The Force Awakens: Fixing Rey's Character with One Simple Change (Applied Theory)

The Force Awakens: Fixing Rey's Character with One Simple Change (Applied Theory)

Literature Devil

2 года назад

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I've often complained about the Disney Star Wars trilogy because they are icons for bad writing. And Rey has been the character of much, well deserved, criticism. But let's see if we can fix Rey's character with a little applied narrative theory. And maybe we can fix her character using one little trick.


#Star_Wars #The_Force_Awakens #rewriting_the_sequel_trilogy #rey_skywalker #rey_palpatine #fixing_rey #character_writing #luke_skywalker #luke_skywalker_is_the_most_powerful_jedi #heros_journey #literature_devil #literaturedevil #literature_devil_mary_sue #rey_is_a_bad_character #joseph_campbell #joseph_campbell_heros_journey #narrative_writing #finn_star_wars #finn_should_have_been_a_jedi #disney_star_wars #character_creation #the_rise_of_skywalker #The_Last_Jedi #mythology
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