The Disappointment of Starfield

The Disappointment of Starfield

Downward Thrust

7 месяцев назад

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Tony Ortiz
Tony Ortiz - 15.11.2023 11:52

Great comparison on gameplay with Cyberpunk. And the only reason I got Starfield at launch was to build ships and dog fight. Not sure why I thought Bethesda would get that bit right. It's better with mods, but like at this point after the mod community has carried every game they make, how have they not incorporated any of these good ideas or have an in game mod system. 16 times the facepalms.

Jack Shepard
Jack Shepard - 15.11.2023 11:44

Congratulations. You played yourself and wasted precious and limited life on Midfield trash. I will not waste 1h 22min, thanks though.

VictusPrime - 15.11.2023 11:43

When will people learn that Todd Howard and BGS are a bunch of hacks that keep re-releasing the same regurgitated, out-dated garbage with a different coat of paint.

God Of Thunder
God Of Thunder - 15.11.2023 11:37

This game is soooo dated. And empty.

Adan Phu
Adan Phu - 15.11.2023 11:37

The game lacks varieties, dungeons, and life

Inyour Granmaass
Inyour Granmaass - 15.11.2023 11:34

Another fart from todd howard lol😂

MyMomSays I'mCool
MyMomSays I'mCool - 15.11.2023 11:20

I walked away from this like I did No Man’s Sky. Whole lotta of nothing.

Gaming on a monday
Gaming on a monday - 15.11.2023 11:15

Fallout 4s main narrative was trash, but I dont think anyone will complain that the ambient exploration and discovering locales and reading terminals etc etc, was the best part of fo4.

Just pick a direction and start wandering, your bound to find atleast something interesting. Oh and the gunplay, thats also fun.

Far habour and nuka world were also peak, mostly far harbour.

ProfoundClarity - 15.11.2023 10:57

I cannot believe we have mass effect, skyrim, fallout...with all the varied enemies, species to talk and interact with....then you have starfield which is beautiful but there is nothing to pull you in...and the worst part about the copy paste poi's .....even the dead bodies are in the same stairwell in the same place....maybe 25 planets with moons and full places to explore with humans and alien races....idk what they were thinking...glad it was a game pass dl and not a wasted 70 bucks

Dakota Lane
Dakota Lane - 15.11.2023 10:02

The worlds are bare cause well go into space to a planet and see whats there. Nothing 🤷🏽‍♂️ so wheres your logic

Preston Garvey
Preston Garvey - 15.11.2023 10:00

You get 95% of all ship parts at your own outpost when you build a big ship landing pad… just so you know. Makes more sense to build a ship there.

No need to travel all vendors except for the unique cockpits.

Billy Leung
Billy Leung - 15.11.2023 10:00

So basically another No man sky at launch lol😂

TJ Rage
TJ Rage - 15.11.2023 09:54

Oowee I was wondering if you were gonna cover this! Thank you!

Maddog3060 - 15.11.2023 09:23

Dang, those Cyberpunk scenes look awesome.

Sir Denzington
Sir Denzington - 15.11.2023 09:14

The splicing together of the two “making a deal with shady characters” quests in starfield vs cyberpunk really just sums up so well where one succeeds and one fails. Also kinda crazy how mass effect over a decade ago perfected having alien powers that you can send out to charge and then send another one to explode the charged enemies and in starfield you can’t synergize your powers like that

Dwayne Mitchell
Dwayne Mitchell - 15.11.2023 09:00

I like it but it does have some mass effect Andromeda vibes

Not Joseph
Not Joseph - 15.11.2023 08:35

Its kinda sad that Mass Effect Andromeda did a better job of exploration than a BETHESDA game

John - 15.11.2023 08:01

The repetitiveness of the planets are franklynthe Most innersive, realistic part of the whole game. Most planets are Very similar, as are Moons, with very small differences based on where they orbit what planet in what solar system. But most moons are just desolate deserts of rock, most planets unhabited orbs of gas, rock or ocean.

Tyler Nestor
Tyler Nestor - 15.11.2023 08:01

It's crazy to think anyone would ever compare Starfield to Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is a masterpiece.

Red Tone
Red Tone - 15.11.2023 07:51

Thankyou, Will not be getting starfield.

Force Fed
Force Fed - 15.11.2023 07:47

just my two cents here. I have a feeling that current events, like this wokism bs and the fact the game was released on game pass had a monumental impact on the content. This game, to me, just aims to not offend anyone, but disappoint instead. Its definitely a few steps backwards from F04 and Skyrim. No reactions from npc's when weapon drawn, or even when you shoot a few rounds off in their presence, nothing. They dont react when you bump into them. 25 years in the making? Come on Todd! more like 25 months. These little details is what makes games immersive. Starfield is anything but.

jobywonkanobi - 15.11.2023 07:33

Ya know when i first saw the first Starfield trailer i knew something didn't sit right with me, glad i passed on this one. Ironically i plan on going back to Skyrim this X-mas i haven't played it since it first came out (too busy) and i missed out on all the DLCs, can't wait to check them out.

ThaFashionAssassin - 15.11.2023 07:32

Cyberpunk: How you’d think you look in a gunfight
Starfield: How you would look in a gunfight

RPA - 15.11.2023 07:24

The high reviews are a big scandal. Terrible game.

TheBaldr - 15.11.2023 07:08

I was really let down by the starship mechanics. Star Citizen has it's issues, but wow does it's starship mechanics feel real fun to play and not very complicated compared to something like Elite Dangerous. Starfield on the other hand just sucked.

Mauricio Bedo
Mauricio Bedo - 15.11.2023 06:54

Agree 100% with your video. This game could be good.. but it is not... boring as hell....

Richard McGravy Jordan
Richard McGravy Jordan - 15.11.2023 06:53

if you look at the steam achievement statistics it shows where the player drop off begins pretty well

Don English
Don English - 15.11.2023 06:50

Funny you should say you were playing cyberpunk etc while playing this. I go back to prev bethesda games and was also playing cyberpunk. I've got 55 hrs in starfield and have no real desire to continue. The feeling of exploration was so huge in fallout and skyrim. I'd think about them at work. The anticipation of getting to load them up was palpable. Starfield has none of that. It's loading screen after loading screen. Planets are boring as hell. The story is meh. I even missed being told another settlement needed my help.

Paul Szkibik
Paul Szkibik - 15.11.2023 06:50

I think what works against starfield is that it kind of just fizzles out and leaves you disappointed, no matter how many hours you've played. The game refuses to give you a high note to end on, which includes the actual ending itself.

I definitely enjoyed a lot of my time playing. But a lot of it was also more frustrating than it needed to be and less exciting/engaging than it should have been.

One of the biggest crimes is the locations just don't ... impress. There is no epic scale. Neon is about the size of a mall. Aquilla is a village. New Atlantis is like three skyscrapers. None of it is convincing me that these are huge cities/colonies from which a colony war was waged in any way.

Kingck - 15.11.2023 06:31

Even neon this dirty city is so bland

jaquanta franklin
jaquanta franklin - 15.11.2023 06:26

Yall complain way too much lmao.

Devin - 15.11.2023 06:00

Bg3 and cyberpunk completely ruined starfield for me. The semelessness of star citizen in ground to space travel was the final nail in the coffin.

jonathan briand
jonathan briand - 15.11.2023 05:53

Your Star Citizen video will be interesting to watch

이가람 - 15.11.2023 05:52

I mean SF isnt a horrible game. It was fun, sure... But definately disappointing.
I kept getting the feeling they were holding back just to sell the rest as "DLCs" for more money, rather than puting the game first.

Martin Wahl
Martin Wahl - 15.11.2023 05:38

You completely destroyed my desire to play Starfield. I’ve been hammering on Cyberpunk the last few weeks on my 3rd play through and Starfield looks really boring in comparison. I’ll stay in night city.

Cast Iron Eric
Cast Iron Eric - 15.11.2023 04:57

Had to leave a comment. Absolutely loved your long form review and analysis. Looking forward to your next video!

David Hujik
David Hujik - 15.11.2023 04:55

It only gets good at 20000001 hours to play you don't know what your talking about! Sony pony! Nintendtone! Hater of games!

mudguts24 - 15.11.2023 04:54

spewing i wasted my money on this, should have gone to the casino

Chaosian - 15.11.2023 04:44

Best ad for Cyberpunk I've ever seen.

Randal Jeffrey
Randal Jeffrey - 15.11.2023 04:42

This looks like the game you want is Dwarf Fortress but in 3d with AAA production values.

non yabiz
non yabiz - 15.11.2023 04:38

a mile long and an inch deep. CDPR needs to make a space game..

hawkabomb - 15.11.2023 04:36

As someone who worked under Microsoft, I'll give you the answer to all these issues: the game industry has become so corporate, so bloated with middlemen, so product-driven, client-focused not consumer-focused, that it has choked out the real creative gamedevs from leading with strong vision and cohesion.

Quiet Times
Quiet Times - 15.11.2023 04:32

I was hoping this review was 200 hours long.

VikingBear - 15.11.2023 04:32

Hey all Star Citizen has a free fly event from the 17th-30th. Feel free to ditch this piece of crap game and come over to one that has a higher player count, and more regular viewers/followers on twitch. No need to spend money on the bigger ships even if you do decide to buy, the base game (ship included) is 45$ (likely to go on sale during the event) and then just meet up with people in the game who have the bigger ships and just fly with them til you can buy your own with in-game currency. Really great fun and its getting better by the month. Servers during the free-fly will probably take a dip but always normalize to a better condition (due to the influx of free-flyers).

TheDrow79 - 15.11.2023 04:32

Starfield has done one thing. It's convinced me not to buy the next Elder scrolls game...

keep itsteel
keep itsteel - 15.11.2023 04:17

When I first ran over the maps and realised it was all just basically an interactive loading screen until one of 3 destinations I felt like Luke Skywalker learning about his origins

DatKat - 15.11.2023 04:16

The fact this game is built around "NASApunk" and doesn't have a usable rover is all that needs to be said, really
