Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism Compared

Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism Compared

Mr. Beat

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Amel Mahmoud
Amel Mahmoud - 24.10.2023 20:54


ShreyIyer14 - 22.10.2023 20:41

I'm still confused about the difference between Socialism and Communism 😅

jesserbkueman - 22.10.2023 01:01

Mr beast give me money

Darkbase - 22.10.2023 00:56

Distinction between Socialism and Communism should always be quite clear. Socialism is the uprising and rule of the working class, therefore ends in single party systems or even dictatorships. And yes, Socialism has fully been tried, we have seen the natural outcome of this "worker uprising" - it quickly is used as an instrument by people seeking power and to aggregate more power. It will not ever have a different outcome and even if, god forbid, the pure soul comes along to use all this aggregated central power for good, he won't last long against the more brutal and "efficient" kind.
In theory, classes should then just naturally disappear according to Marx and that marks the beginning of communism. This will never happen because those in power will never give it up voluntarily.

You can talk your way into socialism, you'll never reach communism and end in an oppressive system, and will have to shoot your way out of it

Dimitris Pinas
Dimitris Pinas - 21.10.2023 14:50

capitalism is closer to human nature and easier to apply, that's why its our current economical system. When the human society evolves, it will cease to exist, hopefully. But there will always be a friction force in socialism, a force that would suggest private ownership.

Avalon Justin
Avalon Justin - 21.10.2023 03:08

"Communism is an economic system but also a social and political theory, where private property is completely gone and we share everything." No, I don't want that!

FramE VersE
FramE VersE - 20.10.2023 09:09

The global scientific capitalism, the capitalist, the capitalist ruler, the capitalist citizen, the capitalist thinker, the capitalist explorer, the capitalist philosopher and the capitalist revolutionary are citizens who do not want to see the poverty, underdevelopment, divisions and war on the earth. The global capitalism will end poverty, underdevelopment and war on Earth and in global capitalism the people of the world will begin to live as one nation all over the world. It can be called the era of beauty. In global scientific capitalism, man will start living as a young man for over 150 years.

ghgh ghgh
ghgh ghgh - 19.10.2023 15:43

If you have socialism without capitalism it becomes communism.

Kasnar F Burns
Kasnar F Burns - 19.10.2023 10:04

The vast majority of Americans who use these words - socialist, communist, Marxist, capitalist, fascist, etc. - like they're epithets probably cannot DEFINE these words if you asked them to. It would be a lot if they even bothered to watch a video or do their own research. They've been conditioned to respond EMOTIONALLY to these words. All they know is some are "bad" and some are not. The detractors of anything but capitalism like to point to Venezuela or the former Soviet Union as failed states. How would they classify Denmark or Sweden?

Vale Hass
Vale Hass - 15.10.2023 16:52

Horrendous levels of disinformation. If you truly want to know what Communism is, then go read the letters and speeches of Marx. He hated the working class, was a raging racist, sponged money off his capitalist friend his entire adult life and impregnated his house slave.

Hehehoohoo - 15.10.2023 01:08

Wow amazing video

Immaterial - 10.10.2023 19:56

I’m a Marxist

Trung Nguyen
Trung Nguyen - 06.10.2023 19:57

The reason of capitalism still alive, fundamental because down up economics, and detailed cares by whole society on fear of death and poor, abandonments leading social economic. The problems of communist as failed to recognize progress and personal advances of capitalism, so the safety and peaceful of mind of public ownership and public goods must do first on top of capitalism to stopping fears and bad decisions of people leading to poverty. So the system of socialists are must have in all nations, democrats and combined with socialist and capitalists as balanced the political system, but most of times public goods won.

FlipNasty Official
FlipNasty Official - 06.10.2023 04:52

I see what you did there with censoring communism lol

Gaming with boss
Gaming with boss - 03.10.2023 20:00


bakedbean - 03.10.2023 08:16

they claim that communism is terrible because it has killed 100 million people in the last century, and that capitalism isn't as bad because it only kills 20 million people a year.... by their own account, capitalism has killed over twenty times as many people than communism has in the last century...

Source 3nergy
Source 3nergy - 02.10.2023 05:48


lirich - 29.09.2023 11:11

Wow, I didn't know Mr. Beast was into economic systems!

Trideka - 28.09.2023 13:41

I went my whole life never hearing the definitions of communism and socialism, because all I needed to know was that they were "bad." They just vaguely said stuff about how treating humans as equals is somehow evil. I didn't understand it then, and I understand it even less now.

Drogas - 27.09.2023 21:02

This video was better than Avengers end game

Banda Zahra
Banda Zahra - 27.09.2023 16:43

Communism is based

Vincent Marciano
Vincent Marciano - 27.09.2023 08:45

I usually say something along the lines that if communism is the elimination of private property and a cashless society, and is implemented today, then that would mean it's completely reliant on total cooperation to work as "actual communism". If a big chunk of people or lets face it most people do not comply, then in order to reistablish a society without private property or cash, a strong central force needs to force them to do so. This is where communism in theory is a cesspool of dictatorships.

Angry Yordle
Angry Yordle - 26.09.2023 17:48

It's funny how every time socialism is mentioned they look towards Venezuela, Cambodia or North Korea instead of Cuba, the USSR and Bolivia, while every time capitalism is mentioned people mention Norway, Denmark and the US instead of the Congo, India, modern Russia or Brazil

Zac Coop
Zac Coop - 25.09.2023 21:03

These pieces of junk at the beginning... Socialism has failed everywhere... it is because fascism kills it as soon as it gets a chance... Venezuela quickly became communism and fascism... most just don't know the difference... democratic socialism works well in Canada and many EU countries... VERY well...

SamuraiGaming - 25.09.2023 12:15

China is not communist

Janet Neita
Janet Neita - 24.09.2023 17:30


Christian Salcedo II
Christian Salcedo II - 24.09.2023 06:46

Let's not forget about Syndiclism.

solarflare623 - 23.09.2023 02:01

I’m a democratic socialist and I hate Stalin. Although I’m pro socialism and believe that communism (more specifically Star Trek style communism rather then Marx style) could work with a few more centuries of societal change . I am mainly anti dictator. I am of the firm belief that Stalin and the USSR ruined communism by causing people to associate it with dictators. Believe it or not democracy is actually more inline with the beliefs of Karl Marx. I think that if a country ever went to democratic socialism then it could break this stereotype.

PS: to those who want to call me a filthy communist. I wouldn’t say filthy.

chiang kai shrek
chiang kai shrek - 20.09.2023 23:09

"That is what a commie would say"

*My counrty's communist party ad starts playing*

Zain Zubair
Zain Zubair - 20.09.2023 16:58

You don't blame the ideology for these disgusting atrocities. One day socialism works the other it doesn't one day capitalism works for people the next it does not. The proof of the pudding is not within the ideology but is within the leader of the ideology at the time.

Light777 - 19.09.2023 02:01

Very good video

THE OMEGA REVIEWER - 18.09.2023 18:54

Never use Prager u it's not a reliable source at all

Badgers48 - 17.09.2023 11:14

Capitalism: successful with money and opportunity!👌
Socialism: successful with happiness and support🤝
Communism: death

Игорь Григорьев
Игорь Григорьев - 16.09.2023 14:55

The greatest contribution to Marxist theory is Joseph Stalin's discovery of the basic economic law of modern capitalism and the basic economic law of socialism. Comrade Stalin formulates the main features and requirements of the basic economic law of modern capitalism as follows: “... ensuring maximum capitalist profit by exploiting, ruining and impoverishing the majority of the population of a given country, by enslaving and systematically robbing the peoples of other countries, especially backward countries, and finally, by wars and militarization of the national economy, used to ensure the highest profits." (I.V. Stalin, “Economic problems of socialism in the USSR”, p. 38).

The basic economic law of modern capitalism shows that under the capitalist economic system, the interests of millions of ordinary people are sacrificed to a small group of capital magnates. This law reveals the parasitic nature of capitalism and exposes the roots of the aggressive policies of capitalist states.

On the contrary, the fundamental law of socialism shows that under a socialist economic system, production develops in the interests of the whole society, in the interests of working people liberated from the exploiting classes. Joseph Stalin formulates the main features of the basic economic law of socialism as follows: “... ensuring maximum satisfaction of the constantly growing material and cultural needs of the entire society through the continuous growth and improvement of socialist production on the basis of higher technology.” (I.V. Stalin, “Economic problems of socialism in the USSR”, p. 40).

Thus, if under capitalism a person is subject to the ruthless law of extracting maximum profit, then under socialism, on the contrary, production is subordinated to a person and the satisfaction of his needs. This noble goal has a beneficial effect on production and the pace of its development. The action of the basic economic law of socialism leads to a rise in the productive forces of society, to rapid growth in production, to a steady increase in the material well-being and cultural level of all members of society. It leads to the strengthening of the socialist system, while the operation of the basic law of modern capitalism leads to a deepening of the general crisis of capitalism, to the growth and aggravation of all the contradictions of capitalism and an inevitable explosion. A comparison of the basic economic law of socialism and the basic economic law of modern capitalism reveals the decisive advantages of the socialist system over the capitalist one, as an incomparably higher system.

Gary Johnstone
Gary Johnstone - 15.09.2023 10:02

They are all the same:

Socialism or its father communism relies on gov`t determining what goods should be produced regardless of demand. Ayn Rand got it right: "People trading value for value in volitional consent". People act in their own self-interest, aka the virtue of selfishness. The market knows best what people want. Read Hayek/Friedman.

Government has no skin in the game, so indifference abounds. The enthusiastic pursuit of profit in the free market (return on risk) ensures efficient production for goods actually wanted. See “The Invisible Hand”.

Socialism has failed everywhere and every time. Capitalism has taken the world out of poverty.

Mukesh Yadav
Mukesh Yadav - 15.09.2023 06:55

I am weak but capitalism show me what i lacka communism can make me independent i dont want joint family nation is big

pedzsan - 14.09.2023 23:44

I’m 4 minutes into the video and you still have not actually told me anything about what Capitalism, Socialism, ad Communism are or are not. Why would I have clicked on the video in the first place if I wanted more toxic non-factual dribble?

K. Mihalic
K. Mihalic - 14.09.2023 21:20

Thanks for breaking down words we lay persons hear a lot but don’t exactly know what they truly mean. I appreciate your sharing these simplified and in a interesting way. Can’t wait to hear more froM your channel.

Stewart walker
Stewart walker - 13.09.2023 16:20

There is no socialist society that the US did not destabilize this is according to the CIA I am gonna guess that it messes with the status quo

Lgros ChienSalle
Lgros ChienSalle - 12.09.2023 05:59

The idea to compare three social systems that have historically been catastrophic failures is an interesting one... I would have included democracy as well, since nothing good has ever come out of that one either. These problems will of course be solved at the return of Christ, and not a minute before. Absolute monarchy with Jesus Christ sitting on the throne, combined with repentance, faith, and obedience to his commandments are the only viable solutions to (as Edward Gibbon would put it) "...the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind..."

But con-artist Marx, though at times correct and passionately persuasive
in calling attention to the injustices of "capitalist" society (the
bait) was neither correct in his diagnosis of problems, nor in his
solutions to them.

Profit margins for most businesses and industries are relatively small.
It is the various levels of "the state" -- not the evil rich
"capitalists," which, through both direct and indirect means,
appropriate approximately 50% of the earnings of the average wage holder
in America (and Europe). The parasitic theft works hand-in-hand with
the state's financing partner-in-crime, the Federal Reserve System
(Central Bank) -- a counterfeiting / loan sharking operation whose
debt-based monetary system adds a compounding public and private
interest charges on top of taxes.

Ironically, both the Fed Gov and the Fed Bank are infested with Marxists
and libtards. Rounding out the unholy trinity of thievery are the
state-enabled cartels which are given free reign to crush free market
completion in areas such as medicine, law, accounting and higher

Echoing Marx, Libtard Savants continue to blame private economy for the
struggles of the working class, while ignoring the immensely destructive
effects of confiscatory taxation, reckless spending and printing press

It doesn't matter if modern libtards are divided as to how to treat the
"disorder." If these Marxist morons all accept a faulty diagnosis which
fails to take into account the crushing levels of taxation and inflation
-- and also the break-up of the nuclear family -- as the main sources
of decreasing living standards, then all "solutions" are doomed to

Marx's only "originality" regarding solutions to the social problems he
wrote about was to call for unlimited political power to be handed over
to insane and unaccomplished jobless revolutionaries such as himself in a
'dictatorship of the proletariat'. Then what?

The money-grubbing of modern professionals, even worse today than in
Marx's day, is undignified and degrading. But that's a problem of
declining morals and ethics, not one of "capitalism." And does it really
require a "philosopher" to point that out? Finally, what's Marx's
"solution" then? Total government takeover (greedy politicians &
untalented bureaucrats) with price and wage control over of all the
professions? No thanks!

The only intellectual acid test offered by Marx is the deadly and
painful lessons learned from the many countries which suffered under the
brutal misrule of his Godless, heartless, soulless, brainless,
tradition-less and solution-less disciples with their empty promises.
Fortunately, many of those states (Russia, China, Eastern Europe) later
regained their senses and abandoned his junk philosophy. The
true-believing American and European libtards -- who remain oblivious to
the realty that Marxism has always been, and still is, nothing more
than a tool of economic degradation, cultural pollution and societal
dismantlement used for totalitarian Globalist objectives -- should do
the same.

So if Marx has no "magic formula" to make the world a better place, then
he actually has no profound importance as a philosopher after all...

Sofa King
Sofa King - 12.09.2023 05:48

I've never heard of anyone escaping a capitalist country to go to a socialist or communist one

Lgros ChienSalle
Lgros ChienSalle - 12.09.2023 05:30

"But it is to be lamented that those to whom has been committed the
guardianship of the public weal, deceived by the wiles of wicked men and
terrified by their threats, have looked upon the Church with a
suspicious and even hostile eye, not perceiving that the attempts of the
sects would be vain if the doctrine of the Catholic Church and the
authority of the Roman Pontiffs had always survived, with the honor that
belongs to them, among princes and peoples. For, "the church of the
living God, which is the pillar and ground of truth,"[6] hands down
those doctrines and precepts whose special object is the safety and
peace of society and the uprooting of the evil growth of *socialism*."

-- Encyclical on Socialism
His Holiness Pope Leo XIII
December 28, 1878

stranger then you think
stranger then you think - 09.09.2023 20:22

When a word is used over and over again, it loses its meaning. Just like repeating a joke again and again until it becomes unfunny.

Samuel Mullins
Samuel Mullins - 09.09.2023 06:51

What is video liar motive to deceive me into believing A Free Market ever existed? Anyone who can categorize junkmail knows socialism’s lobbyists have dictated the USA market before USA established itself. I am not cartoonly hypnotized by this liar’s false advertisement!!

Briana - 07.09.2023 22:36

Socialism seems dangerous for America😔

Andrew Porter
Andrew Porter - 07.09.2023 06:50

In conclusion, a Catholic corporatist system and command economy in which individual experts from their own industries are true Kings over their respective industries (i.e., are endowed with the power of civil government, ideally in a Catholic Empire) while requiring (still) privately-owned corporations to actually be, y'know what they are in name and existing for the good of society ultimately instead of existing for personal profit to the detriment of society.


The proper effect of capitalism is that since profit is the final cause or reason for which everything is done, all that is accidental or not essential to profit is excised (in the absence of proper regulation, but... that would make it into more of a command economy). Now literally everything in existence except for that which in its whatness is itself profit is accidental to profit, and as we've observed, this has led to capitalists doing nothing but convince you to buy a product, now usually of awful quality because the bar is subterranean, rather than making a product that you're convinced of buying because of its degree of perfection or how good it is at being what it is.

The proper effect of Catholic corporatism and its implementation as I've described it is the perfecting of all goods with profit as a just but merely necessary end, and not the final cause. Hence, personal profit is not the primary determiner of things, but the good of society, thus, you inevitably end up with corporations that all work together, even across industries when appropriate, in order to solve any particular problem society has. In other words, the economy would become like how academia is between universities.

Wesley Ronaldo
Wesley Ronaldo - 07.09.2023 05:53

Every time socialism fails, there is an easy solution for that, let's pretend it never happened! GREAT. SOLVED!

Lina - 07.09.2023 04:30

"A free market is controlled by consumers, from the bottom up." The most blatant lie in the video 😂

DeadGent47 - 05.09.2023 23:17

I'm a socialist, but I don't trust anyone to do it right.
