Task Custom Fields Odoo

Task Custom Fields Odoo

Softhealer Technologies

3 года назад

311 Просмотров

About Module

Are you still managing all projects and tasks with separate modules? That’s really a waste of time and effort. Our module, all-in-one project management system (PMS) focused on managing every aspect of your projects. You can handle projects, tasks, due dates, checklists etc in one module. All in one PMS makes it easier to manage all projects and tasks. So go ahead and download the module to improve your project management skills!


1) Update multiple tasks with projects and stages.
2) Add custom field & tab in Task Form View.
3) Create project checklist.
4) Create project checklist template.
5) Create task checklist.
6) Create task checklist template.
7) Manage multiple project stages.
8) Overdue task notifications by email.
9) Set priority on projects and tasks.
10) Different project task stages for different projects.
11) Create a project stage template.
12) Assign multiple users for a single task.
13) Print particular Project PDF report with the task.
14) Manage tasks based on stage changes.
15) Send emails of task details to any user.
16) Attachment auto add-in task email.
17) Divide the project task and subtask.
18) Control task and sub-task progress
19) Calculate time duration of project task with full details.
20) Compute task duration with project, task & employee name.
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