4 FREE Vst Plugin Alternatives To Waves Audio Compressors (CLA 2A, CLA 76, Dbx160, SSL G Master Bus)

4 FREE Vst Plugin Alternatives To Waves Audio Compressors (CLA 2A, CLA 76, Dbx160, SSL G Master Bus)

Amner Hunter

1 год назад

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Walter Garcia
Walter Garcia - 28.06.2023 08:58

Why Pro Tools doesn't load Analog Obsession plugins?😢

Ə - 03.04.2023 00:32

Waves plugins sound better in my opinion, but if we compare the price and the fact that Analog Obsession is maintained by one guy, these plugins are actually awesome.

TeeBlack - 03.04.2023 00:12

How would you compare the BusterSE to the Tukan Bus Comp S2?

JHenry Music
JHenry Music - 02.04.2023 04:21

I friggin love AnalogObession. I buy those developers a coffee at least once a Month

Rabizzle TheDoctor
Rabizzle TheDoctor - 01.04.2023 20:59

I do not like the LALA, it's release is weird and pumpy to be honest, not as smooth as the CLA-2A. And one thing that puts me off about the Fetish is that the controls are not how they should be on 1176, so it's like I have to start learning how to use a 1176 all over again. I love their dBX version though, it's sweet.

TopSecretNick - 01.04.2023 16:43

Thank you for doing this, much appreciated. Which Reaper theme is that? Looks great.

Michael Parson-McNamara
Michael Parson-McNamara - 01.04.2023 15:36

Thanks Amner. I had gotten these 4 already, but am curious if they (Analog Obsession) have an emulation of the CLA-3. I have the Waves one, but have yet to find an emulation of it- paid or free. Also I really like their MV-2 with both downward and upwards compression. Anyone know of alternatives to those two?

Elragnarok - 01.04.2023 15:27

Free and actually Better alternatives. 💪

DrinkinSlim - 01.04.2023 10:17

Unfortunately(?) the Waves versions sound much more like analog hardware to my ears, while the free versions sound a bit conservative or a bit lacking. But hey, they're free! :)

Lov3Them Art Production
Lov3Them Art Production - 01.04.2023 07:54

On the mix bus for glueing I use bx Opto comp.
I know that it's not for free, but it gives me a warmer musical glue on the mix bus and it serves well for its purpose, although for many it is not recommended to be used for this function.

Stars and Guitars
Stars and Guitars - 01.04.2023 04:46

Thanks Amner. We are spoiled with great compressors. I hope you do one on the EQs.

Dario Toledo
Dario Toledo - 01.04.2023 03:35

I personally avoid Fetish, on Reaper it misses the first samples even with the fastest attack possible, one thing that doesn't happen with the Black 76 and the Tukan NC76's. I'd like to know if it's only me. LALA, still not sure, especially with good alternatives like the TLs-1295-LEA and the ADHD Leveling Tool, the latter being a little too versatile for an emulation but still doing its job.

F C - 01.04.2023 02:54

Great job. Keep em coming. Let's all fight back against greedy companies. Content creators should stop reviewing subscription plugins. . We pay our money to own our software - not borrow it
