TEW 2020 Review (Total Extreme Wrestling)

TEW 2020 Review (Total Extreme Wrestling)

Rybolt ⚡

4 года назад

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@AndruJorj - 27.09.2021 22:57

TEW2020 is a step backwards. It's not as good as TEW2016. The user interface is horrible.

@thekillakoalas2458 - 12.09.2021 13:11

I like the shirt I hope cm punk comes back to wrestling after 7 years soon 😘

@jabbers081769 - 10.02.2021 03:24

does Total Extreme Wrestling 2020 have old school wrestlers?

@tamarindusindica8752 - 22.09.2020 17:08

Unfortunately, there is no Steam Edition for this :(

@Paradeboy - 10.07.2020 03:02

Adam could always update these issues and fix them couldn’t he like the product customisation?

@nicholasterzick7140 - 01.07.2020 23:42

I’m thinking of buying so they have any mod’s to play in 1985 or 1988 as NWA. Thanks for posting these videos

@xenobreakinskul9532 - 09.06.2020 14:25

The only problem I have is with the products, not that I can't have my own product but that matches are severly affected by this. I like how matches of 10+ minutes can reach high ratings when running WWE, but matches of more than 15min tend to lose the crowd? That is really annoying, especially when most of WWE's highest rated matches are longer than 15 minutes. It should have the option to make PPVs an exception.

@americansportsgamer2588 - 31.05.2020 13:29

With the product I just like to change the match/angle %

@grungyasscinema - 19.05.2020 15:14

I bought the game mostly because I was a long time EWR player and just got into TEW literally around this time last year, so the game was pretty much all patched up and fixed. Hopefully there'll be plenty of patches and updates for 2020 because I like most of the new additions to the game. The only true bummers are the limiting product settings and the AI still needs to be fixed, AI disbands stables literally everyday and it's annoying. Also other minor quality of life stuff like being able to view a worker while booking angles should be added for convenience.

@claybowling466 - 18.05.2020 10:12

Still getting used it. On my Womens revolution mod had to go in and add more player choices like it was in 2016.

@alanw9620 - 18.05.2020 02:26

I personally love the perception system in TEW 2020 I think it is far better than the push system and is actually my fav feature of the game. It just makes the game so more realistic in my opinion though I do agree that sorting through the perceptions is a bit more awkward.
I have only played the game a little so far, didn't really play the beta much as was waiting for full release but I'm loving what I have played so far. I'm just playing as the SWF right now just trying to get into the Cornell Verse as while I would much prefer a real world mod, the Cornell verse is the most balanced and one i want to play with it as much as I can before moving to a mod.
For me personally, iv never been a big fan of mods, iv just always had so many issues with them but this year the KTB is looking really good. Now there's still lots of work I would probably have to do with it to get to my liking but the plan is to play my Cornell verse for as long as I can and then by then the KTB will be even better or maybe there might be another mod that suits me and I can use my Cornell Verse knowledge to mod the game accordingly because obviously the game isn't a true representation of the real world so I'm going to do my best to get the stats and pops and stuff to be where they should be for the most part.
But yeah all in all so far so good, this video and this comment is mainly the only time iv taken away from the game today and its getting late to continue playing :p
My main issue so far is the product system. Like I prefer it to the old system in a way but for me I would just replace the product system with a more dynamic system so your viewership is determined by what you show. By right having a bloody match in a pg rated product might turn off people but at the same time in real life, it would then attract those more hardcore viewers. I wish it was more dynamic like that personally. As the system is right now, its probably more game friendly, I just wish the option to edit it to create your own personal product was an option.

@daneexists - 18.05.2020 00:38

In 2020 I made Jimmy Havoc a Star in America and now he is a nobody in The UK like what?

@pwfandom5091 - 17.05.2020 22:48

When Marty's getting wrestler of the year you really have to question the quality of the database, otherwise a really good review Rybolt, great stuff regards TEW's features! With that said... I got some nitpicking to do.

Austin Gunn with 76 SQ & 77 Charisma at 79 US popularity is about as much as you could expect at 26 (I can't see them here but maybe also his experience and reputation are also likely limiting factors) given the way popularity caps work in 2020

"He's not been over-pushed" I had to laugh at that, come on my dude 29-0-0 and he's the world champion AND the TNT champion, :D that's some jokes.

I don't know this for sure but I suspect you did some major damage to your upper midcard and main event players getting him to that level, Moxley and Jericho in particular probably took a serious popularity hit on the way to this happening, actually you even show Jericho dropped from 85 to 60's and the reason is likely because you had a guy who had no business beating him do so, the current popularity of the opponent and there reputation matters in terms of how much damage is done during popularity transfer.

If you are doing damage to your entire upper card as you go, and your main event it's like a double dip of damage because not only does Jericho drop down for instance, but he then has less places to get it back from.

Ever notice that when two similar level guys lose to each other the pop loss is often non-existent or both guy's gain regardless? this is why.

@svarozvich8410 - 17.05.2020 22:48

Cool content my guy keep it up

@NostalgiNorden - 17.05.2020 21:46

Big disagree. Perception system is soooo mucb better and logical than the push system.
Never liked it. You coukd have a guy totally dominate for 2 years straight and still only be a upper midcarder in the push-system.
Perception-system is what i always wanted.

@swagsuke3897 - 17.05.2020 21:36

Very Fun Good Game

@jb0609 - 17.05.2020 21:32

I am not buying it. I am still having fun with TEW 2016.
