EVE Online - How I earn Omega Subscription with ISK

EVE Online - How I earn Omega Subscription with ISK


3 года назад

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@user-mk4yd1nq1d - 21.11.2023 12:33

People are grinding for plex to have the ability to grind for plex. Its some infernal loop happening.

@nuts_mann - 01.11.2023 13:20

The biggest problem is that the price of PLEX has been steadily increasing. In the video its worth about 2.8 mil, but now its over 5 mil.

@vadamman - 29.08.2023 20:52

Yeah, but the price of PLEX has doubled since you made this vid. Any updated videos on the line?

@BillMillerYT - 22.08.2023 16:55

i need a barge. i dont have a choice.....

@jyeprice9382 - 23.06.2023 08:00

Still have no idea how to do it.

@petethescalemodeller6130 - 05.06.2023 09:11

I think its like 2 bill isk now ?

@wizardbrandon3544 - 12.05.2023 11:08

man i miss when plexing was 1.4b
now its 2.4b :(

@Chrikk_Whales - 13.04.2023 16:13

PI every 48h :o i would go crazy,mine are set to 8 days and i try to do them every wednesday

@W.L.F-RTX - 15.03.2023 00:06

Man this tooo much complicate for mining planets

@fpsmadtv4027 - 11.03.2023 17:29

Before I started working my way through Abyssal levels I was huffing gas in low sec and WHs to plex my account. Abyssals are more fun and better more consistent pay.

@JourneyLife - 16.02.2023 14:18

So basically you spend at least five and a half hours a month to pay for something that costs $16 each month. In the US most jobs pay at least $15 an hour. And you are basically making $2.70 an hour running dead space. Hmmm not to mention I have lost some costly ships in T4s. I even lost a Gila that cost me 670 million ISK.

@popanda3652 - 03.01.2023 18:01

Plex is expensive now rip me lol. Last I checked they were 5mil a plex

@robjones9128 - 09.11.2022 04:16

Bro I lost a 200 mill praxis to a disconect and was nearly sick. How you get that cash is beyond me, i was running l4s slowly.

@figueredoruley8050 - 08.11.2022 15:29

I made a lot of money with MagpieCash.

@fuglbird - 29.10.2022 12:50

That sounds great! Your two Omega alts pay a small contribution in order to plex your Omega account. Now you have two other account to plex. Do you use four more Omega alts to do that? Or do you pay subscription for your two alts? Or do you plex all three accounts doing Abyssal PVE?

@Stefan1978GER - 19.10.2022 17:23

- improved inplants and extract skills. so y can sell 4 Skillinjectors per month (main reason for such a high plex price in eve)

@keithw8286 - 02.10.2022 21:56

If it’s just pve, don’t omega, play on the test server, it’s free

@vinsang63 - 18.09.2022 02:00

I P.L.E.X within 3-4h now farming with my super carrier, I remember when i started Eve and tried to PLEX with my Myrmidon after only 1 month playing... Ratting in null sec belts leaving on Hull hahaha was taking me like 20 days to PLEX XD

@mattoliveiraeugenio - 10.08.2022 15:46

I have no interest in having to do more than one account do play EVE. EVE for me is a relaxing experience that I enjoy with only one account ar my time.

@hungryowl1559 - 07.08.2022 16:55

I'm desperately trying to plex my 2 accounts but trying to buy an orca for my mining alt is making that impossible currently. Plus my brief stint with exploration really hurt my isk grind. I do not recommend exploration to anyone. The other day I spent 6 hours exploring and only made 185000 isk. Now im just grinding L4s till my eyes bleed. I want to do abyssals more but im pretty sure that would cost a bunch more isk and id probably lose the ship anyways.

@andygao7020 - 14.07.2022 05:31

Faction warfare can be a good source to earn a large amout of isk early on. (about 90mil/hour). Just remember to run every time when an opponent apear when you are new to the game. A well fitted asult fregate can easily kill a nurmal distoryer.

@Chazie_ - 03.07.2022 22:16

I’ve been alpha for a couple years I’ve saved up 1000 plex and I was about to hit the omega switch when I suddenly realised I enjoy the game as an alpha and I’d only be doing the same stuff…I guess I need some advice about where to go to make sure I keep earning enough isk to keep plexing

@guidodenbroeder935 - 26.06.2022 14:54

PLEX is a lot more expensive now.

@finlad-ei7ki - 26.06.2022 09:17

5 hours to make $20? Why not just buy and sell things on facebook market place.

@redjacemory4404 - 17.06.2022 07:33

Lvl 4 mission running in a Marauder (Paladin mostly, but Vargur sometimes for spice. Lol). Slower paced, but still fun for me right now. :) I can do it in a few days of leisurely play while I listen to an audio book.

@68thBC - 20.05.2022 17:49

So..you have to have either all skills maxed or have omega to make plex. You start off with teir 5 stuff whole alpha can only do 3.

@happytravelling - 23.04.2022 09:50

I make most of my isk doing PI. 4 accts - will reduce it to 2. I want to spend more time doing things I like, like exploration. PI will pay for everything.

@danielsharir6932 - 07.04.2022 08:29

Thank you very much for showing this feature. In the past, I didn’t want to play as I have almost nothing to do with no subscription. And I didn’t want to pay real money for subscription. Now, thanks to your video, I am playing to earn the subscription for free.

@nhance - 02.04.2022 00:33

How do you get that first character(Aceyfacey) to look like that? Thanx

@nfapeng187 - 29.03.2022 17:23

I need a skill injector big time man. I need missle's so i can get tier 2 ones.

@philc3912 - 25.03.2022 16:21

I used to run 8 accounts buying the old style 30 day plex with a combination of lvl 4 agent missions hi sec ice mining (6 macks an orca and an itty hauling) and PI. I quit 5 1/2 - 6 years ago when ice mining got nerfed and ganking hi sec fleet miners went through the roof. Just recovered all my accounts and found i have about 11 months worth of new plex between them so am considering coming back. Watching as much eve content as possible to bring back the old muscle memory first and picking up 6 years or so of update info.

@goretoriumgaming8600 - 16.03.2022 23:19

I pay for my main, to help keep the lights on, I use isk for my mcts and alt accounts

@methamphetamememcmeth3422 - 07.03.2022 19:57

Will I enjoy it? I don't care about winning. I just want to chill and enjoy it. I mine in Elite Dangerous and chill. I want to do something similar here.

@ninonook677 - 12.02.2022 01:21

could you clarify by making your alts safe so they can farm, I have a tiny bit of a hard time understanding that

@soumyarajoliya1982 - 29.01.2022 18:49


@wakkosick6525 - 13.01.2022 16:29

I mine 10 hours a day on 3 accounts, 2 retrievers and one orca. Make about 200m a day. Its boring but requires very little thought. I plex both my alts but pay for my main. This makes me about 6bil a month. It costs about 3bil a month to plex 2 accounts leaving me with a profit of 3 bil a month.

@Woolf1234 - 15.12.2021 17:35

5 years ago, team burner missions was the way to go. plexed three accounts without any problems. nowadays unfortunately you arent getting so many team burner.

@aletorw1025 - 05.12.2021 14:00

Hi Aceface, I'm currently thinking about diving into Eve Online, but I have no clue about how much time it costs, so I hope you could help me out with a few answers or estimations.
I mean I could do like 1-2 hours of active gaming on workdays and I guess 5 to 10 on a weekend.
How long would it take to get done with the alpha-stuff and would it be a good idea to start investing ISK into plex during alpha-time, to then get a flying start into no-money-omega? Is there kind of a "skill-map" for investing your free 5mil-alpha-skillpoints in an ideal way? I watched many of your vids in the last days, but I've got no idea how many skillpoints it would cost to for example get to a T3 or T4 Abyssal build. And would it be a good idea to switch to omega as soon as you went through your 5mil skillpoints or would it be a better idea to invest in this daily skill injectors because your not able to get a solid income to maintain omega and play the game after "just" 5mil skillpoints?
Thanks in Advance.

@UK_Sgt_7094 - 02.12.2021 18:33

thinking of going back to eve as i played from 2003 onwards to 2011 then left due to family commitments, will be looking at your channel as need to find a corp again (132mil SP just now)

@dandyphan8511 - 15.11.2021 06:49

I want to ask something, if 1 of my char are omega, how about my other char in same ID? Can I play other character from same ID?

@reddog418 - 19.10.2021 09:14

If you isk for eve, you will never enjoy it.

@sweer7048 - 12.10.2021 16:42

orrrrrr you can afk FW while playing a different game

@MrMemeDuck - 06.10.2021 22:07

I haven’t downloaded the game yet but I want to and I don’t know whether to start off with an alpha account or start with an omega account

@eddijz - 17.09.2021 14:46

hunting npc haulers, i make around 2-6bil per week in hisec

@jeankristein3238 - 30.08.2021 17:31

8 -12 mils an hour, 5 days account
Low risk

@pauls5745 - 24.08.2021 22:15

yeah not for the newbie,, 40-50M/day isk to finance omega. im playing a lot and progressing but 20M/day doing normal stuff with cheap ships and weapons is what im limited to until all skilled up for high-level play

@seven9766 - 20.08.2021 22:56

Hm. A month of eve omega time is worth about 15€. Now, my time is worth at least 25€ per hour, so i guess it's cheaper for me to just pay for the subscription and use the time for fun. If i end up with more money than i know what to do with, well maybe plexing is an option then. But, let's be real, if it takes me 4 hrs of play time just to pay for the remaining fun, then that's a bad use of time really.

@rcgamer4524 - 18.08.2021 00:22

Hi is this still viable now? Just come back to eve online, and very overwhelmed lol. Thank you. (Regarding the abysmal space I think you said ?)

@shinigamishinda1803 - 25.07.2021 16:11

I do it with PI and industry on the war front

@thesmokinyoda9948 - 15.07.2021 16:17

I've started running T0 abyssals since I just started doing them but I do plan on going up the ladder so I can eventually pay for Omega using isk and reallly go to town. Thanks again for you time and videos.
