DON'T waste your time learning jQuery!!

DON'T waste your time learning jQuery!!

Dorian Develops

3 года назад

69,473 Просмотров

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Dorian Develops
Dorian Develops - 18.09.2020 18:03

Let me know what you think about jQuery in the comments!

GenericBrand - 26.09.2023 20:23

It peaked but still used almost everywhere and helps with robust plugin function etc.

amin khosravi
amin khosravi - 01.09.2023 12:37

Thanks for the video. jQuery is still being used even in 2023. A lot of companies are still hiring people with a decent knowledge of jQuery.

Behzad Rostami
Behzad Rostami - 22.08.2023 00:22

jQuery is still the best JS library in existence. It's not dying off at all. Just because developers tend to give more credit to more complicated options doesn't mean they are better.

SynthWaveEx - 27.06.2023 17:18

Is this just a clickbait title

Patrick Coston
Patrick Coston - 17.04.2023 06:53

As we head into this recession, those of us who used to use jQuery might fall back on a legacy job, just to get a job and ride out the recession. Once we got our foot in the door to a jQuery job, maybe we can convince them to convert to a modern framework or library, so you could get the opportunity to create a new site from scratch!

Chatbot - 16.03.2023 21:47

No way Jquery wins over this modern framework brain twist. Javascript frameworks overcomplicate adding uneeded layers to the process making working with data less direct. Serverside javascript using direct binds printed through a structured modular foundation is much more straight forward and direct to the data. And faster I may add.

O.O.P - 07.03.2023 08:02

(JavaScript and JQuery) will join together for building projects . The same apply with(PHP and Mysql) for building projects

(JQuery) will never join with (VUE.js, react.js and angular.js) for building projects.

The most important thing here is you must master (vanilla JavaScript) be before all of these. And build many projects with ( HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript) in order to be well-prepared for the next.

tramar thomas
tramar thomas - 10.02.2023 18:45

'dont spend too much time on it' is good advice I think. theres no reason not to check it out since youll see it eventually and it might appeal to you for personal projects

Shahid Islam
Shahid Islam - 03.02.2023 03:47

I'm a new developer. I had to learn jQuery because of my workplace, although I never learned it academically. After 1 week of learning, I started implementing jQuery to my projects! In my opinion, it just don't go with modern techs. Lots of jQuery plugins aren't working accordingly. I had to write a lots of extra code to make some functionalities work. So I absolutely agree, jQuery is a history.

Dizeliun - 28.01.2023 11:02

never knew this pornstar was so knowledgable with coding! cool!

tahwnikcufos - 02.01.2023 21:39

From a modernization point of view, the value in learning an old code base is in having the flexibility to refactor a previous owner's project into a new model, without having to learn the customer's surface level practices/needs from scratch. i.e. Learning IBM RPG for the sole purpose of integration of existing DB2 tools into an SAP environment, whereas the IBM servers would be permanently shutdown after cutover to SAP - you aren't learning to write, you're learning to read.

סנדי סלמן
סנדי סלמן - 26.12.2022 22:28

& BOOTSTRAP is used so puplar out there

Martin Legros
Martin Legros - 09.12.2022 17:54

Thanks DD you're a true good man here on those full-of-crap socials

Kwame Adoko
Kwame Adoko - 27.11.2022 13:33

I think learning Jquery is still relevant, especially when you work on personal projects. And it's so easy to learn Jquery

MKT music
MKT music - 12.11.2022 07:36

its 2022 and JQuery still does it all for me , I hear a lot of people saying that its a waste of time but no one actually said why or gave a solid reason for that statement .

Petar Great
Petar Great - 20.10.2022 16:06

If you do not have a capacity to study and want to become a coding guru in 15 days (and get a good job), then this advice (and this kind of reasoning) may be even practical for you. However, sooner or later, providing that you are actually good in some sort of programming, you will become obsolete. Unless you do not learn everything that comes your way, you will just be a brick mason who understands only "yellow" bricks. So, yes, I advise everyone to learn everything possible...javascript, react, jquery, bootstrap, php, c#.... If you really want to be a part of web design world, you must posess some good qualities. Very soon, then, you will see how everything is actually very simmilar, if not even the same. You will last much longer than those who learned "yellow bricks" only.

J. K.
J. K. - 12.10.2022 18:53

Yeap ! You need to learn Jquery just ... to support legacy code till management decides to switch to react or something else.

Dimitris K
Dimitris K - 26.09.2022 11:44

I think that you are just very confused, and you don’t know of what you are talking about. It is 2022 and jQuery it is still very relevant, and I would be able to write the same in 2030 as well. jQuery just helps you write JavaScript faster, much faster and it is amazing in that. You might not like it, but it is so interconnected with javascript that it can only be irrelevant, if javascript becomes irrelevant. What it actually happens is the exact opposite of what you describe. New frameworks, like the ones you describe, come and go, but jQuery remains strong. As better ones come out, the old ones become less popular and that is what happened with Angular when React and Vue came around. jQuery isn’t affected by any of that, it just makes popcorn and watches them fight 😀.

nikyabo - 24.09.2022 22:43

jQuery is really good bro. To be honest. Easiest to learn as well

mistersz - 02.09.2022 11:34

But if you are WordPress or php developer I think jQuery is still very good thing to learn

Seto Kaiba
Seto Kaiba - 23.08.2022 23:56

f**k you baldy, you don't know what you're talking abt, jquery is still used a lot

Va jona
Va jona - 18.08.2022 09:32

Imagine if it is you who is dying and probably not worth anything in 2021

Jakob - 17.08.2022 17:21

I use jQuery on small projects where I don't need a big framework

AUSTIN B - 16.08.2022 00:03

You should learn jQuery but obviously don’t spend time on it like you would HTML/CSS, Javascript and frameworks. Udemy has courses that’ll teach you all of the basics in 10 hours. That’s an hour a day for 10 days - a super small drop in the bucket

Khairi Yusoff
Khairi Yusoff - 07.07.2022 10:38

I love jQuery because it is easy to understand and make you speed up the dev especially you want to manipulate html DOM elements. A lot of jobs still in demand of jQuery, so why not learn it. In fact I just completed 2 hour course and pass it with flying colors. Next I will React.

MH - 28.06.2022 17:04

why i always use it to make my scroll smooth

DrunkenMage - 17.06.2022 04:17

I mean do you really need a week to learn jQuery? It has probably one of the lowest levels of entry in web development and even if you don't "know" something, it's so well documented you can sort it out pretty quick.

I also don't think it's going anywhere as long as you have some amount of people that still do small scale web projects that don't require a huge tech stack to get up and running.

Dave Storm
Dave Storm - 06.06.2022 07:44

For forms development (data entry sites or anything not heavy into multimedia), WASM (web assembly) is the thing to learn right now and is already making javascript frameworks less valuable and a bit archaic. The next generation of WASM could potentially make javascript frameworks obsolete (Google & Microsoft are banking on it). WASM compilers & IDEs are already here. I use Blazor and still have access to javascript where needed (via a JSInterop) and it's bloody fast and the overall code is much cleaner (can use C# for most of the client side development) and more secure (not completely, you can disassemble WASM, of course).
Angular, React and Vue will be a distant memory by 2030.

Khalid Afridi
Khalid Afridi - 03.06.2022 03:53

Today's every web developer are asked for jQuery while they appear for interview so it is much worthy to spend some hours to learn it. 👆

Colin Morgan
Colin Morgan - 02.06.2022 09:46

Hi sir , which frontend framework and backend frameworks for javascript to learn

你的帳戶再次違反《社群守則》 - 30.05.2022 01:48

Just like their slogan: write less, do more

Don't learn to write jQuery, learn a actual programming language

System Admin
System Admin - 01.05.2022 05:00

I still maintain some legacy code that heavily uses Jquery, it's not going to go away soon as long as there are existing legacy code in a production setting. I agree that new projects will no longer use it, but it won't hurt to learn the basics of it.

MixTheWorld - 08.04.2022 17:42

lots of bullshit in one video

Maaz Aziz
Maaz Aziz - 31.03.2022 09:46

Great video sir but why did u killed nirobi :'(

Syedul Arif
Syedul Arif - 28.03.2022 13:58

Today i am using jQuery to build a project for my company.

Maximillian Heth
Maximillian Heth - 22.03.2022 02:03

There are also jQuery alternatives that are significantly smaller in size and as easy to use as jQuery provided that supporting older browsers isn't a hard requirement. My go-to jQuery replacement at the moment is Cash JS.

Ray C
Ray C - 15.03.2022 08:15

Wordpress developers still use it because it’s the fastest to develop with. When you need an entire integrated site within 3 weeks, you won’t opt for React or even vanilla JavaScript. Bootstrap is also always used, and libraries are a must. Jquery will never completely die out. It’s just too convenient to use.

Toasty Toast
Toasty Toast - 15.03.2022 00:38

Is your house unfinished?

Carriage Returned
Carriage Returned - 07.03.2022 03:11

deprecated shit. Just vanilla JS, only. React..... facebook/meta shit..... popularity shit....

Louma Mehyeddine
Louma Mehyeddine - 21.02.2022 10:07

Ok how do I do search with filters without JQuery?😆

Xian Qiu
Xian Qiu - 21.02.2022 08:44

I learnt a lot JS things from jQuery by editing my company's jQuery project. The way they designed functions and objects, how they name functions, and how they use the data structure is very impressive. We can use it in other js projects.

I do agree that we should not learn jQuery for the sake of learning a new tool or using it in any future projects. If your work includes any jQuery, just google it. It is really not rocket science.

R0DEmental- - 16.02.2022 02:16

jquery best for small/med projects to save you time if you have a strict deadline

Michael Bamidele
Michael Bamidele - 04.02.2022 14:42

I think Javascript itself will soon fizzle out for the same reason jquery is fizzling out, and html too. Just legacy stuffs that no one needs anymore.

VR6R - 28.01.2022 11:15

I understand where you're coming from and I'd probably agree in the case of development roles focused on modern public sites, or companies where the software IS the product. This ignores a large segment of the development world though. Enterprise and internal development roles - and the tools they use - look very different. Often in those cases the timelines are shorter, the development teams are smaller, and the solution just needs to work. I still use it - even 1.5 yrs later - in almost all of my projects. It's extremely easy to implement and use, and for many of these internal apps - where the business is the customer - larger and more complicated frameworks would be way overkill. Totally get you're coming at it from a web dev-first standpoint, just offering an alternative self-taught dev perspective. Just stumbled across your channel, good stuff!

Noé Ascencio
Noé Ascencio - 06.01.2022 03:50

I don't think JQuery dies not at least soon in short-medium times, JQuery and Angular are no to be compared and have different purposes. JQuery is almost as writing pure JS but with very much simpler code. AJAX calls are still more easier in JQ than in pure JS. sometimes I say that JQ has those methods and functions I would need to create myself to solve common tasks, the way JQ handles responses, listeners and above all AJAX calls is just everything. The way it simplifies common tasks is very useful. I like it 'cause somehow or another you basically learn to understand JS as its core more easily, at the end is lighter for the browser and that's another plus. I don't think it's not suitable for large projects thinking that way is because you have no good programming skills or you have bad practices. Angular is magnificent but honestly JQuery will stay really long and it could help you to understand JS at its core instead of just using Angular functions indiscriminately without understanding concepts JS uses.
