Кто бы что не говорил, кто бы какого мнения не был, Я лично скажу что сделано очень грамотно, проекту 3 года и по сей день подобных альтернатив проекту нет и я точно уверен что в ближайшие годы тоже не будет, хотелось бы отдельно выделились недовольство касательно того как мало просмотров у данного проекта не взирая на безумный уровень качества и серьёзность подхода к поставленной задаче авторов, лично от себя хочу выразить ОГРОМНУЮ благодарность не побоюсь этого слова, от всего Русского комьюнити за проделанную работу всех тружеников кто работал над данным проектам вы сделали по настоящему душевную инструмент для нас простых людей, людей которые росли и выросли на этой культуре и сейчас доживающих свой не простой век войны, блядства, коррупции, и развратства...
Ответитьso cool very SCP vibes would be an amazing series or movie or even a hell of a game intro
Ответитьit reminds me of chernobyl
ОтветитьIts STALKER, just say it.
ОтветитьGood hunting, stalker.
ОтветитьМирбек! 😊 Земляк )
ОтветитьAwesome. I've watched it several times.
ОтветитьPraise the monolith, may it's light reveal our cunning enemies
ОтветитьDreaming about serial or full movie...about stalker from S.T.A.L.K.E.R trylogy...
ОтветитьLittle did we know, Stalker 2s trailer dropped a long time ago.
Great work!
did you guys asked for permission from the og creator before uploading this video on your channel?
Ответитьgod, i hate it when a bunch of cubes just mush me into fine paste
ОтветитьDarkwood but instead of Poland it's Russia mixed with STALKER and SCP
ОтветитьBetter story than Stalker 2
ОтветитьHyperrealistic? Zero knowledge of safety suits. It would have been enough if everyone just wore their safety suits with filter gas masks (which are known as level C safety suits). And the first mistake they make is putting the gas mask straps on top of the hood of the safety suit (full leaks). Then they put a heavy, short-duration oxygen tank (level B safety suit) on a character who has to make a long trip when his companions only require filter masks (level C safety suit). If the rest of the people have level C safety suits (with only filter masks), what need did one of the characters have to wear a high level A safety suit?
Ответитьim guesssing this is Monoloth kidnapping scientists to test anomalies
ОтветитьAber das Ende ist schön
ОтветитьIch bekomme angst
ОтветитьDefinitly S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-vibes. ;-)
ОтветитьI wish people in Russian storytelling were more aware that nothing makes sense in their reality. Like crap is like for real upside down, and freaky asf, and they just panting. xD This translates right over to Metro games too lol
ОтветитьGet out of here stalker
Ответитьstalker 2 it happens like the artifacts are spawn lore the Creator make the animation in the artifacts recognized in the game of stalkers 2 lore
ОтветитьStalker 2 new update artifacts lore
Are they
Y’all can make all the complementary comments that you want. But the fact is unreal engine is a joke. All it ever shows is shadows and darkness and if it can’t do actual realism, then take it away and keep it there. I’ve looked at several dozen clips that purport to use unreal engine. I’m still not seeing anything any better than what’s already out there.
Ответитьis there any option for expression meter.
defenitly masterpice in direction
if story is more strong
The sound used when you first see them walking up to the forest sounds likes the the one from annihilation (movie-2018) when they show the anomaly
ОтветитьThis has got to be related to S.T.A.L.K.E.R
ОтветитьMoscovia delenda est
ОтветитьБлять , я заплакал.
Ответить"evigeniy help" wtf did he expect him to do? punch the stones?
ОтветитьWhy is the film so dark?
ОтветитьAwesome 🤩🤩
ОтветитьMercenaries and Ecologist lets go...
ОтветитьWow this is so edgey and dark and mysterious, and horror and boring, and not at all like every dark and edgey and mysterious thing out there, and I saw a man get tortured for the sake of bad lore and little substance because MYSTERY BOX, who cares??? Downvoted :)
ОтветитьThis is a stalker fans wet dream
ОтветитьThis gives me major STALKER vibes, I love this.
ОтветитьVisually stunning, bravo.
ОтветитьAverage bolotky village experience:
ОтветитьObligatory random gun aim clicking.
What even are those rifles? They look like ARs but why would Russians be using American platforms?
Really cool film, though.
Super ! Svaka cast ! Fantastican film.
ОтветитьНам прилично идти спустя 5 секунд пойдём мы уже пришли . лего против взрослых )?