Magnus still has amazing reaction, i have no idea how camera man is alive at that point :)
btw you should see Ivanchuk's interview he looks like standard soviet chess teacher you meet at any chess club... like one who can fix the roof, make vodka, beat people who harass his students, have 2 wifes who know about each other but say it's worth it because he is good father and never forgets to moan the loan, i mean loan the moan ... oops :D
This is like jerry springer in the chess world
ОтветитьBut is not checkmate, its checkmate in 1
ОтветитьAll of the Norwegian commentators just malding on the couches LULW
ОтветитьI can picture Magnus arriving to his floor & the doors quietly open and he steps out only to reveal an absolute wreckage of the elevator behind
ОтветитьThis online board is the ugliest ive ever seen. And also easy to miss something bc of the shape of them. Ugly and not clear at all. For involved players np. But for laymans who just tune in ists just horrible. Insanely bad contrast as well. Who decided to use *this* chess set?
ОтветитьIvanchuk is such a sweet and lovely peaceful guy and a monster in chess.
Cant hate that guy😂
Ahhan ah huh hahun aiin wtf is wrong with this language 😅
ОтветитьI fucking hate this language jesus....
ОтветитьFirst from Gotham
ОтветитьWho else is here because of Gotham chess
Ответить7s defeated 24s
ОтветитьWhat is this idiot language they speak?
Ответить“Gods do bleed”
ОтветитьThat slap on the clock after the killing move
ОтветитьI wanted to see Ivanchuk's win against MC in an endgame with remarkable queen sacrifice to clear path for his pawn to promote. But I got this.
Ответитьتلحسو طيري انتو النرويجيين ..
ОтветитьI bet magnus isn’t even bothered by Ivanchuk lunging at the board of he probably would have done the same 😂
ОтветитьDidn't understand the language but yeah surely enjoyed it.
ОтветитьMagnus wearing jeans and violating the dress code before it became mainstream. Respect👍
ОтветитьWho else is here after seeing him crying happy new year 2025
Ответитьblabla chahk-maht bla bla shchm bla ble chahk-maht, LOLOL!
ОтветитьIvanchuk truly is and old cringe sad pathetic man.
Ответитьhe would have cried like a baby if he lost. ahhahaahha
ОтветитьCame for the game, stayed for the Norwegian listening practice.
Ответитьit's not checkmate
ОтветитьNot a checkmate.
ОтветитьHave to cancel out the sadness of seeing Ivanchuk cry with him being happy.
ОтветитьОператору надо было ещё в лифт залезть, такие назойливые..
Ответитьhe's wearing jeans here lol !!
ОтветитьWhat a lovely reaction from great Ivanchuk!
Ответитьthats not a checkmate. its mate in 1
ОтветитьThat was not would have been at the next move
Ответитьhe looks like volkoff
ОтветитьChuk mat
ОтветитьIt's not "Man-gus Carlsen". Not in anyone's language.
ОтветитьNorwegian voice. Or is it Swedish?
ОтветитьLol the cameraman wanted to follow magnus in the elevator 😂😂😂😂😂 give some privacy lol
ОтветитьLvanchuk is one of those players who always shows their emotions whether it is happy or sad ....I can remember his game against danya where he cried like a child