How He Made $36k in a Month with Amazon KDP Working 4 Hours a Week

How He Made $36k in a Month with Amazon KDP Working 4 Hours a Week

Sean Dollwet

5 месяцев назад

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@Leaf-. - 20.09.2024 17:01

Thank you

@youssef-hs5kn - 20.09.2024 17:02


@IfemeJessica - 20.09.2024 17:27

Educating 👍
Watching from Nigeria.

@erwinmenesis - 20.09.2024 17:34


@seemantasarker9165 - 20.09.2024 17:44

My light novel is almost finished, I am going to publish my vol 1 on Amazon. Wish me luck Sean ❤

@monetsilerio7856 - 20.09.2024 17:54

How do youi know when to give up on a book and declare it a flop?

@brockwayonline - 20.09.2024 18:17

Cheers for having me bro! Tonne of value in here 💯

@explorewithmatt - 20.09.2024 18:57

I love this student series especially when your guests mention how they start and how they are now.

Working on my fourth book now in spirituality niche. Prepping for Q4.

@ITSBRANDOTHO - 20.09.2024 19:08

Your videos have been extremely helpful, I appreciate you putting others such as myself on game 💯

@noorlu5209 - 20.09.2024 20:30

Please put time stamp. AI can help you automate this.

@Karfferro - 20.09.2024 21:34

DO You have a student who have a lot of success on tik tok and could share with us his / her strategy?

@aikenpublishing - 20.09.2024 22:06

Thanks! Nice talk. I started back in March of this year and my goal was to publish 100 books in a year. Breaking it down, I felt I needed to publish 8-9 books a month, two books a week, on average. I've kept that pace, though I've slowed a bit to do more research. In the beginning, my first 25 medium content books, I just worked off a list of ideas I generated on ChatGPT, without doing much research on whether they were in good niches or not. I've now become more thoughtful about a book's niche before I publish. I have 48 books published as of today. I run ads, with a budget of $100 a month. I'm committed to see where I'm at in March of next year, a year into this business. Should be fun! It's like playing a video game. Competing for profits is fun.

@foxbatmg25 - 20.09.2024 22:45

In these client videos it seems you're always on the negative side of the time zone difference whereas your guests are pumped 😂😂

@johncampbell1152 - 20.09.2024 23:40

Really great, Sean and Brock. Useful, memorable, results-oriented info.

@peterdaniel882 - 21.09.2024 00:39

Am so thrilled to listen to this particular interview, it gives me hope that one day I will certainly have some testimonies to share too. But just wondering his am going to break the glass ceiling in my kdp business. I have books on Amazon, but just recently I made $5.18. Want to make more and more, but don't know how to generate sales, marketing and even reviews. Please, I need help

@EstherQuantum - 21.09.2024 02:28

A great interview! Thanks Sean and Brock, very useful tips. I too believe quality is the most important. As a beginner, I was hoping that profiting short term was the goal but as I'm going along, I now realise it's the long term strategy that is most important. What i've also realised is that even though my books are not really selling right now there's still potential for profiting later on. So right now I mainly focus on gathering real reviews and producing quality books. Building a brand and enjoying the process. Brock's advice about making one book at a time makes a lot of sense to me. It's true that each book has its own process and teaches me how to do better with the next one. Thanks so much for all the advice.

@leonaheraty3760 - 21.09.2024 05:52


@angel_trinity - 21.09.2024 07:30

How to get your book reviewed?

@ikcaruswingz - 21.09.2024 12:36

What's Did you do for the rest of time? LOL that smiling.

@hollyspillers9618 - 21.09.2024 17:39

Are these sales numbers total sales or net income? Big difference there. 💲

@19kickboxer68 - 22.09.2024 13:20

Hey Sean. If you create a KDP account with several different pen names for different niches and then want to sell, do you have to sell the whole account or can you sell a pen name / niche content sub account on its own?

@МиколаПошивак-р9р - 22.09.2024 16:43

Hi Sean. I need your help.
I have released a hardcover book and have included a pdf file to print on amazon. Then, when it was confirmed, I believed in doing everything the same way only with the paper version. However, Amazon refused the review twice, and the third time it was blocked. Is it possible to use PDF printing for the paper version of the book, or is it better to use a Word document.
Because in the message, they told me that the text should not be in the form of an image block or the image itself, etc.
Please help me, because I'm doing all this for the first time and I don't even have anyone to ask or ask for advice.
With great gratitude.

@rendardaprovechado9928 - 23.09.2024 05:23

Been watching your videos, going to publish my first book this year before november. Thanks for the tutorials man!

@brandonestelle9029 - 24.09.2024 01:38

This was very informative!

@marianthomas3777 - 27.09.2024 13:36

What is the average cost to pay a publisher to publish my books?

@equinoxb8711 - 07.10.2024 20:33

Did this guy follow your training or was he "shotgunning" it?

@Karyabs - 14.10.2024 01:57

Can I just sell digital books?

@KarenMcCloskey-t9v - 28.10.2024 14:35

Great interview- thank you both!! 🙌🙌

@tomb504dog - 21.01.2025 18:12

Can you update the cover on a book that’s already live without losing your reviews and current ranking?

@pisithpodcast - 27.01.2025 04:27

I just start writing a book. :D

@mini-g9t9s - 25.02.2025 00:30

super useful and informational content, thank you guys
