5 Things That Will Happen If You Watch Porn Everyday

5 Things That Will Happen If You Watch Porn Everyday


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Good Samaritan Gaming
Good Samaritan Gaming - 07.11.2023 02:58

My biggest reasons for watching porn have always been a lack of a social life. I grew up in isolation and with quite a few bad stepmoms. When I graduated high school, I stayed with my grandparents and watched their health deteriorate while all I could do was work long hours or hide in my room and watch porn or play games. All I wanted was companionship, but no one wanted me.

Moumouh IGI
Moumouh IGI - 16.11.2023 10:34

it's November stay strong guys

Inner.smoothie - 16.11.2023 10:11

What if you don’t watch but “listen” to porn? Xd

Angel - 16.11.2023 08:36

A common misunderstanding that a lot of people have is that quitting porn also means quitting masturbation, which lots of people have done, which makes it 10x harder because your quitting 2 addictions at once.

Stardust Shadow
Stardust Shadow - 16.11.2023 08:29

I always grew up heavy set and extremely introverted, i felt unloved by noone besides my family and slowly over time have given up on love. Even to this day i struggle with it porn/masterbation to fill in that lost of companionship. I have since middle school and about to graduate college. I hope someone is out there for me. Pray for me pls

Metalhead_stRR* - 16.11.2023 07:15

I was too young, around 12 years old, when a "friend" showed me that kind of stuff... Needless to say, it was very present in my teen life, and now that I'm 25 years old, I can't take it out. It's not like everyday, but it's there, and the fact that I don't want to have any kind of relationship (had a relationship that lasted almost 5 years), practically leaves me no other choice to satisfy my needs. I don't want to get involved with another person because I'm a mess, I want to fix myself first, but I still keep running in circles lol i guess sooner or later I'll have to see a therapist but if I don't have the will to change myself, there's not much a therapist can do. Anyway, thanks for the video, and for the space to share a little of how we feel about the topic, it actually helps :)

angel of pain
angel of pain - 16.11.2023 06:30

The reason I turn to it is as an escape I’ve never had great luck with dates, even though I frequently talk with females I exercise great skin care and I’m very picky about my appearance and what I wear and I work out frequently so with a combination of all those things and having zero luck I feel well like this “ if I’m not going to find somebody anyways, I might as well have some thing fill in the gap” emotional and physical

TridentTrist - 16.11.2023 06:05

Even though this doesn't really apply to me, I found this really motivating, fascinating, and inspiring. Thank you!

The legend ty
The legend ty - 16.11.2023 04:54

I thought wut is 'porn' before watching this and now I want to Bletchley my eyes:(

Elfen Lied⚜️
Elfen Lied⚜️ - 16.11.2023 03:22

Where do you guys always find people with so gentle and loving voices for the voice overs? 😊

༻𓊈𒆜JAP_Blueberries𒆜𓊉༺ - 16.11.2023 02:26

Why would someone watch porn each day 💀
(Edit: I'm a minor...
No wonder I would say something like this.)

Your_Favorite_Jackalope_Bartender - 16.11.2023 01:52

I watch porn multiple times a day and like- i dont have any of these issues-
im social, i love nature(theres this magnificent tree outside of my school that i like to admire because it has so many vines coming out of the branches, its a rubber tree) .
I dont htink about porn randomly, i dont consider everything else to be dull compared to porn, and im literally the most social guy at school(friends with like 70% of my grade consisting of about 130 people.
The only thing i can relate here is the nodding off staring into space, but thats just cuz i hate myself(not porn related)

CB Handle: Always Late
CB Handle: Always Late - 16.11.2023 01:30

The 6th thing that will happen if you watch porn? It can make your sex life even better with your partner. It doesn't matter how big or small you are -- it's all about the skills you bring to bed.

Childish - 16.11.2023 01:08

It’s not a habit.. it’s an addiction..

alisson estefanski
alisson estefanski - 16.11.2023 00:05

almost all the video has nothing to do with porn. and is most about addicted to phone.

Average Barbarian
Average Barbarian - 15.11.2023 23:18

gooners malding

Rafix - 15.11.2023 22:52

awesome video!

Lg - 15.11.2023 22:04

I consider porn to be cheating.. so I’m glad more men and even women are waking up and realizing how awful it is.

Lg - 15.11.2023 21:58

My ex tried to gaslight me by saying “pornography can’t be an addiction” and yet he was watching it every time I wasn’t home… now I’m with a man who doesn’t have any interest in watching that garbage and it’s been the best relationship I’ve ever had. I’m so grateful that I’m enough for him.

ddm99 - 15.11.2023 21:50

What’s the neurological difference between watching porn every day or using imagination every day or doing real sex every day without the goal of having a baby ?

4OUR HD - 15.11.2023 21:43

You're a South African... Right? 🇿🇦

黄信頼 - 15.11.2023 21:24

Idc I watch porn everyday because I geniuly like it. I like to see naked girls and I keep it to myself. If you do that because u have no social life or because other reasons it's because you are a low-key loser. If u can't keep your urgers to yourself you have something wrong in you

CatTurd GT
CatTurd GT - 15.11.2023 20:01

I watch porn because I have the shittiest life known to man kind, since we moved our house from the city to a rural town, life has been so different and when I changed schools I ended up having trouble making friends, and since I’ve been doing bad at school and when ever I come back home I just lay in my room scroll on tiktok and watch porn, this has been going for 2-3 years and honestly I’m at the lowest point of my life, I don’t know if I wanna die or just run away from my home and start a new life somewhere

Aiden animations
Aiden animations - 15.11.2023 19:42

Thank you so much for making this video , I never felt good enough mentally and my physical body made me think I’m a loser but when I saw this this made me realize that I’m better than what my brain is saying thank you so much❤

Satou Tokiga
Satou Tokiga - 15.11.2023 19:36

I want to help someone from this kind of addiction. But they are so stubborn they won't listen.And they'll be mad at me if i sent them this video. I'm starting to feel tired from it. How can i help them?

samu - 15.11.2023 17:42

I hate it when people call it a 'habit'.
It's not a habit, it's an addiction. Seeing other people and even myself consuming this, it's safe to say you can't maintain a "healthy" relationship with it.

Branden Jenkins
Branden Jenkins - 15.11.2023 17:36

I've been watching porn everyday since I was 12yo; it's been a hellish ride. At first it was fun because I gave into my fantasies but, somewhere down the line p0rn became a crutch. Bad days, sad days, even good days were enough of a reason for me to watch. I'm now 23, going on 24, and I am trying to regain control of my life. It's not easy but, if someone like me can put in the work then certainly anyone can.

sleepy ash
sleepy ash - 15.11.2023 16:39

I keep myself busy but when I'm bored I'm f up

KuroHito - 15.11.2023 16:38

I don't want to watch porn but i just drift off and open the sites and just watch it. I am trying to just let it go and do exercises instead but sometimes it just overpowers me. Please tell what i can do to improve.

Icarus Mundi
Icarus Mundi - 15.11.2023 14:04

Intriguing. Now I can throw this at my friend.

Gabriel Petersen
Gabriel Petersen - 15.11.2023 13:54

Things are better in moderation.

JustWhattaRuLookinAt - 15.11.2023 13:37

The relationship strain part sounds like something a lot people who are generally addicted to their phones and the internet experience a lot as well.

Most people I know find their electronics more interesting than spending time with other people.

Yamenazuu - 15.11.2023 12:53

Oh no!!

Guy in a hole
Guy in a hole - 15.11.2023 12:00

Thank goodness I only watch it every other day

AuraMaster - 15.11.2023 10:20

Due to my autism, anxiety, and introverted nature I always had problems with social life, and most of my teachers in school aside from one would punish me for talking with friends, because they believed if I could talk I could be silently doing work on my breaks, and I can't even contact those school friends anymore.
And even as an adult I live with family and because of where we currently live and the fact I'm an adult now, I can't really make any irl friends now. I have very few friends, and only one of them do I know irl and its because we were neighbors like ten years ago
My brother is a complete bigot and is the reason I've had depression since middle-school, and my mom refuses to kick him out for no reason other than him being her son, yet says I can move out if I want instead.

So in short, I never had social skills to begin with, I have no friends, my family is a bunch of bigots, and I've been depressed since middle-school and can't get therapy. I basically look it porn in the morning for two reasons: So I have material to get rid of morning wood, and so I can avoid my toxic family

T Le
T Le - 15.11.2023 10:12

Most of these problems exist for any over use of entertainment. This sounds more like porn addiction than just watching. I watch almost every day. Personally never had these problems. If anything, its made me pursue or enjoy real life more. I know porn is not real, and its a means to an end for me. Thats it. These types of videos should just be labeled for what they actually target, which is addiction as a whole. IG, Snapchat, Tiktok, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook...all these things contribute more to whats labeled in this video than porn. I'll even admit i had to start deleting "models" from my IG because it was negatively impacting me, but id still throw on a porn before bed lol.

FuckOuttaHere - 15.11.2023 09:01

I've been a porn addict since I was 10 and I'm nearing 20

mqrvelle - 15.11.2023 08:26

thanks for discussing the issues some people have with porn and sexualization. porn addiction is one of the worst addictions in my opinion and is very damaging

FaanvuGein CynicalAssassin
FaanvuGein CynicalAssassin - 15.11.2023 07:58

I watch porn as a form of release, since I have Satyriasis. If I don't get that release 1-3 times a day, it takes a toll, destroying my mood and making me very stressed and desperate, simply because my body forces me to be overly desperate for release. I learned early on I have this issue, thankfully, so I'm able to balance my life with what my body needs. You mentioned what I refer to as being airheaded and zoning out, I'd say I've always been an airhead, but I rarely zone out fully, at most I'll stare into space if I'm listening to someone talk. It's even worse if I don't have something to fidget with. But between the fact I've rarely had friends who grow close enough for dating, porn is the only form of release I have, but the few times I was in a relationship, porn was the last thing on my mind, which I credit to simply having help at the right time I needed, and I have been able to disassociate fantasy from reality. Though part of that is the fact growing up I was horribly addicted to game, and used to struggle separating gaming from real life, and went to therapy to fix it. Gaming is still my passion, sure, but I'm able to put it down when I need to now. For me, porn is my coping mechanism for a health issue I have, and it works without overstepping it's bounds

Raymond Gibson
Raymond Gibson - 15.11.2023 07:43

If it weren’t for the acquired aphantasia, I probably wouldn’t need so much of it. Used to have a pretty vivid imagination.

Snack Time
Snack Time - 15.11.2023 06:16

"do you ever find yourself out on a date-"

No, why do you think I watch porn every day?

Interior_Croc23 - 15.11.2023 05:54

There is an ad for a fleshy pro right under this video... Oh the irony.

Klas Kettilsson Wullt
Klas Kettilsson Wullt - 15.11.2023 05:05

I don't know...I just keep thinking about relationships
and girls I meet in real life are still my references.

FreeThinker - 15.11.2023 04:47

I watch porn everyday and fap before bed usually and sometimes before i go to work. I don't see the issues you mention in this video. I have strong self control of my mind and there is time for everything. It helps me sleep a lot better etc.

Jade Polk
Jade Polk - 15.11.2023 04:24

I dont watch porn and i will never watch it its too addictive

Sis Non
Sis Non - 15.11.2023 04:11

One question.
Is it actually just about porn?
Or does it include mast*rbation?

It's quite a Taboo topic here so I'm kinda curious

PikaZap - 15.11.2023 03:45

Me watching this video while.. uh

LiminalImagination - 15.11.2023 03:44

started watching porn cause i liked one of the character's dress or costume in the porn, but disliked how it looked like in-game or anywhere and even nowadays i like to see the nsfw arts due to how an artist makes the character and get creative in their designs, sometimes it's either an real piece of forbiden art or just what someone wanted to see and paid for it.
