Skyrim: Top 5 Evil Things You Can Do and May Have Missed in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Part 3)

Skyrim: Top 5 Evil Things You Can Do and May Have Missed in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Part 3)


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Brynyolf XD
Brynyolf XD - 14.09.2023 17:24

I just send wife and kids to a house I don't use then "go out for milk" 😅😅😅

Daniel Godfrey
Daniel Godfrey - 13.09.2023 20:54

Thats not so bad.
Youre sending him to where his mammoth is

C.D. A
C.D. A - 02.09.2023 12:21

Wonder if someone modded the game where everytime you capture a soul they get transported to the soul cairn where you can actually meet them there

The Dair
The Dair - 29.08.2023 20:27

I'll never forget the time i told the kids to go play outside as i mauled my wife as a werewolf in the closet

NIGHTCORE_NIDUS - 25.08.2023 04:28

Im not evil i just sold my souls to demon

Raeanne Bedard
Raeanne Bedard - 24.08.2023 08:58

And that's why I buy or salvage already filled soul gems. I don't make them myself.

alegogo2911 - 22.08.2023 23:23

Wait wait, i thought only souls trapped in black soul gems are sent to the soul cairn

Guenther Hoagland
Guenther Hoagland - 19.08.2023 20:04

Me playing a bound bow stealth archer with soul trap perk : this is fun. Number 3:...

Solus Darkcoat
Solus Darkcoat - 13.08.2023 11:07

it's not MEH rune, it's MAY rune

DexihandSV01 - 12.08.2023 08:00

I saved some soul gems for specific characters, like Arondil, Grelod, Mercer Frey or Ancano, the people I think deserve to be in the soul cairn; I thing that's something "less evil"

Mettaton Ex
Mettaton Ex - 31.07.2023 08:48

Here I was thinking that making one of over a dozen children across Skyrim into and orphan by murdering their parents and proceeding to adopt them would make the cut.

K1ll3r Cr3pr
K1ll3r Cr3pr - 29.07.2023 17:37

I used soul trap to commandant Maro who litteraly killed every member of the dark brotherhood

levi danielson
levi danielson - 28.07.2023 03:48

I didn't have any way to heal Valdir, and was hoping to find some way to help him in the cave. There wasn't one.

MoltenUprising MK4000
MoltenUprising MK4000 - 12.07.2023 01:34

I only Soul Trap bandits and beasts, so my conscience is mostly clear.

Be'lakor - 07.07.2023 20:09

And what if you soul trap your husband/wife? is that evil;p?

Darkblade Assassin
Darkblade Assassin - 06.07.2023 21:44

Spousal Sacrifice too hard for you Milk Drinkers? Seems like you Weaklings never Played any of the Fable Games where you are Rewarded with Devilish Artifacts that you can use at your very Whim! Then absolutely Destroy the Dark Evil Beings with said Artifacts in a bit of Irony. lol

fernando salcido
fernando salcido - 05.07.2023 08:54

I turned into a werewolf thinking my would love me for who I am, didn’t turn out too well.

Playful Fruit
Playful Fruit - 04.07.2023 23:33

Maroons Dagon. Weird pronunciation.

Depressed_Weeb069 - 20.06.2023 07:27

Wish there was a option to sacrifice your child, or use the Wabajack on them and turn them into a chicken
"Yum KFC"

JAMES LUNE - 27.05.2023 01:36

Im just going to soul trap every npc i hate, that way i know they suffer

Ghost87 - 25.05.2023 10:56

I like to soul trap my wife in Skyrim 😈

SupernaturalFreak - 24.05.2023 23:18

Literally Silas attacks me every time I do that quest, I didn't even know sparing his life was an option. I wouldn't even have my weapon drawn and he would yell "I'm not going down without a fight" and I would blast him off the mountain

TJM - 24.05.2023 05:59

Silus-"I need you get pieces of a weapon dedicated to my world ending God"

Rook Wolf
Rook Wolf - 18.05.2023 18:18

The idea of killing my Farkas… 😱 That’s like destroying priceless treasure.

NovaRed - 11.05.2023 15:07

Silus Veseius never gave me the chance to spare him. I even tried leaving but he kept coming with his spells and finally I turned around and put two arrows in his head. My characater wasn't pleased, but she had been nearly killed by Silus and was not giving her life up. She went back, claimed the razor to keep from anyone else having it, and told Dagon to shove it knowing she'd been used by him twice now (CC content for the first time)

Reese Martin
Reese Martin - 11.05.2023 05:30

I legit soul trap everyone

Mareo Reinhardt
Mareo Reinhardt - 10.05.2023 03:54

Okay, so hear me out.
You don't HAVE to resort to murder to get rid of your characters spouse.
Your spouse, wether or not they were able to be a companion before, are recruitable as companions.
Recruit them as a companion.
Go Dragon hunting, it's super romantic I promise!
Then, kite the dragon next to your spouse.
And bait out the breath attack!
This might need to be repeated based on level.
And, Congratulations!
The dragon has assisted you in your divorce!
Now, you can give the dragon payment in death, or running away, and leaving them be!
Of course this is still evil, who takes their spouse to fight a dragon? 😈

Tom Curl
Tom Curl - 08.05.2023 23:18

I think that the Giants should’ve acted more like people that you could interact with instead of just creatures that only defend them selves if you get too close to them and I also don’t like that all the giants or adult men because that leaves out all the female and child giants, that there should be for them to be a functional species and I think it would be interesting. If giants had actual interactions where you could talk to them had some named characters maybe some merchants even their own language.

Mortem Anku
Mortem Anku - 06.05.2023 02:02

Soul trapping the leader of The companion.

Jstar338 - 06.05.2023 00:14

eh I'm not feeling bad for Silus, I'm fine with slaughtering a member of Mythic Dawn

FocaMarinha - 05.05.2023 18:19

Lets not talk about the day i slayed my spoused in front of my children for my black azure star

Brendan Wilson
Brendan Wilson - 19.04.2023 00:16

I feel bad for the bandits. Compared to the raiders, they have souls

Blue Shadows Requiem
Blue Shadows Requiem - 11.04.2023 03:22

I didn't do anything to the giant, but uthgerd the unbroken killed him. 😭

Lucus Johnson
Lucus Johnson - 09.04.2023 08:16

Your trapping them in a horrid realm of oblivion, but worse you bothered this giant who is sad about his dead pet.
All things said this is completely correct

Derp man
Derp man - 07.04.2023 05:01

I did the evilest thing ever because I was trying to remarry I murdered my wife during the boethiah quest with a soul trap dagger

Colin Tarves
Colin Tarves - 29.03.2023 00:06

Yaaaaaa I sacrificed my wife😂😬

Віка Г.
Віка Г. - 27.03.2023 16:39

I kill Silus every time because he shouldn't be messing with the daedra. I never kill the mourning giant because he saved my character once.

Christoffer Johansson
Christoffer Johansson - 18.03.2023 01:09

I have many Black soul gems have almost 200 souls the occasional bandit boss all in the brotherhood of darkness the occasional giant mammoth wolf zombie draugr trolls necromancers imperial soldiers .............. YES! I could go on!

killjoy734 - 10.03.2023 09:18

Soul trap high elves

Clockwork - 10.03.2023 09:08

The most evil thing is that "Your spell is dangerous, keep your distance".

Butter Kirby
Butter Kirby - 09.03.2023 11:56

Soul traps spouse before killing them.

MessengerOfHell - 07.03.2023 01:11

In my defense, I killed Silus in Pieces of the Past because I didn't trust him at all. He gave me a strong impression that he was too obsessed(?) with the Mythic Dawn and that he went so far as to build a museum in their honor and was proud of who his family once raised too many red flags. So I killed him to prevent him from doing anything stupid in the future that would endanger people and I'm pretty sure Daegon wouldn't mind me using the dagger before I get something better in its place.

Courtland Roberts
Courtland Roberts - 02.03.2023 08:37

To your question, yes thieves deserve eterrnal torture, along with numerous criminals

mr doesvoices
mr doesvoices - 25.02.2023 14:54

Soul trap spouse kill them in front of kid then permanent dead thrall them in front of child again is most evil

Trevor Phillips
Trevor Phillips - 22.02.2023 13:19

I don't see them as evil choices. They benefit for the greater good. Me!

Neil Christian Calajate
Neil Christian Calajate - 22.02.2023 11:18

Silus deserve to die for being a fanboy of such cult. And he don't deserve the razor to begin with because he's not the one who braved the dangers to obtain the pieces. And lastly, he's not a dragonborn like cameron so he never had a chance from the start.

CMaxwell Life
CMaxwell Life - 21.02.2023 02:54

Surprised that killing Mjoll's companion Aerin to steal his house and marry Mjoll isn't in there. 😂
