05 Apr: ALL ALARMS TRIGGERED! New Threat of the Biggest Russian Offensive (Kharkiv) | War in Ukraine

05 Apr: ALL ALARMS TRIGGERED! New Threat of the Biggest Russian Offensive (Kharkiv) | War in Ukraine

Reporting from Ukraine

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I am Ukrainian. My country has been invaded by Russia. In this video, I will tell you what happened on the seven-hundred-seventy-second day of the war.

Day 772: Apr 05

Today, there is a lot of news from the Kharkiv direction.

In recent days, rumors have flourished everywhere about an alleged Russian plan intended to capture the city of Kharkiv in a potential new spring-summer Russian offensive. In addition to Vladimir Putin's statements about a sanitary zone, some senior Russian officials anonymously reported further details of a possible plan for an encirclement operation in Kharkiv, aimed to capture the city without destroying it, employing a contingent of 300 thousand Russian troops.

As an additional indicator, Ukrainian authorities recently reported that Russian forces have begun to strike Kharkiv with a new type of guided bomb called UMPB D-30, which is a glide bomb evolution with improved characteristics. Each munition consists of a unified module with folding wings, a guidance unit, a jam-resistant satellite receiver, and a rocket booster or turbojet in the tail that would give it an estimated combat range of 90km. These improvements bring them closer in accuracy and maneuverability characteristics to a cruise missile at a fraction of the cost. Ukrainian authorities have described the reported use of this new glide bomb over civilian population areas as an attempt to terrorize the civilian population.

Ukrainian authorities and military analysts have stated that, for the moment, there are not enough indications about the creation of such a large force that could be aimed at encircling the city. And the various statements and actions seem more like information operations in an attempt to destabilize Ukrainian authorities, to force the commitment of additional resources in this direction, as well as to create disruption among the civilian population.

First of all, various Ukrainian analysts evaluated that even a force of 300 thousand troops would probably be insufficient to attack and encircle Kharkiv, and they estimated that Russian forces would need at least half a million soldiers. Kharkiv, with a population of almost a million and a half people, is Ukraine's second-largest city, which means that the city is home to many more high-rise buildings, factories, and industrial zones that can be used as powerful fortifications. For context, it took Russians 80 thousand troops and 10 months to take Bakhmut. Kharkiv is 10 times bigger than Bakhmut by size and 20 times bigger than Bakhmut by population and the number of high-rise buildings. Interestingly, the estimated figure of half a million soldiers is, in fact, higher than what Russia currently has deployed along the entire front length.

Secondly, even assuming a possible additional mobilization in Russia, preparing this new force and its logistics for early spring or summer seems unrealistic.

A very relevant Ukrainian military analyst has detailed how Russian forces might approach an advance on Kharkiv.

Firstly, an advance from the west would have to necessarily face two crucial defensive nodes, Okhtyrka and Bogodukhov, which belong to the Kotelva - Valky line. In addition, a great number of new defensive lines have been built throughout the whole Kharkiv oblast in recent months.

Secondly, the allegedly Russian plan explicitly indicates an encirclement of the city, and the reason for that is that Russian would like to avoid much harder urban fighting, particularly in such an extensive city. A Kharkiv encirclement would only be realistic if the Russian forces managed to advance further west of the Oskil River and at least reach the Chuguev - Pervomaisky line, an objective they have been unable to achieve so far, despite countless attempts to advance in the direction of Kupiansk.

As I analyzed in a previous video, an advance from the northern part of Kupiansk is quite challenging due to the funnel formed by the Siversky-Donets and Oskil rivers, which in practice forces an attack to face two solid defensive lines in succession.

Finally, another critical challenge for the Kremlin would be securing the southern flank of such a potential offensive. As an alternative, Russian forces could adopt a third vector precisely from the south only if they could reach Izyum beforehand. From Izyum, they could both compromise Ukrainian resistance east of the Oskil River and advance toward Kharkiv from the south. However, the prospects of seizing Izyum seem unrealistic to accomplish in the short or medium term.


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@user-ek5vo6gd5h - 15.05.2024 07:12


@Glebean - 13.05.2024 03:01

There's so much cope in this video..... Bro you good!?

@richardthomas5362 - 17.04.2024 16:59

The only utility the Russians have in attacking Kharkiv at this point is to get the Ukrainians to weaken themselves in other directions to reinforce the area, allowing the Russians to seize the entirety of the oblasts they have de jour annexed.

@disappointedenglishman98 - 15.04.2024 22:14

God bless the Russian troops! Боже, русских войск храни!

@cyberdemon1702 - 13.04.2024 14:18

We in the US are failing Ukraine with each passing day. Shame on Speaker Johnson and the Republicans.

@JoeSmith-sl9bq - 11.04.2024 23:20

Unlike Ukraine the Russian army doesnt advertise its plans with cringe videos

@zampanorama5423 - 11.04.2024 10:02

Hey, Google. Another real human here. Stop hindering this channel, Google!

@hardstyler8499 - 10.04.2024 23:15


@maxedwellseven6724 - 10.04.2024 21:34

Not good news about the gliding bombs!

@timsullivan4566 - 10.04.2024 19:28

This analysis confirms my own suspicions regarding these rumors.

@magne6049 - 09.04.2024 01:03

downvoted for misleading title

@pbamma - 08.04.2024 23:06

They can't do it... it's a head fake.

@stephensandoval4132 - 08.04.2024 21:46

If not then get the GOP into the military to defend our country against Putin and the Russians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@01bigtrev - 08.04.2024 19:43

Russia hasn’t got the vehicles and maybe they plan on doing wave attacks but highly unlikely.

@bobbush5339 - 08.04.2024 14:47

Dear Zelensky, please do a compromise and stop the war without asking Papa Joe Biden.

@gabrieltroisgros324 - 08.04.2024 13:40

Another video that will age quickly

@ednichol7419 - 08.04.2024 06:43

The Ruskies want a decision. It is election time for a President and the Voters need a little push.

@TheGeeoff - 07.04.2024 17:46

I see possible 4D chess from Ukraine.


@naakatube - 07.04.2024 16:06


@naakatube - 07.04.2024 16:06


@naakatube - 07.04.2024 16:06


@Superziz69 - 07.04.2024 14:51

Slava kokaina… 😂😂😂

@wolfgangsanwald8017 - 07.04.2024 14:03


@edwardbughiuc100 - 07.04.2024 03:28

we know everything? if you knew anything it would be that you don't know shit

@AstroGremlinAmerican - 07.04.2024 02:56

Where are the Boeing/SAAB GLSDBs? Once again we pay and contractors are late.

@williamwells1862 - 07.04.2024 01:19

July 17, 1996 A Day that will live in Infamy

@elultimobuho - 07.04.2024 00:44

All this occurs due to the delay or paralysis by the Democrats of the House of Congress of North Americans, especially its President Mike Johnson, who with the greatest respect to the Majority of the North American People, continues to be a butt and the voice of his Master Donald Trump;
That in his Pride and Egolatry for Partisan reasons, he is allowing the Ukrainian People to be massacred and devastated, the Mayor forgetting that through the Budapest Memorandum that his then President signed with the approval of the Congress and the Senate, they are obliged to help to Ukraine against any attack on its Sovereignty and territories by all means.
Another treaty that is forgotten, like that of the Indian Nations, Spain, Mexico...
In the end, the word of the US Rulers is not going to be worth anything.
On the other hand, Europe has taken a long time to react, among them Germany, which does so with Complejo, and among them Spain; I hope you get your act together, and relate to facts and material, urgently and Ukraine can once and for all prevent its Civil Population from being murdered and go on to stand up to the Kremlin.
And although they call me a Warmonger, if Ukraine falls, Spain should consider resuming its plan to finish the Plutonium bombs, which were paralyzed by Pressure and Promises of support from the US. Through Henry Alfred Kissinger, and the Thermobaric Bombs Bombas later.
Faced with an unreliable ally, an enemy like the Alawite Kingdom, and threats from the Kremlin;
“If you want Peace, prepare for War”
Although with the Politicians we have and the brainwashing of the Populists; here like in 98 we will not remember until “Santa Barbara Thunders”
Greetings, thanks for informing, and a big hug to the Ukrainian People.
🇪🇸🫶🇺🇦 👍💪 ✌️🕊️

@elultimobuho - 07.04.2024 00:43

Todo esto ocurre por el retraso o paralización por los Demócratas de la Cámara del Congreso de los Norteamericanos en especial su Presidente Mike Johnson, que con el mayor respeto a la Mayoría del Pueblos Norteamericano, no deja de de ser un pero faldero y la voz de su Amo Donal Trump;
Que en su Soberbia y Egolatría por motivos Partidistas, está permitiendo que masacren y arrasen al Pueblo ucraniano, lo olvidando la Mayor que por él Memorándum de Budapest que firmó su entonces su Presidente con el visto bueno del Congreso y el Senado, están obligados a ayudar a Ucrania ante cualquier ataque a su Soberanía y territorios por todos los Medios.
Otro tratado que se olvidan, como con el de las Naciones Indias, España, México…
Al final la palabra de los Gobernantes USA, no va a valer nada.
Por otro lado Europa ha tardado bastante en reaccionar, entre ellos Alemania que lo hace con Complejo, y entre ellos España; espero os que se pongan la Pilas, y relacionen con hechos y material, de forma Urgente y Ucrania pueda de una vez evitar que asesinen a su Población Civil y pase a plantarle cara al Kremlin.
Y aunque me tachen de Belicista, si cae Ucrania, España se debía plantear el retomar su plan de terminar las bombas de Plutonio, que se paralizaron por Presión y la Promesas de apoyo de US. A través de Henry Alfred Kissinger, y la Bombas Bombas Termobaricas posteriormente.
Ante un aliado no fiable, un enemigo como el Reino Alauita, y las amenazas del Kremlin;
“ Si quieres la Paz, prepara la Guerra”
Aunque con los Políticos que tenemos y los lavados de cerebro de los Populistas; aquí como en el 98 no nos acordaremos hasta que “ Santa Barbara Truene “
Un saludo, gracias por informar, y un gran abrazo al Pueblo Ucraniano.
🇪🇸🫶🇺🇦 👍💪 ✌️🕊️

@Warhorse469 - 07.04.2024 00:35

I just heard that this Offensive has failed once again.

@SashaBuzko - 07.04.2024 00:21

This video is a part of a Russian psychological operation. There are no forces on the Russian side of the border for any serious action around the city. It's a pure propaganda to scare everyone else. Now at least you know who the channel is working for (despite all the Ukrainian colored symbols).

@MrLargonaut - 07.04.2024 00:08

HAVE THEY STARTED LISTENING FOR FRICKIN TUNNEL NETWORK DIGGING NOW? How was that not part of the battle doctrine for the entire war, by the way? Get microphones and seismos in the damn ground already.

@strop-sv9ih - 07.04.2024 00:01

Good bye and good luck

@strop-sv9ih - 07.04.2024 00:00

Finally, i will not bother you anymore, a female Spanish writer of the Spanish nobility once visited some French hospitals during First World War to write an article for a newspaper and became a pacifist... she was almost lynched in the streets of Paris by a mob that accused her of being a spy for the Germans, just remember that pacifists are accused nowadays of being pro-Putin...
That lady (i wish i could remember her name), wrote about the human trunks, that's how they called them in France, soldiers without legs and arms, blind and deaf, they only reacted to stimuli when the doctors stick an awl on them. A human trunk who was repatriated to a hospital in Canada and communicated in Morse with his doctors became sort of famous before going crazy, i think he lived for 30 years like this but i don't remember. His name was John Bonham and the Heavy Metal band Metallica made a song based on him called ONE. This human trunk had the privilege of being visited by Edward VIII Duke of Windsor, who passed by the Canadian hospital and was told about this patient and saw him from behind a glass for a few seconds. What a great honor!!!

@t.dickinson7942 - 06.04.2024 23:58

We donate $50 Monthly to Official UKRAINE SUPPORT SIGHT UK 24. As a citizen it angers me beyond belief that the Maga Seditious Freedom Caucus GOP are Putin bought chaos agents destroying America, Democracy and decency from within for our enemies making them our true Enemies. My God Trump ransacked our Top National Security records with his insurrectionist accomplices after his failed coup stole our Top Secrets designs of Nuclear Subs, Nuclear attack plans, asset and spy lists, refused to return them, transferred and his them from the FBI and Im sure sold them! We have evidence that 18 Top Secret Folders were empty from FBI seizure with many more unaccounted for still missing. RU Russian State TV was bragging about having those missing Nuclear secrets for PUTIN about 3 weeks ago! RU Putin controlled TV says only what FSB Putin allows or tells them to release just like Xi CCP CHINA, Kim Nth. KOREA Lukanchesko, Orban, Assas, Kadyrov as all Authoritarian controlled Media like REPUBLICAN RUSSIAN FOX NEWSMAX QANON MEDIA PROPAGANDA PARROTS WHERE AM OCCASSIONAL TRUTH POPS THROUGH THEIR 85% TRUMP SEDITIOUS CAUCUS RNC GOP $$ Foreign STATE CONTROLLED. Fox NewsMax was 96% state controlled untill the billion dolkar lawsuits for stolen election lies RNC GOP REPUBLICANS SPEWED THAT FOX NEWSMAX CORDINATED PARROTS REPEATED WITH VIGOR KNOWING THEY WERE PLAYING MAGA VIEWERS FOR FOOLS.

@MrWilderNapalm - 06.04.2024 23:44

Personally I think NATO will enter the war this Autumn. Turkey will see this as a great opportunity take full control of the Black Sea as the dominate naval power and will most likely Enter Georgia to push Russia out.

@strop-sv9ih - 06.04.2024 23:30

If you can bear to see something very unpleasant, the videos of the most wounded soldiers in the hospitals of the First World War I think is the most horrible, if you can stand to see that, you are really tough people.

@strop-sv9ih - 06.04.2024 23:25

Otto Dix painted Prager Street, War cripples, Skat players, etc...
In all wars there are many more wounded than dead, the number of wounded far exceeds the dead.
If you had to choose to be one of the wounded soldiers in the Skat players painting, please tell me who would you choose, I think some are blind and deaf, choose well

@toddstevenson8566 - 06.04.2024 23:19

Putin really is seriously delusional

@j.4332 - 06.04.2024 23:06

One risk however if Ukraine adopts a kind of positional defence of Kharkiv,or what might be called a "Hedgehog" defence,is that Russia might be able to encircle it and isolate the city.Hedgehog defence,is fine if you can rely upon a large relief force that will be able to break in to you..Think of what the German 6th army attempted at Stalingrad.

@strop-sv9ih - 06.04.2024 23:04

Why do they send 25 year-old boys now and not 45 year-old women instead, are we not all of us so woke? Isn't yours a morally superior woke society and the equality and parity of the sexes is the main thing to protect??

@strop-sv9ih - 06.04.2024 22:57

Ukraine will need a painter like Otto Dix from Germany who visited some hospitals after the First World War and painted the horror he saw there, sometimes inventing reality because it was too crude to paint reality as it was.

@gabeshutt8665 - 06.04.2024 22:51

This channel is pure propaganda, every video is how Ukraine is crushing Russians

@barryoverson4988 - 06.04.2024 22:39


@saultube44 - 06.04.2024 22:38

Slava Ukraini. Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦
