Dead Cells "The End is Near" - Update 35 Preview

Dead Cells "The End is Near" - Update 35 Preview


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@Obimuz - 14.12.2023 01:57

Head is only on pc version??

@semiserze - 19.11.2023 01:13

When will the update be out for switch I tried figuring out why I can’t get any heads the entire day bruh

@calvinospina7307 - 30.10.2023 04:31

How come I don't get this update on the switch?

@debby2422 - 12.10.2023 03:25

can someone help it won’t let me update to the end is near on Xbox it just says clean cut is the newest idk what to try

@reembo427 - 10.10.2023 00:16

When is it out on consoles nvm

@dust-to-dust420 - 02.10.2023 23:57

I was about to call this out for being completely unfair, but then I remembered it’s dead cells.

@VolcaNikYBA - 28.09.2023 18:15

Okay , Alientation mutation is gonna be busted this time

@suschilegge1683 - 19.09.2023 09:54

Bro of course the infinite healing is broken, just use it with the skill that spawns extra beacons based on how much curse you have

@zyanlayrit5895 - 09.09.2023 16:20

if curse becomes meta rip me I always rely on tonic lmao

@atoaster2070 - 07.09.2023 20:24

Spite sword users: "Oh no! Anyway...."

@Flexxus419 - 05.09.2023 10:51

Update of Disappointment :/ Where is lore, rework of some bosses like Concierge, new weapon balance? It's a freaking publishing house !!! Game is soowly dying and the name of the update is literally makes game's end near.

@l1ghtsdarks1de81 - 04.09.2023 22:13

Demon strength, tainted flask, cursed flask and spite sword could make a really good Fast hitless boss kill and easy level clearance

@PolandSphere - 04.09.2023 19:47

With the routing changes, I wish they added a path from ancient sewers to mama tick, or some way to fight mama tick in general if you go to toxic sewers. Your first decision in the game is based on your early build which can change very quickly, so I'd like to see toxic sewers lead to mama tick to give more options if you take that route.

@parzivalalchema5870 - 03.09.2023 17:15

so earlier I played dead cells and I was in the bank and I my coins are short to get out of the bank, and I broke the vault door after offering 2,000 coins only and it gave me 90 curses ;-;

@marvinsiebert - 03.09.2023 10:43

Im Not hyped at all when i hear this...

@kengamezph3509 - 03.09.2023 00:39

Mobile still don't have 3.4

@Aranami_Sama - 02.09.2023 20:09

Other new mob, mutation, weapon: yeah it's cool
different types of head: HEEELLL YEAAASSHHHH

@garfrockbreadtroll4571 - 02.09.2023 13:19

man, fuck this game, every time i have something important to do it releases more stuff for me to engage with

@21centdregs - 02.09.2023 07:14

i can help with a different pronunciation, not misericorde, that one idk. but Anathema is pronounced with the Ana the same as "a nap" just leave out the P, then Thimma. put the emphasis on the second syllable. gl out there

@JustADolphin - 01.09.2023 23:38

now do a run with all the cursed weapons and loadout

@deeeeniiiiss - 01.09.2023 18:37

the name of this update is so fitting, this game's playerbase is going to drop massively once you introduce useless fodder weapons and enemies that make you die in 1 shot IN EVERY SINGLE LEVEL OF THE GAME!!! good luck justifying this to the people who are already scared to take cursed chests. this mechanic should never be forced on the player

@jweesm4287 - 01.09.2023 12:07

man terraria and dead cells devs are the best

@Carlos-of4on - 31.08.2023 19:59

Combining the infinite flask charges that give you curses with the 2% damage buff from every curse will destroy the game

@Nova-ly7tx - 31.08.2023 03:45

I like new content but alot more ways to get cursed just to die doesn´t sound too nice to me. I hope this will not be as extreme that you get cursed all over the place now, it´s such a massive good/bad thing in the game and I think too many ways to get cursed may make it less fun for newer players. I like the new heads and new legendary afixes tho

@itxcid - 30.08.2023 17:56

Sir can make the ranking of new mutations with the old ones plz😊

@ziggyyyzz - 30.08.2023 16:20

dude im so glad theres more head options I was kinda getting bored with just 2 options

@t3hsourcey - 30.08.2023 15:46

>Weapons cursing you
That's bad for bosses
>Curse not killing you
Ok, so Curse is trivialized too, yaaay
>Infinite heal for curse
Yes, we are totally not going to brake the game, watch a flask be 50 curse instead lmao.

@nananakeson - 30.08.2023 15:42

The enemies and the items (except for [indulgence?]) looks shit, the mutations sound cool but the enemies and those weapons kinda misses the point of the curses

@kharkman9238 - 30.08.2023 15:40

Love the content man! Keep it up!!

@Haseltine333 - 30.08.2023 15:18

Mesericode actually woke up Siri when u said it lmaoooo!

@RegeneratingScrap - 30.08.2023 13:28

I don't care bout all the curse stuff look at the new heads

@impulse6816 - 30.08.2023 13:22

if you are between levels, take infinite flasks (lets say you are at 0 flask) and you have inifnite of them, you heal max hp and then get rid of the mutation will it recover your flasks? or is this mutation like wish or yolo and it stays?

@AlexzanderVL2 - 30.08.2023 12:59

so they're making an already hard game even harder, wow. Fuck that, fuck curses. The skill gap between beginners and good players in Dead Cells is one of the biggest among more popular video games I feel like, this will absolutely suck for less experienced players and for those who are just bad, like me. It's really cool that the game is being supported for free, but I have literally zero excitement about this

@engineergaming3830 - 30.08.2023 12:17

cursed flask with endulgence seems kinda good

@selocan3292 - 30.08.2023 11:26

infinite flask actualy can make 5bc downgrade to 4bc

@KePzez - 30.08.2023 08:14

so your telling me those Curse Perks is finally optimal to use

@shadowofsecracy - 29.08.2023 22:34

I'm not a fan of the new enemies. Curse was a fun mechanic imo due to it being a risk you can choose to take in order to get stronger. Risk reward. Having monsters just randomly give you curse just isn't appealing. There's no reward just risk.
Imagine having one of them pop up right in the end of a biome before a boss. Just sounds like feels bad rage fuel.

@nikkoho6476 - 29.08.2023 21:38

Yeah. Um after this update i think im gonna delete Dead Cells from pc. I just can't.

@Frodonsake24 - 29.08.2023 17:53

Pretty good "Miséricorde" pronunciation tbh. Of course, it being a french word, you wouldn't pronounce it exactly like that in French. But still, pretty close to it.
It means "Mercy" btw ; at least it's the best translation for it I think. Anyway, thanks for the video. Pretty excited for this patch !

@itspractical5005 - 29.08.2023 17:49

I can see alienation synergies being so good, also acceptance has a use now

@robertbookeriv801 - 29.08.2023 17:36

I figured it out. Damed vigor plus indulgence plus cursed flask

@leinad1110 - 29.08.2023 16:51

Cant you just use death vigor with cursed flask and be basically unkillable, you die to curse, heal back up, die again, heal back up. Provided you find an enemy to kill every time

@frostnight1740 - 29.08.2023 16:49

wait vee is this update arld in the current game ? if not then when can I play it ?

@Yunahsky - 29.08.2023 16:16

Amulet update when?

@Yunahsky - 29.08.2023 16:14

And I just started gaining boss cells. PAIN

@levash3395 - 29.08.2023 15:34

I think i already have an exploit for infinite money. If you use cursed flask with damned vigor and midas' blood and you get hit, activate damned vigor you lose all your health which gives you money, and then since cursed flask gives infinite heals technically you get infinite money.

@scottshippert8730 - 29.08.2023 15:33

Can't wait!! Love seeing more Dead Cells content. I keep hoping for some kind of crossover with Nier: Automota because of the portrait in the castle.

@Cryptye-yy7mi - 29.08.2023 14:06

The triple barrel mechanic seems like it was the devs fooling around changing random variables and I'm all here for it

@mehmetkaanulku4856 - 29.08.2023 13:59

Damned will go crazy
