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Kelly Fulwider
Kelly Fulwider - 25.10.2023 17:43

This would be a huge problem if this was a competitive game.

Brice Galaxy
Brice Galaxy - 23.10.2023 09:56

They can only win if they have cheats 😂

Xili84 - 18.09.2023 12:39

Just the idea that survivors 'need cheats' to win is already ridonkulous on its own. Survivors get so many tools to win these days... Like MFT+HOPE+Resilience is just a free escape atm. I use it myself and motivate everyone else to do the same, so BHVR can get their head out of their asses and see it in the stats how OP it really is.
I see so many cheaters that I just go afk when I spot one. And honestly DBD is as good as dead to me. If THAT many cheaters get through the anti cheat system... Playing at high/top MMR is frustrating as hell. And it's not like I have a choice in the matter, unless I actively start throwing matches and let everyone escape. Cause I have been playing since 2016, I know the game inside out, I cant just undo all that knowledge. So I will automatically land in top MMR pretty quickly, even after a long break.

Kristian Meri
Kristian Meri - 18.09.2023 09:11

Are you reporting them after the game?

ibrahim aljarbuo
ibrahim aljarbuo - 11.09.2023 19:25

the first time I encountered a hacker I had lethal pursuer and just saw them flying, I was hoping that's all they could do but man was I wrong. They were working on a gen and didn't run away when I came after them, and when I tried grabbing them off the gen I just froze couldn't move or anything and they were just tbagging me, so I waited for about 3 mins until I got bored and just left. The most frustrating thing is I couldn't report them cuz I left and I got a temporary ban for leaving a game, I was about to quit the game cuz after that I met hacker like 5 times but I had paid too much money on the game and actually kinda enjoyed it. Also I'm a killer main but still occasionally play survivor and I never met a killer that's a hacker and yet I've met 5 survivor hackers in the time I've played dbd which is about 6 months so that should tell you a lot about survivors. But of course I'm not saying there is no killers that are hackers but you will mostly find hackers as survivors more then killers. Anyway thanks for taking the time to read my comment and have a nice day/night.

Crenshaw - 19.08.2023 04:20

Is anyone interested on playing dbd? I usually play on my own but wouldn’t mind playing with people , it’s getting kinda trash playing on my own , I’m on PS by the way so drop your name here :)

Random Guyontheinternet
Random Guyontheinternet - 16.08.2023 14:28

I hope The Devs lets the hackers only play themselves. Like their own personal hell.

Antonio Hagopian
Antonio Hagopian - 25.07.2023 21:00

That's what you get for using this flag😂

Gabriel - 18.07.2023 01:28

cheaters cheat because they have no skill. and honestly I think MapleStory has better guard against hackers than modern day games do. LOL

Astaroth - 24.06.2023 19:54

Gg man

PLUSHTRAP - 03.06.2023 21:02

Bro when I cheat at least I eliminate the witnesses

Godman Gaming
Godman Gaming - 14.05.2023 11:57

Bro I be going against survivors with soft hacks they be moving faster than me and I’m the killer they break hooks and teleport it’s crazy

Under_CoverDweet - 06.04.2023 11:33

Heh luckly im super sh*t at dbd so no hackers for me, (gets a hacker 1 game later) dang

albert clark
albert clark - 12.03.2023 02:51

I literally watched someone live stream on twitch as they were cheating lol using all sorts of hacks and stuff. Echo7 on twitch if you all want to see. They post all their cheating videos and somehow haven’t been banned

Academia - 13.02.2023 20:35

lol the body flying out at the end 😂

jauhn - 23.01.2023 02:28

When people have boil over but don't actually have boil over

Grumpy Old Wizard
Grumpy Old Wizard - 18.01.2023 08:11

Ugh. I cannot stand cheating.
It is amazing how just a bit of imbalance ruins the game for all.
DBD is so well tuned. It is incredible how they balance everything out. The cheating sucks.

Dragon slayer
Dragon slayer - 02.01.2023 21:27

It want be that bad until you encounter them as often as tf2 bots

AverageDoggo - 19.12.2022 08:55

The only people that cheat are people that blow hard at the game lol

EverythingUSeeIsMine - 14.12.2022 12:32

There so many hidden cheaters on high mmr u would only know..

Alan Short
Alan Short - 14.12.2022 00:23

should of showed us the names, so we can report them too

instinctsxi - 05.12.2022 19:28

Please start showing the cheaters names so we can mass report them to behavior.

Louis Sturgess
Louis Sturgess - 17.11.2022 14:58

I know the video is a year old, but with that cheater with boil over, I would try walking sideways.

Ronnie Paul
Ronnie Paul - 26.10.2022 04:51

just figured the game out and first match after was a cheater... knew where everyone was all the time!

blackpotato master
blackpotato master - 24.10.2022 19:38

Why not down them all so the game auto ends I was against it at first but yo the gane needs its for these cheaters

R2RO VIDS - 23.10.2022 12:12

i didnt even know cheats existed on this game

KuntreeBoyarDee - 11.10.2022 09:19

I literally jus started the game and went against a prestige 3 huntress

1 OneGoodShot 1
1 OneGoodShot 1 - 07.10.2022 19:39

That bill must be unable to get off his mom's couch 😂

Νίκος Νεοφώτιστος
Νίκος Νεοφώτιστος - 05.10.2022 22:09 long was this blind

Autistic Meme
Autistic Meme - 04.10.2022 00:24

I wouldnt even want these kinda people on my survivor team, its just sad. This is a situation where body blocking teammates is perfectly acceptable

Joshua DeLawrence Photograhy
Joshua DeLawrence Photograhy - 26.09.2022 01:39

People been trying to tell me I am wrong when someone is hacking for a long time. Today I had a killer teleport to every single survivor on the map as soon as the match started. The match was over in lest than 2 mins.

Rimani Styles
Rimani Styles - 21.09.2022 04:06

Man shit sucks second time I’ve played matches with a survivor will use 50 dead hearts during chase

Jacob S.
Jacob S. - 20.09.2022 16:58

I played against a killer that was going super fast. But on the last survivor. He tried opening the exit gate and it moved slower than molasses. Meaning it would have taken a couple hours before you’d get the exit gate open.

The killer also had two hexes that every time you destroyed one it created another one somewhere else. And it wasn’t Hex Undying. It just created more and more of the hexes.

David Stillwell
David Stillwell - 14.09.2022 10:12

The most common cheat I am going against is infinite adrenaline they make you think they are using dead hard but there is no over shield. And the gates are not even up. It's unfortunate that ps players have to play with com players because it's obvious that the majority of cheaters are on PC

Steph Cullen
Steph Cullen - 14.09.2022 07:39

That is disgusting...

JaneDoe - 28.08.2022 13:08

Literally just had two games of that reporting does f**k all feng and her mile out running, while swf was able to run and out run spirit... please explain that bs, and then I had that same team again and dipped like nope... 🤔 able to gen rush in 5 minutes of a game..when u solo que u can't even do that plus a haddie who literally was able to heal within 5 seconds lol. I know them feels.

Gork Skoal
Gork Skoal - 27.08.2022 21:16

Choy got one to spill the beans. basically they get the same cheats from one website made a trainer that eddits the games memory, essentially make it harder to pick up since EAC doesn't make sure memory is kosher.

Avrand lane
Avrand lane - 21.08.2022 06:33

i want to know can cheaters DC the killer, i have had some really good games a couple of times only twice and destroying them and i get DC after im doing something im not for sure with all the hacks but it seems really easy to do something like that. or my connection is really good and ill chase survivors and everytime i chase one specific survivor this has actually happened 7 times or more!, ill start lagging near that survivor ONLY!. and the lag vs them doesn't seem to bother them, they will have like 120 and up ms while i only have 50 to 60ms.

robert kelly
robert kelly - 14.08.2022 15:11

Need a permaban for that scum

Smokie HellFire
Smokie HellFire - 06.08.2022 09:07

Imagine being cheaters and still getting your ass handed to you... "FUCK OFF YOU DIRTY CHEATERS, go to another game where you csn do shit"

Gork Skoal
Gork Skoal - 05.08.2022 20:02

lol this is bad commedy, i'll give them that.

Gork Skoal
Gork Skoal - 05.08.2022 19:52

lol and the fun side? they're even worse now, somehow.

Corey Stephen
Corey Stephen - 04.08.2022 22:21

It truly is wild how bad hackers actually are at playing the game normally.

Famine 83
Famine 83 - 03.08.2022 17:29

That game is just garbage but hey they think they did a pretty good job so far

Black Head
Black Head - 28.07.2022 12:30

Gay flag? Ugly.

Aaron Stlouis
Aaron Stlouis - 26.07.2022 11:21

