Kohberger defense team seeks more evidence from prosecutors | NewsNation Now

Kohberger defense team seeks more evidence from prosecutors | NewsNation Now


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@wannabetrucker7475 - 06.06.2024 20:39

The defense: blah, blah, blah... delay, delay, delay

@becagardner7594 - 28.05.2024 17:37

Genealogy used is illegal n military doesn’t even use it keep up on this n remain UNBIASED

@MusicEchos - 25.05.2024 21:54

Why do the procecution not want to look at all the video? Especially the video where after leaving his home. Like what direction did he turn at the major intersection? Like left to Moscow or straight threw the light to go south to the lake area. They have NOT wanted anyone looking at that part. That's the most important part!!!

@muddyh2047 - 24.05.2024 19:38

Rhe whole thing was a failed undercover sting, hence the undercover informants and secrecy.

@brg2743 - 24.05.2024 16:36

Where's the knife he purchased? Is that evidence if he can't provide it? Did his cellphone ping where the dog was skinned? Did he wear surgical gloves before the murders or was this a change in behavior afterwards? Why did his dad fly to Idaho to help him come home at age 29?

@audreydaleski1067 - 24.05.2024 14:45

He is a marked man. Again. Defense is bilking taxpayers r

@wheels.3239 - 24.05.2024 13:15

You guys lost me.. Re the DNA, it is contact DNA, unbiased and fact driven is pretty funny. 😅

@EyeofDeborah - 24.05.2024 07:25

Why do they even have to go to court for this? The defense should have had all evidence given to them already

@lihli2103 - 24.05.2024 07:13

They should rename this case “Saving Kohberger.” That’s all it’s been about so far.

@chipbaird731 - 24.05.2024 05:41

They found evidence at his house. He's guilty as sh_t and he should've already been punished. The lawyers trying to get him off are scum and the legal system is FUBAR. You people talking like he's innocent are soooooo fooookn stuuuupid. If he gets off it's bc payments were made under the table. The system is corrupt.

@diva81833 - 24.05.2024 05:19

Elwina Elcox did not add any value on banfield at all. Where did she go to law school? Don’t have her back on the show

@loribaker8339 - 24.05.2024 03:40

The Moscow PD was under serious pressure from the families, mainly the Goncalves family because they think their daughter is the "queen bee" and the most important one of the 4, to arrest someone, they got the wrong guy. Just because a security guard at the apartments spotted a car of same make/ model as BK's. No way the gas station video can prove the make/model of the car. It was going too fast and why was that video turned over months later, even though it was the same night? The year range of the car was also way off.
I honestly don't think Ann Taylor would be fighting so hard for every little detail to come out if she didn't think her client was innocent. She wouldn't have to tell BK every little detail she's discovered if she thought he was guilty. She'd just get on with the trial.
Yes. BK is a strange guy. He does strange things, but that doesn't mean he's the killer.
I still think the two roommates sleeping downstairs are involved.
You go Ann Taylor. Keep up the good fight. I don't think Brian is guilty and apparently you don't either! I expect him to go free with time served.

@straycats6 - 24.05.2024 03:06

There should really be some kind of statue of limitations on trials. How many hearings has this guy had? Same with Richins, Boone, so many

@JaredLand - 24.05.2024 02:08

I think he is guilty

@MinddyMars - 23.05.2024 23:40

no matter which side you are, you have to ask why the state cannot produce any evidence after 1.5 yrs?
and why do the prosecutor beg for close hearings while the BK wants everything public? 🙄 BK needs to sue for $ millions when he's freed next year

@ElaraNightsky - 23.05.2024 23:37

We can already confirm BK is absoultely innocent.
JJ is extremely biased. Not only helping the state to hide evidence from the defense, he is also helping hide from the public

@Jasonronsteinberger - 23.05.2024 23:22

innocent fact

@allsam18 - 23.05.2024 22:54

Sy Ray

@lyndaalbrecht7006 - 23.05.2024 22:48

Apparently, the prosecution has had to subpoena the FBI to obtain the discovery the defense wants. The prosecution is taking the heat for this. In no way does this exonerate BK.He will still need to stand trial with all the admissible evidence at play. His alibi needs to be corroborated. He’s counting on indirect evidence from Sy Ray, who had had his testimony thrown out of court due to use of faulty methods—“junk science.” BK could take the stand be his own alibi witness. Why not if he’s telling the truth? It 522 days to come up with this alibi and it sucks. Watch the defense to delay, delay, and delay some more, inflating their paychecks all the while. The good news is that BK will remain locked up the whole time.

@deborahbeltz718 - 23.05.2024 22:42

Poke what holes. If he was not in that house , how did the dam knife sheath get there! That is what they should be asking?

@angelabayles9198 - 23.05.2024 22:31

That DNA though, it was found by fbi that he purchased a K Bar knife and sheth so where is it ? Did they ever find it ?

@KatKrueger - 23.05.2024 22:09

IGG is not “new”.

@circus-music- - 23.05.2024 22:06

So is the defence calling this person to the stand?

@anon-lo6ik - 23.05.2024 22:04

I wonder if Defence requested Audio/Video footage or, if they just requested Video. Maybe cause for the audio discoveries time delay?

@anon-lo6ik - 23.05.2024 21:49

How does someone get into the park to drive around if park is closed?

@angelmain9130 - 23.05.2024 21:47


@wendynelligan6174 - 23.05.2024 21:22

They did NOT say he was stargazing...geez

@Ali-gb7mf - 23.05.2024 21:19

BK is innocent

@robmarshall5100 - 23.05.2024 21:16

It's cause they don't have any direct evidence in the man's in jand he's gonna use his right of innocent

@marcbee1234 - 23.05.2024 20:45

If the families are frustrated over the delays wait until they find out BK didn't do it.

@2003phylis - 23.05.2024 20:44

He's guilty as sin!

@jennyvinyl85 - 23.05.2024 20:41

Yes, he was stargazing...

@karenk3458 - 23.05.2024 20:37

Ugh the hiccups 😢😮

@sylvia106 - 23.05.2024 20:35

No baldness, can’t watch.

@AlexandraMJJ - 23.05.2024 20:28

Idk if the PD or FBI got proof illegally & that is why they haven’t released everything but that doesn’t mean that he didn’t do it…

@Amanda--- - 23.05.2024 20:26

Kohberger's Defense team has his chat "bots" in the comments ready to defend him after 29 minutes.

@IOSALive - 23.05.2024 20:14

NewsNation, I really like your videos, let's be friends!

@ricktheexplorer - 23.05.2024 20:11

They know BK didn't do this, and are stalling, so that the real murderers can get away.

@nicolecharles3180 - 23.05.2024 20:11

Brian Entin has the propensity to spread misinformation. AT didn't say BK was star gazing on the night in question. AT said, it was one of his hobbies. He was out driving and a cellular expert stated, that BK was not in Moscow on the night in question.

- 23.05.2024 20:07

They arrest and jail this person on particular charges and insisted last October they were ready to move on to trial but still are holding back on full disclosure. This case CANNOT move forward until the prosecution complies to full disclosure as required by law so what is their FN problem?? Can't wait to see what Sy Ray has to show about all this data.

@mrsentinel4911 - 23.05.2024 20:05

Investigate the Moscow Police Department.

@macberg5806 - 23.05.2024 19:55

They used illegal NSA spying programs with information that wasn’t legally obtained. I guarantee this information won’t be handed over or the government is going to put some kind of secret classification on this case and what can be published. It is obviously good they used these tools in this circumstance as they probably wouldn’t have caught him otherwise.
