We broke up…..

We broke up…..

Katiana Kay

1 год назад

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Isa - 23.09.2023 02:15

i lost my bff of 10 years just because her mom said she thought I was a bad influence 💀

Divya Akkala
Divya Akkala - 22.09.2023 20:33

i had a best friend, five years. i had to move across the country and before i left, she promised she would ft and text me and snap me, etc. i haven’t seen her face since i moved, she blocked me on all socials w no explanation. who woulda thought.

Kitcat - 20.09.2023 03:07

What if that Bestie is your cousin and you guys still talk everyday

Mia Elliott
Mia Elliott - 20.09.2023 01:39

Mine ignored me for ages, i couldn’t help but feel hurt so we aren’t friends anymore

flow3r._.dmedits - 19.09.2023 23:58

𝓘. 𝓐𝓶 𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓵 friends with her, but she called my ears big and she said I. Am. Too loud...

꧁★𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞★꧂ - 19.09.2023 18:56

I ended our friendship with this girl bc she was rlly toxic and drained my mental health and would be talking abt everything and I was her therapist and then every time I wanted to talk to her she never had time

••Funtime_Fox•• - 19.09.2023 08:37

Yeahh pretty recent that this happened. She was in the wrong tho. she kept picking favorites, lying to me, not spending enough time with me, etc. She ended up going off on me for saying she didn’t try when it came to spending time with each other or somethin, so she’s taking a break from me and I don’t hate her but I don’t like her as much, the friendship won’t be the same as before and I don’t trust her at all

Arzu Karaüzüm
Arzu Karaüzüm - 19.09.2023 01:04

Ur soul does...
So does ur memories...
Also ur personality...
Bruh ofc some stuff last forever

Ryan Dennett
Ryan Dennett - 19.09.2023 00:41

This just happened recently because my ex girl best friend was a pick me and is now leading him on everyday but he left me because he thought I was being mean to her

Sky - 19.09.2023 00:27

Today I went to school when it was outside time I called her for a her and she ignored it smth hit hard in my heart and just made me feel to cry but I ignored it then my other bff came and I came for a hug she hugged me back and made my heart back together then let's name my first bff m and the other s so I called Ms name and she ignored it then I called it again then she came and played with s...... I was like wow.... Then this other girl named Summer m said aren't u missing smth she asked summer hugged her then they both laughed I fake smiled I tryed to hug her but she ignored it.... Then I waved her a good bye then she waved it back... but now I'm just crying here.. Bc she's been my bff for 3 years now and she is just turning into the person I never knew she is acting like we don't know each other and..... My other bff s is still holding on me;).....

Poison - 19.09.2023 00:20

I lost I friend. We have been friends since Pre-K and in 5th she just got really toxic.

TokioHotel - 18.09.2023 23:53

Ur still fatherless

Epicdragons - 18.09.2023 07:19

Fr made me cry

★•Rubies gacha •★
★•Rubies gacha •★ - 18.09.2023 05:41

That happened to me after a 11 year relationship with my friends Gloria so we where bestfreinds and talk everyday until we hit middle school (ps) she was my bestie since 1st grade we would talk and laugh until I had a crush on this boy named Mike she also had a crush on him so that just ruined our freindship then I started talking to him we got in touch until I was dating him for at least 4 weeks then Gloria gets super jealous she came to my house btw I was only 14 in high school she came is and she started cussinge and breaking stuff -

1k likes for part 2!❤

Shaira - 18.09.2023 05:05


BraceletsbyAdeline - 18.09.2023 03:00

Me tho

Cup_Moon - 18.09.2023 02:10

This happened to me to I’ve known her for 5 years and she just ignored me and left me 😢

Preppy Hana
Preppy Hana - 18.09.2023 01:44

this is really true...

Starry_Vamp - 17.09.2023 22:39

My friend of 6 years .. I miss her.. we just moved on from each other she replaced me while I still think of her

waltur_nugget - 17.09.2023 22:34

Me and my best friend have been friends for 7 years. And I feel like she is losing interest in me. Please reply if you have any tips! 🙁

polo_f@palot - 17.09.2023 22:20

Good 😂

yfblngauntie - 17.09.2023 16:59

I was friends with this girl named Layla for 7 years and when i turned 10 i stopped going to the same school as her so we stopped talking. When we finally got back together and i went over to her house she ignored me cause another girl Kameryn was over at her house so i stopped talking to her. Time skip about a year her sister messaged me on tiktok asking if i was moving back to the school and i said yes but when i moved back layla and me became best friends again and we just didn’t talk about the fight. Next year she started only hanging out with this girl Olivia, when i would try to talk to Layla she would just call me annoying or ignore me and thats how we are right now but im besties with Kameryn 😍

luc1dxmist - 17.09.2023 14:09

I'm sowwy but I love my bf I've never had one before

Elizabeth Sirias
Elizabeth Sirias - 17.09.2023 06:18

Something is happening with my friendship rn actually it’s such a long story and idk what to do about it:( so there’s two of my really close friends so let’s name one hope and the other Lily so hope has my phone number and Lily was on to late with her phone so she got her phone taken away about 2 years ago and at first at school we would all be really close played together and sat together at lunch more in to the year hope got tired of being with Lily all the time so when Lily came to play with us hope wouldn’t talk and sometimes even leave so at this point Lily was asking me why hope would always do that I just to her she just needs time after a few more months in school there relationship became better again now it’s a new year of school and they are still good friends now me and Lily go to daycare together and me and hope are in the same class and Lily is in my switch class. When me and hope get in fights she will literally act like am not there saying sorry and matter fact I always have to say sorry she never said sorry to me once. But when I go to this daycare place I have like a group of friends and there is 3 girls and one boy we are very close friends and I feel so happy when am with them and as I said Lily goes to daycare with me . And me and hope are actually in a fight rn and idk what to do like do what she does to me our try to make or friendship good again?

W-E-N-S-B - 17.09.2023 04:02

I feel you…

Cookies - 17.09.2023 02:36


lM0 ☆ [ break ]
lM0 ☆ [ break ] - 16.09.2023 17:48

I lost a best friend of mine of 7 years. It was my fault because I said something she didn’t like and we started arguing. We were like sisters. But I guess we broke up physically I was toxic. Now she has her own life, her own friends. After summer break I became friends with another girl. She was not really a good person because she would break the rules in school and smoke (SHE WAS 11..) we would always get caught and stuff. Until one day she lied to her mom about that I smoked and forced her to when I never even noticed she said that. Even tho her mom hated me we still played with each other. Just another day of school I went to her and she just ignored me and avoided me. So we just avoided each other and never talked. I hated her anyways she was racist and rude to me secretly when I did not do anything to her. I was in 4th grade when me and her started to get mentally depressed and unmotivated. We didn’t even wanted to do school and just in our phones everyday.
Now I am in 5th grade and I have new friends and trying to recover from so and depression. Well she is still the same as she was in 4th grade but I don’t really care anymore I am just living my life now.

Boom9 - 16.09.2023 05:59

I have a best friend, her name is Bailee and im just really worried about her.
She had bad history with her family in the past, and i usually check up on her and she just says shes fine, im just scared for her safety.

Adeleine - 15.09.2023 02:28

I really miss you Ben :( you made my life better and made the happiest I’ve ever been it’s been almost a year now:( why did you block me and ghost me??? Why :(

guitar is  life:D
guitar is life:D - 14.09.2023 15:20

this well def make me think that my relationship will work

Conner Seley
Conner Seley - 14.09.2023 14:37

I want to be with her forever 😭

Go off so Goodo
Go off so Goodo - 14.09.2023 11:20

That assssssss😭😭😭😭

chipotle bag
chipotle bag - 14.09.2023 09:22

she kept making comments abt my body and my looks

🧡𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖_𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕔𝕒𝕜𝕖🖤 - 14.09.2023 04:47

Pov: you dont have a bff:
Edit: I don't have one anymore cuz she moved away 3 years ago and ghosted me, I have friends but no bff

alice grimore
alice grimore - 14.09.2023 04:28

Mine said something that was morally and illegally questionable and had to report them (never was mentally stable)

Sami - 12.09.2023 23:44

She was a friend of 9 years moved away <3

Rainy_Adventures - 12.09.2023 10:13

Relatable... Wanna know what they do next? Come crawling back.

Bubbles - 12.09.2023 07:06

I ended it with my best friend of 8 years It's been gone for 3 years, I went to a dentist today and saw my friend's brother and her mom... my mom talked to her while I was getting my teeth cleaned came home.. I got a message "Hi name it's me -name-!" Asked my mom... she said that she told my friend's mom our phone numbers ...... started chatting with my friend I wonder if it'll go back to sleepovers

K3ÑÑY_FÆN - 12.09.2023 04:34

I’m going through that stage right now…

Sky! - 12.09.2023 01:34

My bff (we will call him A)

A played roblox with me all the time! I knew him irl we were bffs for 5-6 years maybe and we talked every day, but I moved schools and A got depressed , anxiety , anger issues and lost his most important friend (not me)
A was my favorite friend of all time…
Then we barely talked…I haven’t talked to him in like…maybe a year…or a couple of months, I can’t keep track.
But we separated and went on different paths…I got busy with family stuff and he got…idk what he got…
And he kept making me feel bad bc…let me right the story:

A: I won the spelling bee for my school! Isn’t that cool?

Me: that’s cool, I was sick and couldn’t participate…congratulations…

one month later

A: are you mad at me or smthing? At least be happy for me…

Me: I am happy for you! I just said that I couldn’t participate thats all!~

A: we’ll you added (…) at the end of congratulations! It seemed like you were sarcastic

(2-3 days later)

Me: oh I’m sorry! I’m sorry it made it seem like that! I’m really proud of you tho!


And my mother said that he is putting me down and trying to make myself feel sorry…idk anymore…

🌜max.maxi.pad⭐️ - 11.09.2023 23:24

Bro my best friend told everyone her AP class that I had a crush on her and that was a broke ass bitch because she bought my cat collar for me because I didn’t have any money and this girl is only 12 and so am I and it’s not my problem that she makes $60 a week because she works for Grandpa. I can’t do the stuff because my grandparents are dead. The only grandparents I have left on my grandmas and my step granddad can barely walk.

Alhaitham - 11.09.2023 23:12

i had a friend for 19 years and this bitch came
on and stole her💀

blushymoon - 11.09.2023 15:54

Because she talked to a new friend and then she got tired and started to make up things
About me and saying that’s why she doesn’t like me anymore

FoxxyIsEpik - 11.09.2023 07:24

I didn’t lose my bestie I lost my gf. And I still can’t believe she just walked out on me and blocked me

Kiwi - 10.09.2023 23:46

This happened to me💔

Radu - 10.09.2023 22:39

Am I supposed to feel bad for you? I don't give a fuck

Ashy8733 - 10.09.2023 13:45

This happened to me I would talk to her everyday and now I’m just bored all the time I have nothing to do anymore 😢

Hi🥲 - 09.09.2023 23:29

This is too real :(

STARLLEnPleb - 09.09.2023 21:12

it always happends and sometime the friends are petty and stupid enough to frame you for something you didnt do and almost get you into jail just cuz you pissed off her bf trust me ik cuz happend to me

Butterflies - 09.09.2023 16:22

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕕
