BG3 Barbarian vs Fighter vs Monk - Which Baldur's Gate 3 Class Should You Play?

BG3 Barbarian vs Fighter vs Monk - Which Baldur's Gate 3 Class Should You Play?


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CautionCU - 02.10.2023 17:08

So many good changes to monk and barbarian

Squiggly Destroyer of worlds
Squiggly Destroyer of worlds - 22.09.2023 16:10

I like the idea of being a barbarian and having a dwarf paladin with me, that way if anything is out of reach of our dwarf I can just yeet him to the enemy

Celynndora - 20.09.2023 00:04

How do you get your camera to zoom in on the barbarian during rage? Is that a setting? A mod??

calendil - 18.09.2023 14:57

Excuse my noobness, how come you get those cutscenes during the fight? I don't have those (PC).

ChaddTheDadd - 07.09.2023 19:47

Would a barbarian monk class be able to get multiple attacks or just one extra action

Quandry1 - 30.08.2023 10:55

Monks really shouldn't have lower ac really. Wis affects their DC's so you are usually going to want high wis as well as high dex. 16 in both is not an unreasonable starting point. This puts them on par with the unshielded barbarian and makes their whole kit that much more viable.

Ste Mill
Ste Mill - 29.08.2023 01:22

simple. The Druid. As all other classes are weak.
And you left other fighterish classes out.

If you want the highest possible Health you don't take a fucking barbarian. You take a Druid.
The Barbarian is good glass cannon.
And if you have a shapeshifting druid you even have the extra HP pool from your shapeshifting form.
With Shillelagh the attacks from the stuff are wisdom based. And you have your forms to have a wide variety of attacks.

Foreman Haste
Foreman Haste - 28.08.2023 13:02

I am pretty new to D & D rule sets, but it kinda sounds like monk is more like rogue then it is to barbarian or fighter. They are a very hit and run right? Barbarian/Fighter/Paladin might have been a more direct video with rogue/Monk/Ranger being the 4th in this arc of videos? Did I miss something?

Fenrirwandering231 - 27.08.2023 07:44

I'm trying out an Rogue(3): Assassin/Shadow monk

Sebastián Mosca
Sebastián Mosca - 26.08.2023 23:08


Video Cian
Video Cian - 25.08.2023 22:54

With monk you can also have it with a rouge and as long as you sneak attack or flank with an ally, you get to do sneak attack damage with the flurry of blows

MADAO - 24.08.2023 18:03

I have a Lolth-sworn drow monk and its so funny that my character is all zen but everyone is afraid or hostile of me.

Vulture TX
Vulture TX - 23.08.2023 03:37

Got to ask what is so great about action surge when it is only once per short rest? sure you are going to use it on boss/mini-boss but given their 200+ Hit points, you still can't kill them reliably with that one action surge. I am more likely to speed-potion/haste than use action surge so I get 3 rounds instead of action surge's one in a boss fight.

Chokoboh - 21.08.2023 21:14

Imagine a Half Orc Berserker lv9 plus 3 lvls of Fighter with Champion subclass. Most scary crits ever.
You only get two Feats/ASIs, so i'd start with 17 str, 14 dex for getting the most out of medium armor, 16 con because HP are good, leave int and cha at 8 and put wis at 10 because it got some important saving throws and is good for perception.
I'd pick up Great Weapon Fighting for a first feat because it makes criticals even more dangerous and then get a half feat like Tavern Brawler for example that lets you add +1 to str because having 18 str gives some great value in the long run.
Might also want to pick up the Illithid Luck of the far realms for a forced crit hit against bosses or other tough opponents.

Steven bolton
Steven bolton - 21.08.2023 16:58

Monks are excellent with the mobile feat. They can easily get in, deal damage and get away with no strike back

Sforce 1
Sforce 1 - 21.08.2023 07:02

so would a Berserker/Thief be able to recklessly attack 4 times per turn??

MantisUK - 21.08.2023 00:29

barb/monk for me. its a punchy/throwing brawler

Rad Remington 2
Rad Remington 2 - 19.08.2023 18:10

Can you do a multi class video on barbarian? I would like to play barbarian that can handle dialogue better than Vin Diesel.

schro34 - 19.08.2023 05:26

Part of me was thinking Barbarian using Ki, Unarmed combat, and Rage

lendial - 18.08.2023 02:24

I've grown really attached to fighter but thought about picking karlach instead, battlemaster lae'zel being able to disarm a big target can totally change the fight and I feel like at least until level 7 martial classes just do way more damage than casters unless youre unloading all your spell slots in a single fight.

Maxim Duelist
Maxim Duelist - 15.08.2023 23:25

Need help ! Who is better for max DMG Fighter or Barbarian

the matthew
the matthew - 15.08.2023 22:08

i think a lot of people sleep on the tavern brawl strength monk build, sure you're sacrificing some AC for it but having +8/+10 on all your melee attacks early game makes murdering enemies very easy, and as they say a good offense is the best defense

HardMadeira - 15.08.2023 04:55

TLDR: monks are shit

Tim Friday
Tim Friday - 15.08.2023 01:39

Honestly, multiclass all 3 of these classes...

monk gives you dex to dmg and ac.
barb gives you Con to ac

So with just 1 level dips for monk/barb you can got 10fighter stacking only dex and con with spare points going into will and every other ability score gets completely sacked.

barb subclasses kinda suck, but all the monk subclasses work well, so you could find a mix between monk and fighter levels while basically sticking to the 1 level dip in barb for rage/con2ac benefits. Since monks us KI which is not spellcasting, you can use those ki abilities while raging, and use your battlemaster superiority dice while raging as well.

On the other hand, you can also take tavern brawler and go 16str/dex/con losing a bit of ac but gaining a lot more damage on your 'unarmed strikes' which really aren't unarmed because monk weapons that count for unarmed strikes are bountiful and you can even 1 level dip a rogue for sneak attack with finesse weapons and use a rapier(many very good rapiers in the game)

So 1barb/1rogue/5monk/5fighter would be an incredibly OP build, with 2 extra attacks, plus another extra attack from unarmed monk and another attack from action surge, with sneak attack and lots of combat options from ki/superiority dice/rage it's entirely possible to completely turn a fight with your first turn.

if you have a bard in the group, the extra short rest would make it so basically every fight.

Zeroyue - 14.08.2023 16:31

Unfortunately berserker got nerfed after launch that you get stackable -1 hit everytime you use frenzy strike that last the whole duration of the rage which effectively kill the skill.

arctic z
arctic z - 14.08.2023 16:20

my 24 Armor Barbarian eating good

The Sortilege
The Sortilege - 13.08.2023 06:08

How did you get 2 Dex and 3 Con modifier on barb?

Artis Bērziņš
Artis Bērziņš - 12.08.2023 16:23

This game is rock solid. Absolutely love it. But I don't have a PC or a console. Tried it out on an Android emulator, controls sucks, but I got the impression of the game. Hopefully, it will be available on the Switch at least. And then I'm going to the Gates and no one will stop me.

TheGholiday - 12.08.2023 05:11

I remember the days when barbarians not only shunned magic and magic items but would attempt to destroy any magic items.
Looking forward to play BG3 using 5e rules. Hats off to the devs being able to put such a complex rule system into a digital platform.
Maybe in the future there’ll be a way for a DM to run a game using this type of format?

Taro Taro
Taro Taro - 12.08.2023 02:02

Monk especially open handed monk are extremely good at early to mid game (end of act 2 or early act 3) because there are quite a few of item provide extra damage on unarmed attack making flurry of blow extremely potent, early-mid game weapon is not as powerful so you don't lose for not wielding anything and also they are quite a few mid game (act 2) item that will easily boost your ability to 18 monk can maximize their unarm attack by going tavern brawl (str) with high dex + high wis for good AC while maintaining a decent con. But once you hit max lvl and very late game Monk starting to fell off since itemization starting to heavily affect your build and not using one or both of the weapon slot is hindering your performance.

Barbarian has an avg early game due to low atk roll (especially if you take feat GWM), but if you don't take GWM early game your damage is a bit low. Thing starting to get better after mid game where you starting to see those +2, +3 weapon enchant two handed weapon, for late game pure Barb doesn't really offer much of improvement comparing to fighter(lvl11) or pally, so Barb is better to be play as a multiclass (3/4) instead of going anything above lvl 5 tbh.

Fighter is one of the best multiclass candicate due to action surge, pretty much for All class if you dunno what to multiclass into you can always go fighter(2) for action surge and you won't be wrong. Being a melee or physical blower fighter is weaker than both Barb and Monk until lvl11, at that point if you have good gear and a properly buff fighter, he can dish out tons of damage every turn with 2-3 action each with 3 attack, so including bonus attack you will be doing 7-10 attack with min. effort.

TL:DR early-mid game OH monk>Barb>Fighter, Late game Fighter>Barb>Monk, multiclass Fighter>Barb>Monk. BUT Pally>all as a melee character.

Lite Dargon
Lite Dargon - 12.08.2023 00:07

So you’re saying I can play Barbarian/Rogue, give myself advantage and add my rage damage to a sneak attack rapier damage? Sign me up.

Ingolf - 10.08.2023 18:58

currently playing a barbarian, I plan to do wild heart barbarian and then switch to druid and choose druid of the moon so I can fight as a bear instead, maybe even owlbear? I think that would be cool.

Ian Clobes
Ian Clobes - 10.08.2023 18:44

Way of the open fist monk plus rogue with subclass for thief for an extra bonus action is busted.

FinnTheHuman - 09.08.2023 17:36

I also wonder how will be two handed close combat ranger like aragorn

Chad White
Chad White - 09.08.2023 02:41

I love Barbarian, I play a Barbarian and instantly added Karlach to my party when I recruited her

Stephen Herbe
Stephen Herbe - 08.08.2023 23:32

How does Barbarian/Paladin do? Is it better to go Berserker/Battlemaster if I want to use big two hand weapons? My other build that I thought would be cool would be Barb/Druid while shape shifting an animal. How would you set that up?

ScottTheKnuckleDraggingMouthBreather - 08.08.2023 13:44

I haven't played D&D in a while, are higher level monks still OP as F?

Brian - 08.08.2023 02:41

Ranger is the answer

Dean Ruskov
Dean Ruskov - 07.08.2023 21:05

It's actually pretty good to multiclass your barbarians with rogues. Wreckless attack esures that you get sneak attack and the thief's additionall bonus action works wonders for the berserker

JW Choi
JW Choi - 07.08.2023 20:03

Monk has no restrictions it seems like from my brief play time. They can wear armor, they can flurry in that armor, they can use a greatsword (assuming gith or another class)

They are amazing for ki dash... Melee without it feels like suffering as longstrider at the start just isnt enough and all the companions need a gap closer, etc.

Kyle Carey
Kyle Carey - 07.08.2023 16:47

Monk can be rocking 18ac very early with some decent wisdom and some bracers

Steve Wallace
Steve Wallace - 07.08.2023 14:14

Found this very useful 👌

MMert - 07.08.2023 12:48

I am o love with battlemaster. The extra attacks are game changer with a bigass weapon.

Dobromir Manchev
Dobromir Manchev - 07.08.2023 11:54

I really love the content on this channel, a lot of great info on many games... Keep it coming!
However, there's a minor "pet peeve" i have with these videos, and it's slowly getting more "annoying" with time, i guess because the repetitiveness of it adds up - saying AND at the start of 90% of phrases! :D I know, it's silly and not super important but i just can't unhear it. Especially since in most cases, it's just a parasite word that has no sense to be there...
So yeah, don't be mad but maybe try to work on that? :)

Alexander Andersson
Alexander Andersson - 07.08.2023 10:21

Playing barb now in full release, tried it in early to and its my favorite. Havent tried monk yet but tried fighter

D'Hotness McAwesome
D'Hotness McAwesome - 07.08.2023 02:21

They owe you a dollar. I don't know if it's something you've done or said so much... But I'm in. I'm buying the game. I wasn't going to. Am now. They owe you some scratch.

Chris B
Chris B - 06.08.2023 17:45

Wouldn't rogue work well with shadow monk?
