What is the song at 16.55?
Ответитьthey dont come, they go..
Ответитьdark energy can be the state when our consciousness enters into deep sleep ? dark energy's source is what we may call god ?
ОтветитьI think it came from Dark Brandon 😅
ОтветитьMy untrained theory is the dark matter and dark energy are other galaxies in parallel universes.
ОтветитьI love how science and the "smartest people" are CONSTANTLY wrong yet they'll laugh at you for believing in God. Dark matter. Right right. I'm me some facts or something a$$holes.
ОтветитьDoes anyone else think it's crazy that instead of going back and looking at your model for mistakes that scientists just made up dark matter? Like wut?
ОтветитьThat if mass is blowing out the edge because compressed matter like black holes is ringing out empty space like a rock in a pond displaces the volume increases it. Compressed masses must be gone around to an extreme degree. Being that heat chasing cold is probably why galaxies stay together so well. Those are like thermodynamic storms almost like a hurricane. Charged working masses chasing a cold dense center.”
ОтветитьThis dude is more supperific than Xanax. Is it too much for this guy to speak like a normal human???
ОтветитьGod is The Greatest Creator... Subhanallah...
ОтветитьUm. Is dark matter god?
Ответить,,, nuff said ...
Ответить,,, so all th' spherical bastards proved him right by their ignorance ...
ОтветитьI still don't know what dark matter is.
ОтветитьI love these movies! But I don’t get it - the inflation was said to have a duration of a fraction of a second, where everything expanded ‘faster than light’. But light experiences no time. Time hadn’t ‘started yet’, so it might as well have been millions of “years” than a “fraction of a second”, since relativistic massless particles don’t experience time. What am I missing here?
ОтветитьDark plasma
Ответить#1. Our "perception" is incorrect. What we currently call "dark matter & dark energy" is little more than a "fudge factor" where we are trying to act like these vast aspects would make X, Y & Z work. That's like saying that 98% is due to gods and fantasy which is ... unlikely at best
ОтветитьPlease someone really smart help me! Doesn’t it seem like they just made it up? Right now, I’m struggling to distinguish why they think gravity is influencing matter when it seems like speculation. I understand they’re basing this on observed elements, but it feels like they’re missing a key point—they can interpret the elements of stars, planets, and atmospheres through spectrums like radiation. Yet, when it comes to dark matter, they claim it’s undetectable. But what if it’s simply matter that doesn’t reflect or emit radiation? What if it’s not glowing or visible because it can’t emit radiation?
Correct me if I’m wrong with modern science, but can we truly detect everything in space? We can observe space in thermal, night vision, and even see the cosmic microwave background. Still, they attribute unexplained mass to dark matter. I feel like it’s just a placeholder explanation.
I get that scientists inferred dark matter’s existence because of unexplained gravitational effects, like galaxy rotations and cluster movements. Sure, we detect many things across the electromagnetic spectrum, but dark matter doesn’t interact with light at all—it neither emits, absorbs, nor reflects it. The claim is that it has mass and exerts gravity but remains invisible.
I’m not fully convinced. Every galaxy has a supermassive black hole. Couldn’t we be underestimating their mass or gravitational influence? Nearly all galaxies have central black holes, yet we still rely on models that may miss hidden or dark mass. What if we’re misinterpreting redshift data and the density of these massive objects? We can read elements in stars and deduce planet compositions, but what if there’s unaccounted mass in voids, like undetected meteors? To me, it seems like we’re underestimating what might simply be unseen, dense matter.
If the expansion of the Universe is accelerating, then the cosmological constant (the rate of expansion) cannot be constant. It would have to change over time. Besides, apparently there was a period when the Universe was contracting, proving further that the constant is not constant. Personally, I don't buy the dark energy thing. I don't see how it would make sense.
ОтветитьI don't see how gravity can cause a galaxy to spin like a wheel, dark matter or not. The only way a galaxy could spin like a wheel is if what we call galaxies is nothing but projections of images. The firmament sits, apparently, beyond the Oort cloud. My point being, dark energy is supposed to provide additional gravity, but I am not sure this is the right approach to the problem.
ОтветитьThis is some cool research you have it has inspired me to be an astronaut see you NASSA IN 20 YEARS\
ОтветитьWhats that dark black engery where is this coming from its bloody super strong black dark engery ???
ОтветитьMy nerons broken i dont rember much just feel engerys
ОтветитьOne day you will find DARK MATTER BLACKHOLES so MASSIVE they maybe 100s of Billions, if not TRILLIONs of times the mass of our Sun. You will find these ANCIENT BRONTOSAURUS’s OF THE COSMOS IN SUPER VOIDs, at one time QUASARs could be seen everywhere in the night sky overtime have become dark and have turned into CANNIBALs absorbing as many nearby blackholes as possible….GIANT BLACKHOLES OF THIS SIZE WILL LIKELY LEAVE trails of forensic evidence of their destruction light years long. A blackhole of this size imploding due to GLUTTONY could easily be mistaken for the BIG BANG, IMO. SPACETIME IS NOT IDEALLY THE SAME EVERYWHERE IN THE UNIVERSE, OTHER AREAS OF SPACETIME IS very DIFFERENT at quantum levels…Perhaps scientists maybe able to discover such reverberations in SPACETIME when one of these SUPERMASSIVE BLACKHOLEs merges with another smaller one. This will have a different gravitational wave oscillation unlike others discovered and will leave astrophysicists FLABBERGASTED on our ignorance and arrogance of our universe at large….INFINITE BEYOND MEASURE❣️ When I look at the night sky I wonder why there are not more stars and this is why i have come up with this prediction of DARK MATTER BLACKHOLES are likely going to be found commonplace and will be found WITHIN COSMIC SUPERVOIDS. THE W MAP COLD SPOT IS PROOF OF A DARK MATTER BLACKHOLES, this ANCIENT BLACKHOLE COLD SPOT IS LIKELY EXISTED FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS AND USE TO BE A MASSIVE QUASAR. DARK MATTER BLACKHOLES were created likely right after the BIG BANG which means many pockets of dark matter were so dense and vast that matter caused these to become QUASARs at first. This is why i believe that QUASAR JETS are extremely massive concentrated GAMMA RAY JETs that must have burned off matter/DARK MATTER and giving little chance of life to emerge in certain areas of the COSMIC WEB for billions of years…..DARK MATTER AT ONE POINT EARLY IN THE UNIVERSES INFANCY LIKELY HAD DOMINANCE, perhaps 75-85% of the universe was dark matter at that time…..but dark matter blackholes have changed and characterized the cosmic web we see today. DARK MATTER Black holes have structurally altered the COSMIC WEB QUITE LITERALLY…..WE LIVE IN A VERY BLESSED AGE IN OUR UNIVERSES TIME TO SEE SUCH BEAUTIFUL FILAMENTS AND GALAXIES BECAUSE GENERATIONS OF HUMANS WILL NEVER SEE SUCH BEAUTY IN THE FUTURE. DARK MATTER SUPER MASSIVE PRIMORDIAL BLACKHOLES THAT were likely some of the first blackholes in our Universe have been gorging on matter and dark matter for BILLIONS OF YEARS.
ОтветитьThe universe is so big and so maaitie 🇿🇦💯🚀🧲🔭📡🌌🌕🌞🌝☀️🛸🌟✨❤️⭐🧲👍
ОтветитьSo we’ve never seen objects with our telescopes in the ort cloud and can barely see planetary-like objects in the kuiper belt, and we know that it’s a very large amount of material. I mean the stuff is essentially “dark”. So can’t dark matter just be all that material, in between all the stars, all the rocks, dust, comets, etc.? I mean we’re at hundreds of kuiper belt objects and haven’t even touched it yet.
ОтветитьYou’re making a grave error to assume these things - given ‘dark’ names - actually exist. In fact it is a face-saving exercise to do this, rather than admit that we simply don’t know what’s going on, which is the real truth of the matter…
ОтветитьAt what time would the universe speed up to the speed of light?
ОтветитьAs richardclegg7846 said dark plasma .
Dark energy and matter are dark plasma . No light is emanated because it is not physical enough .
Where electrons and protons are stripped down to their core by speed . Speed because of superconductivity of absolute zero . While the vibration slows down in extreme cold conditions , other properties of the object become enhanced .
This plasma moves like Birkeland currents , twisting around each other . And this happens all over the Universe . In every direction .
Then the dark energy becomes dark matter because the energy is slowing down , it becomes denser . And then can interact with other dark matter from other directions to form Galaxies , they converge . With Space its self never changing .
Could this then lead to bang of sorts it could . But not a bang that creates the Universe . But one that creates Galaxies .
With in The Cosmic Web .
Not just the Cosmic Web of high energy and heat , friction , but also absolute zero . And superconductivity . No friction . Viscosity is zero (0).
With Space being uncontorted or no bending .
I don’t believe it
Dark energy dark matter
It’s more like dark energy and light matter
Does it dilute? Expand? Remain where it was? Is just everywhere and tangible moves it out of its way
ОтветитьIt appears that we are writing the script even as we view it
ОтветитьFunny because all the naysayers are just people so deeply uncomfortable and afraid of what is unknown. Instead of seeing it as something to learn about or study, it shakes people to their core. Go live your lives. Dark matter and/or dark energy isn't going to kill you.
We don't have explanations yet AND THAT'S OKAY. Scientific progress is always about answering relevant questions — not the rejection of inquiry.
Dark Energy and then Dark Matter came from the Cold . At Absolute Zero ( -273°C or -459.67F ) , and have Superconductive Speeds . Zero Viscosity .
Part of the recycle of the Universe . Hot to cold , cold to hot . In no particular order . Its a cycle .
The Universe has always been .
Thanks for bringing this subject up !
ОтветитьIt was a real joy to watch. Thank you
ОтветитьDamn seeing the narrator’s face during the sponsor read really took me by surprise. I don’t know how to feel now
ОтветитьI have a theory about why the galaxies are being pulled together & why the Universe is expanding at an exponential rate! It would take thousands of years to truly see if the theory of relativity could explain the this anomaly!!!🌠🌠🌠
ОтветитьThese guys have a lot of faith in their models. Maybe the universe is stranger than any of us imagine.
ОтветитьWhere? Human imagination. You're welcome!
ОтветитьI wrote a computer program to model the behavior of a tennis ball thrown from my porch. I ran a simulation and was happy with the results... but I was confused when i threw a ball and it's path didn't match the simulation. Do you think dark matter caused the ball to not match my computer model?
ОтветитьIf Dark Matter is real and Dark Energy is real then could there be dark Matter Lifeforms or Aliens in the universe?
ОтветитьWe are supposed to believe matter is drawn in by dark matter than isn't anywhere in our explored regions. Dark matter would experience acceleration as well. Why isn't it here? We are being accelerated and dark matter stays still? What would happen if dark matter where to get in front of matter? Dark matter must allow light to just run through it (impossible)? A massive universe and not one finding of dark matter starting to block the image of anything.
ОтветитьEssentially, we don't know neither what dark matter nor what dark energy is..
Ответить암흑물질에 대한 짧은 생각.
멀리 떨어진 은하의 주파수스펙트럼이 적색인데 그 이유를 도플러효과로 볼지, 공간손실효과로 볼지 어느게 타당한 추측일까요?
먼 우주가 가속팽창하고 있어서 적색편이 도플러 효과가 생긴다는 가정은 먼 우주가 빛보다 빨라야한다는 결론을 도출하게 되고 빛보다 빠른 물질이 있어서는 안되기때문에 허구의 암흑물질을 도입하게 된건 아닐까요?
멀리 떨어진 은하는 빅뱅 등 이유로 이미 멀리 떨어져 안정적인 상태(급격한 팽창 대신 정지 또는 약한 팽창 또는 수축 등)로 있고, 그 빛이 도달하는데 공간손실에 의해 파장이 긴 적색스펙트럼 성분이 주로 도달하기 때문인게 아닐까요? 마치 석양이 붉은 것처럼요. 공간손실은 우주와같은 진공상태에서도 적용이 됩니다.
결국 우주는 광활하고, 가속팽창하지는 않을 수도 있다는거죠. 빛보단 빠른 물질이 현실에는 없는데, 먼 은하의 주파수스펙트럼을 적색편이 도플러 효과로 해석하는 오류로 먼 우주가 빛보다 빠르게 팽창한다는 잘못된 결론을 내리게 됐고, 설명이 안되니 허구의 암흑물질을 도입하게 된건 아닐까요?
최근 제임스웹 우주 망원경이 관측한 결과는 기존 도플러효과 가설로는 설명할 수 없는 많은 것들이 있기에 짧게 생각해 봅니다.
Wolfgang Pauli, my silly brain crossed him with Linus Pauling. What did Linus Pauling do again? Dumb brain. :p
ОтветитьIt came from where everything else comes from ...imagination. ....not reality....but a controlled reality...a virtual reality.....we landed on moon, zero evidence just stories, fake pics etc....where is the equiptment they left? Earth round or flat ...who cares? None of us can ever prove it, ffs we can even fly over the south pole....why....cuz we may learn something that was kept from us. Polar polarity changing...ya whatever......all of this cannot be proven beyond reasonable doubt...they can only be believed by the you all know...we cannot be influenced easily, lol 😂 wear your mask, and get your jab, and boosters...,😂😂 ya we cant be easily persuaded...😂😂😂😂 unreal ignorance.....mass ignorance....perpetuated by university mutts, with programmed data drilled into their sheep brains. Then they come out of their programming leading ideas like climate change...😂....ethics......morals.....what a bunch of lost Sodom & Gomorrah examples of civilized monkeys ...that like to be called humans.