W3 Total Cache: Minify Settings

W3 Total Cache: Minify Settings


1 десятилетие назад

13,194 Просмотров

In this tutorial we're going to take you thought W3 Total Cache's Minification settings.


#WordPress_(Software) #caching #Cache #Software_(Industry) #W3TC #W3_Total_Cache
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@playroomcreative - 21.02.2018 08:18

You changed all those settings in the minify settings tab but never switched the minify mode from auto to manual in the General Settings. It clearly says there that, "Select manual mode to use fields on the minify settings tab to specify files to be minified, otherwise files will be minified automatically."

@zillaelite7555 - 14.04.2017 19:30

I appreciate your tutorial giving my site a fatal error. Thanks for the help!!!!!!

@thomasruiters3043 - 11.03.2017 20:22

Hi, I just used your video tutorial for setting up my mimyfy settings. When i am done with the setting the layout of my products on the homepage and on the category pages. Now there is a big space between my product image and the sale Icon. Normally i had set 4 products for each row. Because the box expanded big time i only can fot 2 products on each row. do you know how i can reverse/reset this?

@ztown37 - 18.02.2016 19:19

A better mic or talking louder would help a bunch, I like your videos though.

@AkiracGG - 18.10.2015 07:06

talk louder ffs
