Pull-Up Resistors | "Arduino Traffic Light" (4/4)

Pull-Up Resistors | "Arduino Traffic Light" (4/4)

658 Просмотров

What is the purpose of a pull-up resistor? How can you use it to safely connect a push-button to an Arduino? How large should the pull-up resistance value be? And what is the difference between "hardware pull-up" and "software pull-up?

In this video, I will answer these questions and we will finish the traffic light Arduino project by completing the circuit and by finishing the control software in the Arduino IDE.


In the last video, we have created two flashing LEDs by connecting them to digital output pins of the Arduino. And if you have seen the video, you might remember that the idea of the traffic light project is to have pedestrians press a button, wait for some time and when the light changes from red to green it signals that it's safe to cross the street.

And in this video, we want to finish the project by accomplishing two things: First, we hook up a push button to a digital input pin of the Arduino and see how we can use it to trigger a stable HIGH and LOW signal and secondly, we complete the Arduino code for all phases of the traffic light cycle. Now let's start with connecting the button.

This is the last part of a mini-series of how to build an Arduino-based traffic light and it will get you set up for writing your own Arduino programs.


Arduino layouts with Fritzing! : https://fritzing.org/

Overview of Arduino Boards : https://www.arduino.cc/en/main/boards

Circuit simulations with iCircuit: http://icircuitapp.com/

The video is well suited for university study and training in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and other STEM subjects.

All learning materials from my videos are available for download: https://www.thefearlessengineer.com/basic-electronics.

If you liked the video, then check out my channel, because there are even more videos on the topics of e-technology, electronics and computer science: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrpxk6aT_DxRzYJz_LDVwUQ


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