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RadioFace86 - 05.09.2023 08:32

Kinda late to the party but another thing you can do to help with the sluggishness of busy skirmishes is turn off hardware mouse acceleration in video settings. Made a world of difference on my playthroughs.

Aaron Spanski
Aaron Spanski - 15.08.2023 03:15

i remember getting this game for my new windows xp pc back on release, i never knew the game was still active today especially these mods, i cant wait to dive in to this!

CanadianBear47 - 06.08.2023 04:02

I am new to the game lols your review got me onto it. I have a craving for rts that i am having trouble scratching

Cipher Gaming South Africa
Cipher Gaming South Africa - 16.07.2023 20:07

it is especially the expansion being vastly superior

this is the end
this is the end - 16.07.2023 01:47

nothing against you but a pity that the mod has become really shit

Catalyst - D B
Catalyst - D B - 01.07.2023 22:38

How to download for us Apple users??

SpArTaCuS-93N-L - 26.05.2023 22:52

How can i all get this without steam

Thorben Eiklenborg
Thorben Eiklenborg - 25.05.2023 19:29

Honest to good think the Ground combat is better than Space. Especially in Mods like Awakening of the Rebellion.

spaztikbaker - 24.05.2023 10:42

I really hope the rumours of a new rts game is true. I've been reading the new thrawn books and I just want to play as a fleet commander like my blue boy

Danny Baker
Danny Baker - 17.05.2023 22:31

Republic at War is my fave. The gameplay is awesome for me. Love the Clone Wars era and it provides a nice little challenge in hard mode, constantly making me change up strategies to combat the massive fleets that star battering my planets defenses. But one of my favorite bits is the sound FX, the music just leaves me in awe while plotting my strategies for my war.

Menion Leah
Menion Leah - 16.05.2023 12:34

Great vid, thank you! Is there any way to play any of the story campaigns with the improved graphics of this mod (or any other mods that let you play a campaign vs just the galactic map)?

Jordan Rossen
Jordan Rossen - 29.04.2023 05:11

Thanks for the CPU tip

Andrew Falcone
Andrew Falcone - 12.04.2023 23:49

How can I play this on Mac? Do you have to start playing Empire at War from Steam? And then I can access the mod? Is it even playable on Mac?

Mrcheekymonkey1996 - 08.03.2023 21:29

I love this game, i always find myself coming back to it

Bryant Dukes
Bryant Dukes - 01.03.2023 07:08

A downside for me is that whenever I do the steps to change the lag or frame-rate. Every time I exist, it resets it back to what it was before. Is there any way to keep it the way I set it or do I have to do this every time I launch the game?

WeenieTheRoast - 28.02.2023 06:42

That whole weird glitch with the 'in-game menu fight' is something I've ran into from experience. It has something to do with the way you load your mod; double-clicking the mod name on the menu will do it, but selecting it and hitting the button doesn't.

If you get stuck on the 'menu fight', go to menu, quit game, and it should let you load a mod again.

Picking up on these little quirks is like dealing with a reliable but fussy car you've had for years; it kinda drives you nuts sometimes, but you can't see yourself without it.

Silent Watcher
Silent Watcher - 26.01.2023 07:50


Eric London
Eric London - 26.01.2023 01:24

I remember I bought an Alienware to run this game back in the day. Think it's GPU was in the 900s but it was great at the time.
Now my RTX rig makes EaW cry. LOL

LAST CT_ - 20.01.2023 13:47

Unfortunately, the most unfortunate thing is that we have to wait for the 5.0 version because the ground hero has not been implemented yet.

Tanko433 - 18.01.2023 01:30

I honestly wish someone would remake this game with stable multiplayer, modern graphics and an expanded roster. Basically like the mods but a brand new game do I can play it with friends without it regularly desyncing

Xxx - 24.12.2022 08:05

I wish they added in battle were your units would just fight by themselves freely

See Barry!
See Barry! - 13.12.2022 02:13

It must be a big update, it’s 3x the size of original install.

jason jellie
jason jellie - 22.10.2022 03:14

So it’s essentially a game within a game?

-[Unit-49]- - 11.10.2022 05:35

Imagine a a star wars rts made like supreme commander.

Lasnight - 10.10.2022 20:41

I recently got back onto this game cause my good pc died and this is one of the only games my old pc im using as a backup can actually run.
Cool to see its getting a fan remake, but seeing as any game made in the last decade is just too much for my current pc, ill probably be sticking with the original.

frank ferrero
frank ferrero - 09.10.2022 20:30

Meh,not interested.
Close down SWTOR and give us SWG 2.0,same game mechanics no NGE but with 2022 graphics.

Kakao Milch
Kakao Milch - 08.10.2022 22:59

Is there a mod that reduces Land Battles and gives you more time in space ?

Basspounder5 - 29.09.2022 18:28

I personally not that big of a fan with the economy changes. I've been playing it since 2.0, and i thought 3.0's economy was perfect. Plus in skirmish, I have found the "kolto" difficulty when playing against the rebels to be ridiculous. The AI for the rebels being super aggressive, I have to play it 2-on-1 just to beat the rebels. Otherwise a single skirmish battle could take hours against them. And I'm referring to space battles btw.

MsFasty - 22.09.2022 13:04

One of my first games growing up. This, Kotor and RuneScape. Imma buy it again soon

Quinn Clayton
Quinn Clayton - 16.09.2022 18:47

I just bought this on steam yesterday. I cant wait to get started

Kaiser Matt Tygore
Kaiser Matt Tygore - 16.09.2022 06:09

That bug with the battle cam stuff that is seemingly controllable is actually pretty common, I forget how I kept accidentally proccing it, but I did it at least a dozen times now.

roland arriaga
roland arriaga - 14.09.2022 21:50

I just got the game but after I finish base game I'll use mods

shadowbringer24 - 14.09.2022 07:54

I don't run mods but I only have an issue with getting foc to run. I'm on windows 10 but my computer is a little outdated.

zilverheart - 08.09.2022 17:57

Why dont they create this in newer games like supreme commander 2, sins rebellion, stellaris, etc etc

Alan-One - 28.08.2022 20:55

When will they retcon the lore to be abut the struggle of the gay alien slugs of Tumar against the racist Trumpire.

TurkishDelight - 28.08.2022 00:23

I wish the parts of ships would break off after they were destroyed like the OG

Caspar Gutsche
Caspar Gutsche - 21.08.2022 10:11

Performance wise it also helps to untick use hardware mouse in the settings

Zippy Dastrange
Zippy Dastrange - 18.08.2022 23:08

Hope its moddable enough to add base building!

Lowe_ Sa
Lowe_ Sa - 10.08.2022 13:37

This mod is dead. They are going right into abbys and the red alert or men of war fate awaits them.

Devs could just call this mod Rebbelion at War Remake because THAT i dont want to touch. i dont want to micro hundreds of units if i can barely see them or understand whats happening, i dont want to see how my ISD melts from... fighter attacks??? Graphics are great i have to give it to them maybe a thing or two id change for myself (including out of map scroll) Sounds are ok not wow. But difficulty or complexity - absolutely nope. If you call fighter spam and giving an AI ability to micro everything irl then you have to pause every second to see whats going on - "high difficulty" - then you dont understand what it means to the game to be difficult. And complexity - you dont need complexity if you didnt bother to think of difficulty but these devs are geniuses... ridiculous amount of details you can live without, unimaginable "difficulty", imberable "logic" behind devs decision and entirely hecked tactical/strategical component - makes this mod, which could be a game itself, absolute piece of ... which you cannot play and feel the game bc im a human not a robot!

Greenkiddd - 30.07.2022 03:14

I have a 3080ti and i can barley get 4fps

Loslingos 123
Loslingos 123 - 29.07.2022 09:11

Quick question, game looks fun so I looked it up on steam.
Only version I can find is the gold pack for 20 USD (which is a lot for a game from 2006....).
Is there a normal version which costs less?

TemplarKnightAc - 25.07.2022 07:00

is there a mod that takes the visuals of the remake but doesn't change anything from the original? i would like to play the campaigns with the high quality models

United YouTuber
United YouTuber - 24.07.2022 09:11

Personally, I think what should really be done is that the "Empire at War: Remake" mod should simply be fully developed into it's own game. Much like how the game "DayZ" on Steam merely began as a mod for the game: ArmA 3, itself.

BradinTheBarbarian - 17.07.2022 05:18

Are mods necessary for this game? I don’t know much about the original game but I am curious about this.

Stuart Carter
Stuart Carter - 15.07.2022 18:04

Never played the game, saw it mentioned offhand in a video, where do I start?

Tactically Redacted
Tactically Redacted - 12.07.2022 23:10

I like the older version where you didn’t have to go ground battles. The one where you just won the space battle and got the planet.

Gennady M
Gennady M - 10.07.2022 21:32

If you or anyone has hardware mouse option enabled in video settings turn it off. It lags the game. EcksToo made video about it.

Duck - 07.07.2022 05:55

Yeee stonk wars

Johnny Calrissian
Johnny Calrissian - 04.07.2022 06:14

A console version would be dope y’all remember Halo Wars that baby was 🔥
