Underbite - Changing the bite WITHOUT Braces or Surgery

Underbite - Changing the bite WITHOUT Braces or Surgery

Advanced Dental Artistry

6 лет назад

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@AntiDegenerate1971 - 29.05.2023 00:34

This underbite is hereditary, it gets passed down from one generation to another. My father had it, i got it from him. Genetics sucks.

@kaifarshad5033 - 27.03.2023 10:00

I have an underbite and also have gap or teeth on another teeth on upper teeth I want to remove gap but don't want to fix underbite doctor says he has to remove two teeth from lower side and then treatment start....is my case is difficult or do I face any problem of speaking or eating during the process tell me plz

@joshmerrill - 16.01.2023 05:28

Do I have an underbite? When my lower jaw is relaxed, bottom teeth stick out in front of upper teeth. When I speak I notice lower teeth teeth protruding out in front of my upper teeth. I can physically pull back lower jaw behind upper teeth to form a proper bite but it’s not comfortable and when I chew it’s wearing the back of my front teeth out. It effects my speech enunciation because there’s tension when I force my lower teeth behind my upper teeth. Do I have an underbite? The fact that “I can” attain a proper bite with effort eliminate possibility of underbite and it’s something else? Thank you!

@sammyflipaclip4420 - 07.10.2022 13:32

I did not understand a single thing. Where tf is the explanation?

@yuyu.o - 26.09.2022 15:19

I have an underbite becuz of overcrowded teeth and my teeth look kind of same as the guy in the video the way i talk is also kinda same with him... Can it be aligned properly by getting just braces??? And how much will it cost
Aso becuz of overcrowded teeth I've an underbite Plz reply 🙏🏻

@julysmglap7727 - 08.09.2022 11:50

my bottom teeth fully come out in front of my top teeth with some space that my tongue can fit through but i can’t get them fixed

@david6793 - 25.11.2021 06:59

I don’t know How do you Underbite game

@zigsaw7161 - 15.11.2021 17:31

Hey doctar can you help me out Actually I had underbite not much noticable before 10 /12days it was right but I did facial exercise and I thing it somehow changed my teeth or jaw position resulted in Underbite today I went to dentist because my jaw was paining he said I have open bite but he gives me medicine only and said to come after 3days I wonder if braces or something will fix it as it is not from childhood and I don't have money for surgery though plz reply

@floofiestkittycats9123 - 16.10.2021 06:14

I have an underbite and it doesn’t really affect me but it makes me insecure. I can’t get braces since my teeth are too week and surgery is too scary for me

@tammybrooks83tamm - 30.09.2021 06:23

You didn't show anything, this video is not helpful

@kaushikkunte4266 - 22.09.2021 06:52

From India, you have some comtacts that do this kind of thing?

@thelastknight1276 - 20.09.2021 08:13

What if I have a severe underbite I will do anything to fix it besides surgery, I cannot be out of commission for two months for surgery

@BACKACKACK - 16.07.2021 02:45

3 weeks to go until I go to see my dentist about getting mine fixed its held me back my entire life and in my honest opinion it makes me look ugly so much so that I really hate my face I have lines around my mouth and my chin looks way to stuck out I cant wait to get braces and finally I can be happy with myself for the first time ever!
Will I look better after they are fixed and have a more natural look I dont think I look too bad from the front except for my jaw but my side profile is horrendously ugly especially so when I smile?

@nitinindurkar90 - 14.07.2021 13:31

Sir I have underbite what can I do without surgery is it possible then give me your contact number sir please

@bones1026 - 06.06.2021 00:56

hi im 13 i used to have braces for about 4 years. i got them off however i never wear my retainer. i have a bad overbite and its making me so insecure. i also dont think i will ever remember to wear the retainer regularly. is there any way to fix this without braces again :( (my retainer is broken and i have to get a replacement. will this mean it will shape to my current teeth? and not correct my teeth to what they were after i got my braces removed?)

@saheemahmed3568 - 28.05.2021 15:23

Dr i smile by making my lower teeth forward, will it cause underbite or make face longer in size? Pls reply

@aylabmaselfperiod1178 - 09.05.2021 03:03

I have an underbite and never consulted an orthodontist for it so I don't know how severe it was. Tho for me it's very severe 'cause my teeth gets to decay easily. I really wanted to fix it for it hinders me to smile and talk more and be confident with myself. It is just sad that we don't have the money to do so and barely even eating 3 meals a day. I'll just wait for my time that I could get it fixed, I hope it'll happen soon😔😔

@darangegonzales1698 - 06.05.2021 15:59

I have a severe underbite...i want go ask if the braces can fix it?

@tmonation2283 - 02.05.2021 04:10

I'm afraid to smile on picture day

@tunasandwich8049 - 23.04.2021 07:46

I have an underbite on the right side and it's caused by my tongue position (I swallow while my tongue rests on the bottom right) any way to fix it?

@avocados8122 - 17.04.2021 00:07

Hey, I have a question and I’d really appreciate it if you took the time to answer . I’m 18 years old and I have an underbite and a cross-bite . I used to wear a palatal expander when I was 9 years old but I stopped with the treatment because my family couldn’t afford it . The orthodontist said that I had to wear the palatal expander for a year and then an headgear to fix my underbite&cross-bite . Well my question is, Do you think there’s a chance I need a jaw surgery because that was 9 years ago and my jaw is less sensitive than it was when I was younger.

@kozumelubs1574 - 20.02.2021 13:23

can mewing fix an underbite?
because i wanna fix my underbite by mewing, my underbite is not that severe and i can move my upper jaw and align it with my lower jaw (sorry for my english) im from the philippines and im only 12

@adventurez2727 - 15.12.2020 13:22

I have a a severe underbite and jaw problems? Eating is hard,smiling is shaming.
I'm 29 yrs old. Will the braces fix it.
At this time of age.
Also,I'm a bike racer. Need special helmets/ big size becoz of my goddamn big jaw

@navyashreenambiar805 - 16.11.2020 19:57

I have a mid line shift in the upper jaw and my teeth are migrating towards the side where i dont have a tooth. Moreover i have an underbite too. What treatment should I undergo?

@Bhiladpy-up9uy - 02.11.2020 04:12

His face looks even more improved too.

@angelsakura2315 - 22.10.2020 10:29

I wanna fix my underbite, But my parents won't let me wear braces. And it's one of my most biggest insecurities, because it affects the way I talk, the way I sing and my face. My underbite is like 1/2 Inches I think? And I really love to sing, but sometimes my underbite just destroys it-

@snowjasmine9644 - 03.10.2020 18:49

Does braces increase underbite ?? Please reply

@Rafael-fh8fz - 11.09.2020 12:00

I want to ask if underbites affect speech, because people tell me i look funny or i look somewhat annoying when i speak :(
My teeth are edge to edge with each other and the alignment is not straight.

@jackiegomez6962 - 09.09.2020 06:12

I have an underbite and I hate my smile but I have braces rn but I don’t wanna get surgery what do I do?

@moradajiezahcarlab.4958 - 20.08.2020 05:11

I like how he replies to every comments/questions here. Thanks sire!

@LiminalThrash - 17.08.2020 16:43

I have a underbite and ive been with every orthodontist and they told me I need surgery, im 19 and i went to this one orthodontist saying it can be fixed with a palate expander since my upper jaw is recessed to my underbite. Is it possible that a palate expander will bring forward my upper jaw at age 19?

@giselleh3024 - 04.08.2020 07:40

Could i get surgery at 15?

@maggieobst4565 - 18.07.2020 07:54

i had an underbite when i was younger but it got fixed when i had an expanded and headgear. now i have braces to make gaps where my lateral incisors should be for future implants but i think the braces have me an underbite again. it also feels a lot different and i can’t close my teeth all the way but i figure it’s just not rearranged fully yet. should i be worried about the underbite though?

@loraliel6495 - 03.07.2020 06:21

I have a underbite but some days I could force my front teeth over my bottom teeth is that a good way to get a overbite??

@edsoncedric6861 - 15.06.2020 04:43

for me i can meet my upper teeth to lower teeth but for normal it became under bite .. but when i want my upper teeth can attach to lower .. i need braces or else

@subhabanik1913 - 08.06.2020 15:52

Do you have any branch in India ?

@wenisme9670 - 06.06.2020 02:21

I want to wear braces but i just found out that it can change your face (jaw, especially) and i'm scare. I have seen before-after image of someone wear one and... their jaw looks disappear after wearing them. People also said braces can make your cheeks sunken.

@smeleleh7995 - 31.05.2020 11:20

I find it weird how expensive braces were in America.
They were for free in France.

@littleg3827 - 30.05.2020 04:59

Hey I have an undernoted but it not that bad but I want I wanna fix without getting braces

@colin2729 - 29.05.2020 05:59

Are you able to get lingual braces with elastics to fix underbite

@spazout2924 - 27.05.2020 02:37

How do I fix a protruding chin if I have an overbite?

@kioshitezuka630 - 22.05.2020 04:11

Hey so I have a mild underbite is there anyway I can fix it at home? Since I’m not sure my orthodontist is open because of Covid-19?

@hanniehae3736 - 04.05.2020 07:12

i have an underbite, my teeth look kind of same with the guy in the video,the way i talk also kind of same with him. but i dont want to get a jaw surgery, is it possible to wear braces only?

*sorry for my english 🙏🏻

@averagedude4943 - 25.04.2020 19:08

Can the maxilla be expanded and moved forward instead to fix a mild underbite to also help improve the overall face features? Such as better facial profile, fuller face, more prominent cheek bones etc.

@chwanttv - 25.04.2020 05:48

How much would it cost for a slight underbite situation?
Also, what would be the ideal age range?

@TeakySnee - 14.04.2020 22:50

How much would the survey alone const without the veneers?

@itshalimah2554 - 14.04.2020 03:55

If u have an underbite and you put braces on the top teeth does it all move into place or would I have to get surgery

@pallll12r - 13.04.2020 20:44

He is hot

@togorigik2739 - 11.02.2020 11:36

How many cost I pay to fix that?
