve had done to me by two narcissists. One was in a romantic relationship the other is or was I thought was a friend who interesting enough marches off to church every Sunday so I’m confused with that but I have to move on. It’s a horrible feeling when you’re in the company of evil and you want to do away with yourself. I’m not ready to go so I’m still here. You evil people can just knock yourself out and bring it on cause I’m ready for you aholes.

@drlarrymitchell - 14.11.2023 17:38

What's messed up is the fact that you've got this person making videos about you, trying to smear you, actually gives you more street cred on this subject.

@majestic4174 - 11.12.2023 14:50


@ianstewart942 - 22.12.2023 01:08

Been there . Actually the same as you.

@DoloDezi - 24.12.2023 19:03

I broke up with my borderline ex for being abusive & she went on a FULL BLOWN smear campaign, getting me hit with legal charges and a full blown social media campaign to smear my name by projecting the abuse that im the actual victim of but people believe her because she’s an ‘innocent looking lil female’ 🙃🤡

@carlaboatner636 - 11.01.2024 07:50

Please keep me in prayer positive thoughts I’m being smeared using my children

@katrinaparker1951 - 23.01.2024 20:40

My ex contacted my dad about my mental health after we broke up unsure iif it’s a smear campaign or a Hoover. She has called me an abuser etc. I have financial debt from her. I’ve been depressed lately

@BecomingaQueen - 07.05.2024 12:27

Very good video. Currently going through it 🙈

@rachelspeck1230 - 12.05.2024 08:07

I realize my narcissistic father wants to push me to unalive myself. He told me “you can tell me anything” convinced me it was safe to confide in him. I couldn’t have been more wrong. It was/is devastating and isolating. Since age 12 I was always in his way and couldn’t make myself small enough. I hid from the world because it seemed everybody had made up their mind about me

@charlottehawthorne2664 - 24.05.2024 23:37

I've been experiencing domstic violence, stalking, harassment from my mother in law and her family.

Her son and I cut off contact 5 years ago and to this day she continues her psychotic tirade of terror.

Its absolutely horrendous, and unless you've experienced a narcissists rage, people just dont understand.

People throw the word around these days like confetti, but dealing with a real one is probably the most traumatic thing thats ever happened to me.
And I went through foster care expierencing significant abuse growing up.

This woman has destroyed my life.
She tried to force me to have an abortion when i became pregnant with my twins.
Abused me all through my pregnancy, caused me to develop severe pre-eclampsia, put me in the hospital my sons spent 15 weeks in the ICU.

When we were fighting for our lives in hospital (because of her)
Thats when the smear campaign started.

By the time we came home to our small town of 2000 people, the damage was done.
It took about a year before I knew what she had done and by then it was too late.
80% of the township lapped up every lie, distortion, manipulation she told.
And she is so bloody convincing.

To this day i still hear all the vicious stuff she says, she still follows me dangerously in my car, into shops sits outside my business sends male family members upto my house to intimidate and threaten me, all infront of my young children.

All because i said "no" to her demands of killing my babies.
All because she was jealous of my relationship with her son.

And I put in boundaries that she wont be in my or my kids lives if she continued to be abusive, and that set her off.
She said she's entitled to behave anyway she wants, she has nothing to be sorry for that "I am who I am not my fault you have a problem with it".
You can't help people like that, you can't enforce healthy boundaries you can only remove them from your life.
And even then they don't leave peacefully..

These people are a serious danger to society and should be locked away.
I dont think any amount of medication or talk therapy can or will help them.

@brandonmoskos9149 - 26.05.2024 15:52

This happened to me. Almost exactly to what he is saying. I was seeing a coworker for a little bit, and she did exactly what he said. It's crazy.

@abby4-m4p - 04.08.2024 17:24


@TracyFlick-h2k - 13.08.2024 04:13

Achaaa thr lonely ohh i see..

@ElizabethCommons - 17.08.2024 03:36

Louisville ky are the perfect example .....a song that never ends omg 😮

@ElizabethCommons - 17.08.2024 03:37

Land lords .omg these folks need to be looked into these folks are sad the list goes on

@ElizabethCommons - 17.08.2024 03:40

They steal from you try to unalive folks stalk harras yep they will stop 🛑 at nothing these folks are way out of hand ✋

@ElizabethCommons - 17.08.2024 03:42

Ps start this petition ....

@taraarrington2285 - 14.09.2024 18:05

“ Plan to discredit a person by making false or dubious allegations/ accusations.” I’ll never understand how the flying monkeys fall for it.
