UNIX vs Linux: Differences & Similarities Explained

UNIX vs Linux: Differences & Similarities Explained


4 года назад

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vdochev - 13.08.2023 20:35

It's in the name. It literally tells you that Linux Is Not UniX.

Brent Hendricks
Brent Hendricks - 24.07.2023 08:53

Linux is NOT an operating system, it is a kernel. the combination of the kernel, filesystem, and GNU Utilities "distribution" is the operating system.

Bert Nijhof
Bert Nijhof - 10.07.2023 20:11

A lot of BS about main frames and mini computers. I'm started in IT in 1969 and main frame had already Operating Systems, first DOS (single programming system) and later IBM-OS-MFT or MVT (multi programming systems). End sixties we started introducing time-sharing systems, that allowed to work/develop software on many terminals (Teletype ASR33 or CRT displays) on one system. The mini computers just transferred the ideas developed on the main frames to e.g the PDP11, the main frames would handle say 50 to 100 terminals, but the mini computers were often limited to 5 to 20 terminals.

A famous and well defined OS for 16-bits minis was RSX/11M from DEC and later for the 32-bits minis it was VAX-VMS. The VMS designers later switched to Microsoft and developed Windows NT, using just the next letter in the alphabet VMS - WNT :) All systems developed in the seventies were supporting virtual memory, pre-emptive multi-tasking and were written in a programming language like Pascal, RTL/2, SPL or later C, just like Unix and Linux. The OS system I worked on in the early seventies, were using a subset of PL/1 called SPL as programming language. In the 2nd part of the seventies I switched to a company using the Real Time Language 2 (RTL/2).

The big advantage for 95% of the home users was, that Linux and later Unix/BSD were free, like in "free beer". From the home users 5% are respectable idealists and they believe in free available source improved by anyone, who feels the need to improve the module. However in reality 2/3 of the changes in the Linux kernel are developed by companies like IBM/Red Hat, Oracle, Huawei, Canonical, Intel, AMD, etc, etc.

logan xmen
logan xmen - 26.05.2023 07:17

¿? 🖒🍸

Bjarne Nilsson
Bjarne Nilsson - 24.03.2023 02:09

Well upUnix is a trademark belonging to the open group, so whatever they sey is unix is. I'dont thing they have granted that 'privilege" to linux, mainly because neither the gnu project not Mr torvalds have been willing tomoay for ther lelevant certs. Is Linux Unix like? Yes most definitely. Is it posix compliant ( we will ignore the systemd haters for the moment) for the most oart yes. I keave it up to the rest of you good people in the comment to tell me where my thinking is wrong or that I nit pic on a legal point and miss the point of the video, which i probably do

Liam Ellul
Liam Ellul - 20.12.2022 01:28

Much appreciated, thanks for sharing this!

aditya 17
aditya 17 - 24.06.2022 07:54


Dragonek GNU / Linux PL
Dragonek GNU / Linux PL - 20.02.2022 10:14

im not an older and im dont remeber this times when the unix starting growing up so finally i found the anserws :) very short and easy to understand thanks :)

One Past
One Past - 29.01.2022 00:50

ok which is better UNIX or Linux ? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

ken shin
ken shin - 13.11.2021 16:55

Awesome video well explained

4rch1tect - 14.02.2021 18:26

Thank you

mahmoud nasr
mahmoud nasr - 03.01.2021 20:01

Perfect Video , it is very clear i understood everything , Thank You

Anderson Cardoso
Anderson Cardoso - 22.10.2020 16:55

Muito bom!

DanAlvaTV - 05.05.2020 06:40

Awesome. I appreciated how you accompanied your explanation with the history.

Carlos Aguilar
Carlos Aguilar - 12.03.2020 01:01

A very insightful, clear and rigorous lecture compacted in a small amount of time. Very much appreciated sir, thanks for the video!
