Where To Host Your UniFi Controller and Why

Where To Host Your UniFi Controller and Why

Lawrence Systems

4 года назад

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mibian - 27.09.2023 11:08

Hi Lawrence, One of the issues with the CloudKey, is that if you have a break-in, it's very easy for them to take the device with them when they leave, and thereby removing the video evidence. I have looked around and there are various proposals for replication the video to some other remote location, but since your an Ubiquiti expert, and have deep insight into many network related subjects, I was thinking that I would like to see you make a video, analysing the various options; Pros-Cons, and show some practical implementation of the solution you think is the best. Michael

Eric Zhang
Eric Zhang - 23.08.2023 02:48

Nice video!! If the controller on Windows platform died, can I migrate the Unifi APs to a dream machine?

Paul Cerda
Paul Cerda - 06.08.2023 18:35

What does that mean to have the the controller behind a vpn?

HMODE-KİNG - 17.05.2023 21:55

thanks for your video i watched it late, but i already linked my Unifi controller on my own pc.
and after adapting all access points and switches and all configurations i notice my fault to link the host controller with my pc I always make sure my own pc is running to manage the access points and etc... but i have another pc is always connected to the Network and it is always running. so my question is how to transfer the host controller from my pc to this pc?

Kelvin Diaz
Kelvin Diaz - 20.12.2022 06:18

Can you make a video of installing the Unifi controller on TrueNAS scale?

BenSavage - 05.12.2022 05:55

try getting a unified controller to run in docker. it doesn't work. it hasn't worked and sometime.

BenSavage - 05.12.2022 05:54

do they purposely make this unify controller difficult to install? I've tried docker on Synology, installing bare metal linux, installing docker on Windows. the only other option is to buy their $400 cloud key box. all I wanted to do was set up this access point. but it's garbage if you can't even get to the admin panel! unify is overrated and their software is junk

Jeff Ziegler
Jeff Ziegler - 22.11.2022 01:32

With a few docker unifi-controller available, has anyone had any good luck with one? What one?

Joshua Meunier
Joshua Meunier - 04.10.2022 17:06

I have mine on Docker with Portainer. I have Watchtower monitoring and updating daily. All data for containers are stored using NFS accessible by the Docker system only.

Bi Mil
Bi Mil - 05.08.2022 08:10

get yourself a Cloud Key Gen2 Plus? WHAT? just get a 40 dollars raspberry pi. you are only running a Unifi controller, geeeez.

Mark Nelson
Mark Nelson - 12.07.2022 01:04

I know things have changed but how would I go about hosting my own controller if using the Dream Rotuer?

Jake Hancock
Jake Hancock - 02.06.2022 17:38

Do you have a video on how to do the remote setup?

C0drm0nk33 Nathan
C0drm0nk33 Nathan - 15.04.2022 06:17

If you run a NAS on your home network for backups or media storage, you can run it within a docker container on them.

Eric Banks
Eric Banks - 04.10.2021 06:22

Docker and kill the controller. Run when needed

iPondrio - 19.03.2021 01:18

Nice video, is there any way to host the UniFi controller in a Raspberry Pi? I'm thinking that it could be an option for projects that have a small budget

Big Dogge Tom
Big Dogge Tom - 01.02.2021 11:35

I'm really not liking these devices that can only be feasibly managed via a central control interface. It gives a single point of failure where your whole network could go down. Worst of all, an externally hosted one makes it even more difficult. Imagine trying to set up your device but you can't because you can't access the internet to set it up and begin accessing the internet

Give me a good old fashioned direct web interface any day

Jeroen den Otter
Jeroen den Otter - 17.12.2020 15:34

"we just have to open a couple ports", you're talking about updating servers and controllers(these go automatic) but you're solution is opening a couple ports and than hackers are already in your environment. Yeah great solution

JohnJairo_Colombia - 09.12.2020 04:25

Gen 1 cloud keys are like $40 on Ebay.....just saying.....
