Extended choice parameters - How to use Groovy Script File in Jenkins parameterized job

Extended choice parameters - How to use Groovy Script File in Jenkins parameterized job


1 год назад

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Hailey Spinella
Hailey Spinella - 22.08.2023 22:46

Can you show example of how to use file in git. Do you use fuel command in the groovy script? Or can we read file in pervious build workspace?

Bharath Kashyap
Bharath Kashyap - 01.12.2022 13:31

I am trying to use property file in "Extended Choice Parameter" > "JSON Parameter Type" > JSON Parameter Config Groovy Script.
Here, next to header, I want checkbox. How to do so?

Chithu Susi
Chithu Susi - 01.12.2022 12:02

Hi AJ, I have question about groovy script file. Can i place the groovy script file in github repo and can access the file from jenkins extended choice parameter

Akshay Shah
Akshay Shah - 24.06.2022 19:48

This is an eye opener.

Thanks a ton!
