Nagios Core Installation in Linux||Step by Step - Part 1

Nagios Core Installation in Linux||Step by Step - Part 1


55 лет назад

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Nagios Core Server Installation in Rhel7/Centos7 Part 1
For Complete video must watch video part 2 ...just click the link given below
Nagios Core-Part 2 || ADD Network Devices in nagios core ||
Nagios core - http issue resolve
#nagioscore #opensource #monitoringtool #nagios
It is a free and open source computer-software application that monitors systems, networks and infrastructure. Nagios offers monitoring and alerting services for servers, switches, applications and services.
Step by step installation steps
Installing Nagios 4.3.4 and Nagios Plugin 2.2.1

Step 1: Install Required Dependencies
[root@nns]# yum install -y httpd httpd-tools php gcc glibc glibc-common gd gd-devel make net-snmp

Step 2: Create Nagios User and Group
[root@nns]# useradd nagios
[root@nns]# groupadd nagcmd
[root@nns]# usermod -G nagcmd nagios
[root@nns]# usermod -G nagcmd apache

Step 3: Download Nagios Core 4.3.4 and Nagios Plugin 2.2.1
[root@nns]# mkdir /root/nagios
[root@nns]# cd /root/nagios
[root@nns nagios~]# wget
[root@nns nagios~]# wget

Step 4: Extract Nagios Core and its Plugins
[root@nns nagios~]# tar -xvf nagios-4.3.4.tar.gz
[root@nns nagios~]# tar -xvf nagios-plugins-2.2.1.tar.gz

[root@nns nagios ~]# ls -l
total 13520
drwxrwxr-x 18 root root 4096 Aug 24 17:43 nagios-4.3.4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11101966 Aug 24 17:48 nagios-4.3.4.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 15 root root 4096 Apr 19 12:04 nagios-plugins-2.2.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2728818 Apr 19 12:04 nagios-plugins-2.2.1.tar.gz

Configure Nagios Core
[root@nns nagios~]# cd nagios-4.3.4/
[root@nns nagios-4.3.4 ]# ./configure --with-command-group=nagios
[root@nns nagios]# make all
[root@nns nagios]# make install
[root@nns nagios-4.3.4 ]# make install-init
[root@nns nagios-4.3.4 ]# make install-commandmode
[root@nns nagios-4.3.4 ]# make install-config

Step 5: Customizing Nagios Configuration
# vim /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg

Step 6: Install and Configure Web Interface for Nagios
[root@nns nagios-4.3.4 ]# make install-webconf

[root@nns nagios-4.3.4]# htpasswd -s -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user nagiosadmin
[root@nns ]# service httpd start
[root@nns ]# systemctl start httpd.service

Step 7: Compile and Install Nagios Plugin
[root@nns nagios]# cd /root/nagios
[root@nns nagios]# cd nagios-plugins-2.2.1/
[root@nns nagios]# ./configure --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagcmd
[root@nns nagios]# make all
[root@nns nagios]# make install

Step 8: Verify Nagios Configuration Files
[root@nns nagios]# /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

Step 9: Add Nagios Services to System Startup

[root@nns ]# chkconfig --level 35 nagios on
[root@nns ]# chkconfig --add httpd
[root@nns ]# chkconfig --level 35 httpd on
[root@nns ]# systemctl enable nagios
[root@nns ]# systemctl enable httpd
[root@nns ]# service nagios start
[root@nns ]# systemctl start nagios.service

Step 10: Login to the Nagios Web Interface
http://Your-server-IP-address/nagios" with username “nagiosadmin” and password.

See the video.......thanks

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